Saturday, July 20, 2019

Anual prunk glog condinues:

My head hurts. What time is the game? Have we traded for anybody yet?

If you knew your child was going to grow up to be Kevin Youkilis, would you have an abortion?


  1. Voit took a pitch to him face. Glancing blow, sort of, but very scary. And then he stayed out there to come around and score.

  2. Lemme ask you: You're up 9-0. Tanaka is laboring in blistering heat. Then you have a 9-to-something lead, slowly draining.

    Does it take someone who works at the JPL in Pasadena to give him a rest?

    I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I never worked in the tech/science/genius business (obviously).

    Now, it's 9-to-5 -- with 3 innings left -- and it's a freaking ballgame. We might actually see El Chapo, and you know to what that might lead.......

  3. Culling the human herd for genetics has horrible ethical implications. But I'd make Youkilis an exception.

    Someone important for the Coloradans needs to hit the deck tomorrow -- HARD, in a Charlie Brown sort of way. If that happens, I'll take back half the bad things I said about Ma Boone. Voit seems to be the guy that opposing teams think they can throw at, at will. That ain't right. Sooner or later he will take exception and break a pitcher in two. Unless they start standing up for him.

  4. Hale is pretty great these days.

    That crap pitching inside to Romine was unforgivable.

  5. The Rockies played like cheap-ass punks all afternoon. Awful fielding an fundamentals, head-hunting, and Arenado pumping his fist as he trotted around the bases in a game his team was losing by 9-4.

    Retire, please to your perpetuity of mediocrity.

  6. We played like savages today. 11 runs with no homers, great D by Gardner and The General.

  7. They're doing this without andujar, Stanton, bettances, and Severino. That's 60 homers and 200 innings.

  8. WITH Stanton, it's also a few dozen times of grounding out or whiffing with men on base.

  9. Austria's Only Baseball FanJuly 20, 2019 at 7:19 PM

    Joe (FOB), I had the same shudder of apprehension when the Masa-Meltdown began: what if it leads to our anointed closer? I mean, you see how much he sweats under normal circumstances? From what I read on the internet machine, the air temperature in NYC at the time of the game was that of body temperature (37°C, or 98,6°F), with a "Real Feel" of 104°F. How ANYBODY got through the game (without getting clobbered on the face) under those circumstances (to be repeated tomorrow, if AccuWeather is to be believed) without keeling over is miraculous to me.

    I trust some of you read that a former pro-football player, age 32, died of heat stroke this week. Do they ever postpone baseball games because of insanely high temperatures (which we all need to get used to)? Or move them to the evening, when it might be cooler? Or am I assuming a degree of sanity that doesn't exist in the MLB world?

  10. Oh, and a note to Duque: "Prunk" is actually the German noun for "pomposity!"

  11. Personally, I don't think Arenado meant to show up anyone in that situation. From what I've read, the guy is a baseball maniac. Eats, sleeps and breathes baseball. Like most of us did when we were teens.

    I think it was his way of trying to pump up his team that had lost 7 straight, 12 of 14 and was being clobbered in the game. Even though Gio is having a great year at third, I'd take Arenado over every other third baseman in MLB including Bregman (who I very much like as well).

    I find that Encarnacion HR parrot trot around the bases routine more annoying and if I was an opposing team, I'd give him the Bob Gibson treatment next time at bat.

  12. Love that Encarnacion! Can't believe you guys were all over him. Hey, he's up to .179 as a Yankee.

    Yeah, Austria, it is brutal here. If climate change is going to continue, we're going to have to have domes on every stadium. And then, we'll all cluster there, against the rising tide.

  13. To answer the abortion question: I'm not for it (although in this instance it'd be oh so tempting) but I think I'd keep the kid and try to love and nurture him and thank Mr. J. H. Christ that at least I hadn't spawned Jason Varitek.

    As for the game: you guys have it covered.

    Tomorrow: Down like Charlie Brown.

    PS: The Maestro's win warble today seemed to me to be delivered at a higher...spin rate, maybe? Seemed like a little more speed in the modulation (Thank you Beauregard for cluing me in to such nuances). Real sweet trill; the man is definitely on his game. He's an announcing fucking savage at that mike! I love it.


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