Sunday, November 10, 2019

Letter to the Editors: Yankees in the News

Toronto Sun
October 24, 2019
Dear Editors
Congratulations to the Houston Astros, who won the ALCS. I can’t say the same about the Yankees. From some of their idiotic fans to the way the sportscasters fawn over the team, the Yankees showed who they are. What they are is a bunch of overrated and arrogant baseball players who will never win until they learn that you need more to succeed than just wearing a Yankee uniform. Aaron Boone thinks he knows all, Aaron Judge should learn how to run the bases, and their relievers think that they are the emblem of greatness. Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera played with talent and earned the respect of their peers. The current team has a long way to go before they reach that platform.
Rick Dwornikiewicz
Delhi, Ont.


  1. Dear Rick Dwornikiewicz,

    Thank you for your submission to be a regular commenter for "It Is High..."

    Your line, "Aaron Boone thinks he knows all, Aaron Judge should learn how to run the bases, and their relievers think that they are the emblem of greatness." resonates and would certainly fit right in.

    I'm not sure about the use of the word "emblem". But we all have our editorial faults. For example, I can't spell, punctuate properly, or proofread.

    However, sadly, I'm afraid your lack of understanding about the Yankees, and the 2019 edition in particular leads me to say no.

    For example, the statement, "What they are is a bunch of overrated and arrogant baseball players who will never win until they learn that you need more to succeed than just wearing a Yankee uniform"

    The 2019 team was the opposite of that. This was the year of next man up. Of AAAA players getting their shot and coming through. In fact, it was probably the least arrogant Yankee team in a decade.

    As to, "Congratulations to the Houston Astros, who won the ALCS. I can’t say the same about the Yankees."

    Is it because they didn't win the ACLS?

    No! According to you it's because, "From some of their idiotic fans to the way the sportscasters fawn over the team, the Yankees showed who they are."

    How do the fans and the sportscasters show who the team is? Isn't that the team's job?

    Again, thank you for your submission. I suggest that you try your luck with a website devoted to some other teams that "Suck!". Most notably the Red Sox and the Mets. They have much, much lower standards.

    Lastly Richard, good choice on going with "Rick". Dick Dwornikiewicz would be too easy to make fun of.

    Doug K.

  2. Hilarious, Doug K.!

    And not even an eye-chart joke.

  3. I love you all! I'm metaphorically clasping all of you to my vast and jiggly bosom!

    Not you Hal. You should burn to death in a sweatshop fire.


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