Thursday, May 21, 2020

Why not afternoon games and 10,000 seat limits?

Some naive questions. Feel free to school me on why this cannot happen...

In talks about reopening baseball this summer, I keep hearing that fans will be absent, that a made-for-TV league will be played in cavernous, empty stadiums. The result: A weird, dystopian setting - maybe cool at first, but eventually, a huge buzzkill. 

If a home run crashes into empty bleachers, does it make a sound? 

We may soon know.

But does this require an all-or-nothing scenario? At capacity, Yankee Stadium seats 50,291. Surely, a crowd of, say, 10,000 - (or pick a number) - can be dispersed with social distancing policed by ushers. (If fans abuse it by storming the box seats, they get booted; that's already the policy.) A 10,000-person crowd can make noise, especially with zoom mics aimed their way. 

In the case of the Tampa Rays, a 10,000 crowd is normalcy.

Secondly, what if games are played in afternoons, with sunlight offering a side-dose of disinfectant? (Does this actually happen? I'm hazy on the science, but I know it's been suggested.) With a breeze blowing and facial masks - (Yankees/Bud Lite Mask Day!) - safety at games could certainly rival the situations at NYC parks or beaches, right? 

On that note, doubleheaders make sense. If you're going to call in a staff of ushers and concessionaires, you might as well play two games, even seven-inning outings. This would allow MLB to play maybe 100 games, and since most doubleheaders end in splits, it would likely mean more teams remain longer in the pennant race - not the worst outcome.

Listen: The ongoing negotiations between owners and players are complicated, angry and unprecedented. But I keep hearing about games in empty stadiums, as if it's already been decided. Even if the number is in the hundreds, rather than thousands, boisterous fans can make a difference. (And yes, there is a legitimate question about who would get those few tickets - corporate fat cats or regular people; that would need to be resolved.)

I can already hear The Master announcing proudly that the Yankees have sold-out another game. Just sayin'...


  1. OK, so maybe not 10,000. That's still quite a few people. They could have 5,000. Plenty of room there. But the bathrooms and limited concession stands could draw small crowds. Hmm.

    So, fine, 1,000. One thousand people can make a heck of a racket. I remember going to games in 1969, you could hear someone burp across the field. If they still sell beer, there could be a lot of burping, which isn't cheering, but it's something.

    OK, OK, 100. 100 really rabid fans, wearing face masks. Oh, wait, if those are the really good kind of mask, that means any cheering and yelling will be muffled a bit. Damn.

    Right. 10 people. I say, 10 people per game, spaced out far enough from each other and the players that they don't need masks. No crowded bathrooms, no lines at the food stalls. A stray cheer. It doesn't matter, really, because the music and general cacophony coming from the sound system does not allow any moments of silence or quiet relaxation, anyway.

    So maybe 3 people. BYOB. And your own hot dogs.

  2. Test every fan before allowing them in.

  3. "Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty yell"- Yeah, I would say 5000 is about right. Make our stadium joyful again!

  4. Yes! I would go to cheer Mighty Casey!

    And I do love the idea of all afternoon games.

    Actually, box seats could be the lure for non-boxseat holders. Or you could offer luxury suites to any group willing to be tested.

  5. Too bad NYS can't work something out with lottery tickets for Yankee games to allay the Corona cost.

  6. I watched a Korean game, and a prerecorded, low-level hum of background crowd noise was fine. I don't think we need to expose fans to risk--though I'm sure they'll funnel luxury boxes to preferred high-rollers. If you can't tell, I'm not a big fan of Reopening Day.


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