Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Just to review...

I wrote something like this last year, I think, but just to review and update:

Things fans think are wrong with major-league baseball (in no particular order):

—Games are too way too slow.

—Games are monotonous, reduced to endless home runs, strikeouts, and walks.

—Teams refuse to bunt or hit to the opposite field to thwart rally-killing defensive shifts.

—Too many pitching changes.

—Rampant cheating by players, first through juicing and now through electronic means.

—Ticket prices are way too high.

—The price of food, drink, and souvenirs at the ballpark are way too high.

—Excessively loud music and ads between innings and during any stoppage in play make it impossible to talk or even hear oneself think.

What MLB has proposed to do about that this off-season:

—Force every pitcher to face at least three batters.

—Eliminate most of the minor leagues.

—Add another layer of playoffs, complete with four more teams and a ridiculous, reality-TV element.

—Add another player to every roster.

Yeah, they are right on it.


  1. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ...

  2. Someone on the radio suggested games will be longer now. Since the pitcher has to face three batters we will see more at bats as hitters feast on a bad relief pitcher...

  3. We will probably see more intentional walks, too, that always thrilling part of the game.

    It's a stupid fix to the smallest of baseball's problems.

  4. Right on, Hoss - - it's just one more step towards the absolute parity of all the teams - - damned Commie! Give the teams an incentive to lose, not to win. Btilliant.

    LB (No J)

    P.S. Does anyone REALLY know how to make something out of the above gobbledy-gook from our buddy, Ibn Pus Spitty Waddy?? If so, how 'bout pointing out the key to this superannuated grouch (Yours, Truly)

    LB (No J)


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