Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Who will be Employee of the Month?

After a record week of Yankee pitching, Nutsack appears to have a lock on the honor--but Cash is poised to pull an upset!


  1. Do we leave Happ in for 12 runs here?

  2. Why not, Strohman and Bauer both off the table and clubs just out to fleece the Yanks. Ride with what we have and let it blow up. Front office don't give a hoot anyway

  3. It's still July. Anybody who thinks we're a lock to win the Division needs to take a deep breath.
    It's still July. The brutal slog is upon us and we have the worst rotation I can remember us having in decades.
    I don't care if they re-animate Christy Mathewson and call up Sandy Koufax, we are going to need a few breaks if we do anything.
    It's still July.

  4. Have I mentioned lately that...it's still July?

    It can go either way, folks, but who's going to pitch us out of the deepening hole?

  5. Yep.

    Judge now has 1 hit since Minnesota. In his last 10 games, he is 9-42, with 0 homers and 3 ribbies. Hmm, think he's hurt? Nah, he's just missing with his A-swing!

    All right, Time to recall The Pharaoh, Mike Ford, The Red Menace, and McBrooooooom!

    As for pitching, I don't care what they do. It will all suck.

  6. July. It's still very early to be smelling one's own farts.


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