Saturday, October 5, 2019



  1. Tanaka suddenly looks vulnerable.

  2. 4th inning Tanaka is my least favorite Tanaka.

    Doug K.

  3. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 5, 2019 at 6:53 PM

    JM: I know we should probably do this in private, but when you ask about the “Browns” in Austria I have to respond. I mean, how did Trump get elected in the USA and why does he have a chance at re-election? We have a similar problem. I don’t now if you saw the results of our snap election last Sunday, but Wien (which is a city/state, and the most populous) voted overwhelmingly liberal, and it was the other eight states where the right got its votes. By the way, Sebastian Kurz’s ÖVP party – which won the majority – is on the right, but it’s not Strache’s far-right party (the FPO), which took a dive in the election. So its looking like the new coalition will be Kurz’s party and the Greens! And remember our official slogan: “Wien ist anders!” And just fyi, since your wife called Romine “Lettuce,” I dubbed Kepler “The Kraut” to keep it in the vegetable family, but I can deal with “The Hun!”

  4. I feel most comfortable when the Yankees have the lead, but it's not too big. Tanaka is incapable of pitching well when he has either a large lead or a shitty team in front of him.

  5. Thanks for the rundown, Austrian Fan, that makes sense. As for Trump, he won enough low population states to pull out the Electoral College win, an anachronistic system that's become the way people like Bush and Trump get elected. Do you have something like that, too? If we actually had a democracy, Trump would never have won, but sadly we don't. The majority does not rule here.


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