Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Attention Has Been Paid

Hey, whattaya know?  The Paper of Record actually ran a baseball story today, albeit on the latest face-flop of the Mets, one of the two teams the staff openly roots for.  (What's the other one?  I'll give you a hint:  chowdah.)

Michael Powell at least professed up front to being a dedicated, lifelong Mets fan, as is his family, and what can we offer but our condolences?


Of course, he does give us this little white lie:

The first half of this season mixed the soporific with the dispiriting until in late July the Mets ripped off a winning streak, and soon fans piled into this handsome stadium by Flushing Bay, bellowing and chanting.

Mmm, not quite, Tondelayo.  Fact is, the Mets have had all of 4 sellout games this year: Opening Day, the two contests against your New York Yankees, and, yes, the Saturday night after the team's exciting, walk-off win against Washington.

That's it.  In fact, even after they followed that walk-off thriller with another, exciting, one-run victory, the following Sunday afternoon game against Washington...did not sell out.

Nor has any game since.  And Powell—again, to his credit—recognizes that prevailing hopelessness amongst the Flushing fandom, in writing about Sunday's heartbreaker:

The crowd was subdued for playoff-race September. The Mets claimed it exceeded 31,000, a number perhaps achieved by double-counting hot dog vendors. The Dodgers fans in attendance so often outshouted Mets fans you wondered if the Mets had given out Thorazine at the front gate.
The Chicago Cubs and even the Washington Nationals, with their khaki-and-white-shirt interns and lobbyist fans, have outdrawn the Mets of late.



  1. If Sevy can come back as Sevy - it's a gift from the gods.

    If Stanton comes back as Stanton - it'll be Satan saying "hahahahaha"

    Please keep him away for the rest of the season. Hoss, was it you who said the other day that you had a funny feeling we might never see him again? If that comes true, I'm going to take you out for pizza anywhere in the Tri-State area.

    Please send Stanton to California.

  2. There once was a batter named Stanton
    Who could buy any house in the Hamptons.
    But he whiffed at the plate
    It was clearly his fate
    To end up on the jitney to Scranton.

  3. okay, last thing from me for a while, as I'm about to hit the couch and digest this massive polish meal I ate tonight with my friend Tom, whom some of you met at the Huckleberry Roundup Centennial this past August. I think we need a special blog called

    "Annals of Ancient Scrantonia"

  4. Gleyber “The Motherfucking Axe” Torres!!!

  5. "Like a good Gleyber..."
    "Built Ford tough...'

    John is in danger of being reprimanded for non-paid endorsements.

    13bit, I'd MUCH rather see Eddie come back than Mike. Severino would be a gift from the gods, if, if, if he continues what he showed today. He didn't do that at points last season (3 good, one bad, etc.). Not that I'm complaining about today's outing or anything.

    Also, not sure I'd rather have Sanchez over Romine in the playoffs right now. He'd be finding his swing during playoff games, which could be disastrous. Especially if it comes with a few oh-fers out of the cleanup spot.

    Sir Gregorius is also showing signs of getting in the groove.

    Now we need the black swan to STAY THE FUCK AWAY! That and Cessa too.

  6. There once was a hitter named Stanton
    Who got caught in a threesome in Scranton.
    The pig and the goat
    Were both too young to vote,
    So Mike’s in the jug with his pants on.

  7. Folks tell of a felcher named Randy
    Who thought his own ass smelled like Candy.
    He shat on Betances, who now looks askance
    And might sign up with Boston, oh how dandy...

  8. Nice use of 'felcher' there, a term I hadn't heard in a very long time. You are the king of awful visuals requiring mind bleach. You must own stock in it.

  9. If I ever see that black swan land on my pond, both barrels at it.

  10. A young sack of shit named Hal Sieg
    Lit his fart to ignite Cashman's cig.
    He thought it was funny to make so much money
    And to not have to sweat like a pig.

  11. Rufus, I only WISH I could make money with my filthy mind.





  13. I really want the world to know about this great man who brought back happiness into my life again after my husband left me and the kids 3 years ago for another women online when i contacted Dr Believe he cast a love spell for me within 48 hours my ex husband start calling me and begging for forgiveness for everything that have happened between us. I was so happy to have my family back together with love again here is the email of Dr Believe via believelovespelltemple@gmail.com a man with the great powers you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348156148821
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