Tuesday, July 30, 2019

When Robbery Is The Option...Do Nothing!

I am told by reliable sources that the Blue Jays wanted Gleyber Torres and our 20 year old AAA pitcher Garcia....to even discuss a trade of Stroman to the Yankees.

That is hardly a balanced comparison to the Mets giving up two teenage pitchers.

The robbery signs are out and in full bllom.

The Yankees are desperate and have their backs to the wall.  Steal everything that isn't nailed down.

Panic clouds rational thinking.

Although, isn't it odd that our best, most reliable players this season have names like:  German; LeMahieu; Urshela; Voit, Maybin, Torres, Didi, Green. and, of course, Tauchman.

Giancarlo is a laugh.  Judge is a question mark with the bat ( again). Bird never blossomed. Gary goes from great to awful in a week. Severino is still recovering from the second half injury of last year.  Dellin went mental and found an unidentifiable arm tweak;  El Chappo is mental now.  Montgomery is just a puff of old smoke.  CC is on a victory tour.  And Happ and Paxton are what you get when you trade top prospects for experienced, quality pitchers.

Let those other teams get nothing for their cast-offs.  Let them lose them to free agency next season.

Bring up the Garcia kid. 

Just go with the hand we've been playing.  Let them show the world that it is guts and smarts that wins championships.


  1. There should be a managers market also. So we could trade Boner for a manager with guts and originality. Someone who is capable of getting veterans going and youngsters excelling.

    I do not trust myself to openly state the name that is in the back of my mind now.
    But he would be someone who would be able to win with what we got. I am sure.

  2. Or, we should get Hensley Meulens.

    Boot Punxatawney Ma Boone! (Like the famous hedgehog, he only sticks his head out of the dugout once a year to see what's going on.)

  3. If I were Boone, I'd bench the starters who continue to struggle. In favor of the bullpen guys. The guys in the bullpen should start and (most) of our starters should relieve. "Bring up the Garcia kid"? I'm all for it. He couldn't possibly pitch any worse than Happ, Paxton, Tanaka, and CC.

  4. Chad Green is one of the team's most reliable players this year? LOL, surely you jest. Or downed too much JD.

    Sure, when he pitches one inning as an opener he's been decent. But overall he has been horrible. Way too many HR and big hits given up.

    2 3 .400 5.18 35 8 8 0 0 1 41.2 52

    25 24 7 8 0 53 5 0 0 187 86 3.8

    WHIP H9 HR9 BB9 SO
    1.440 11.2 1.5 1.7 11.4

    Here is a light summary of 2019 vs his career:

    2019 Career
    -0.2 4.9

    2 17
    3 10
    5.18 3.22
    41.2 232
    53 302
    1.440 1.095

    This year Chad Green has taken a large step backwards. His fastball doesn't have that late exploding movement as in the past nor has his location been very good in crucial moments.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. Who cares? The tank is empty! Put Randy Levine up on the mound in a diaper with a pacifier in his mouth.

  7. Thanks for that visual.

    Please pass the mind bleach.

  8. Just a personal thing: trade Boner and Voit (love the luuuuukkkkkeeeee but I think it's too much to ask for its continuance to, well, continue) for Francona and Bauer. Assuming no one else wonders if Bauer wrecked his arm throwing that 350-foot pitch (which, if I have any clue-which I may not-the center fielder was so expecting a rebound from), make a deal with the Giants, seemingly Bauer for Bumgardner but truly for Righetti. Dave's the prize. Maddy (who has the strength and remains so) should hit the mound to "Baker Street", not because it's great-it is- but because it meant something to a lot of people like me 40 years ago.

    I'm no G. Ade but I have to say: play the cards you've been dealt.

  9. And in my lockstep accordance with W.Warblist:

    Fuck Lair. He's had an enviable break from searching for work after proving he couldn't handle his job. 11 fucking years he's been in charge of the staff. He had ZERO wins and ONE save more than any of us in his pitching career. Not that that matters; Charlie Lau sucked as a player too. But he sucked much less and accomplished more.

    Fuck Larry.

  10. Sonny and Bauer
    Living on KRP.



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