Saturday, July 27, 2019

Suggestion For A Calmer Day

As soon as the Yanks go scoreless in the top of the first, turn off the TV and lie down in your front lawn.  Dig a hole if you must.

Maybe lather on some anti-tick spray, depending on where you live.

Let it rain, snow, sleet or hail.  Dont move.

The TV shows far worse images.  And will make you feel worse.

If we hold them under 20 it is a miracle. 

"Laughingstock" is now the word that surfaces.

But when my ears are pressed against the earth, I hear no sound.

Arise at sunset and have a stiff drink.

Make mine a double.

We have no team.



  1. Hal makes me believe in confiscatory taxation of the dead...

  2. One time through the rotation, they're really good. Next time, they're really incredibly awful. Fragility is a word that comes to mind.

    Given the reality, why wait until September to bring up Garcia? A few more starts against teams he just mows down? And that's necessary because why?

    This isn't a time to panic, but neither is it a time for caution. The opportunities to bolster the rotation through free agents or trades have come and gone and there's nothing left. Sevvy is still over a month away. We could use an injection of talent now.

  3. By the way, I realize the kid isn't Bob Feller. He's been hit some in AAA. But he's the best we have, and sometimes ya just gotta let a guy try and see what happens.

  4. CC usual, 5 runs in 5 (or so). After this week, that's stopper performance.

  5. Hall of Famer, my ass. I'm sick of these Yankees farewell tours.

  6. They are about to get bent over trading for a pitcher. But hey at least Coops resigned CC and Ja Happ in the offseason

  7. I'm bracing for the next major stupid trade. It's coming.

  8. Jesus. Tauchman should've had that.

  9. Tauchman has misplayed a couple of balls today.

  10. That called third strike on much do you think Boston is paying the umps for these obviously shitty calls?

  11. And the game ends on another terrible strike call.

  12. MLB has decreed that the Carmines *must* win this series.

    Lots of bad calls today. Why did Boone take it with out a tirade?

    Only the Shadow knows.


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