Saturday, May 23, 2020



  1. I'm way to young.

    What's a zone? Only 16 teams? Boston and Philly had two teams each? Three in New York?

    I guess this was some 200 years ago before they discovered the Western half of the USA. ;) Just teasing!

    But I am old enough to remember Necco wafers. Those were terrible.

  2. Necco, then New England Candy Company, then based in Cambridge Massachusetts, had the good sense to make the Yankees pennant the largest and have all mail forwarded from a phony address in Chicago. That’s Red Sox shame.


  3. What's great about the illustration and ad copy is that I really want to get these.

    Mom?  Can we get these?

    P.S. Necco wafers rule.

  4. Necco Wafers were the only candy good for playing Holy Communion. (I got to be the priest because I was the boy.)

  5. I never played Holy Communion, maybe because I was a Mallo Cup freak as a kid. And you could collect the cardboard point cards and send away for free Mallo Cups, too.

    So when you played HC, did anyone ever want to be the altar boy? Tough gig, there.

    How old is that ad? The Browns were still in St. Loo, the Braves in Boston, the A's in Philly. Was that the 50s? Can I get a Washington Senators pennant if I adjust the 25 cents from inflation?

    That would be...let's see...700 dollars today, I think.

  6. Holy communion?? What sort of fucking fucked up childhoods did you people have???

  7. The sort that makes you a Yankee fan.

  8. Considering the other kinda “Priest” games you could play, communion seems pretty tame.


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