Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Is, gulp, Jordy Mercer our next shortstop?

Normally, I'd cheer the acquisition of another Mercer, a great Yankee name, regardless of the spelling. But yesterday's news that Cooperstown Cashman signed the 34-year old SS grows the fever pit in my gut. Here we go again, spackling over our woes with another beyond-his-sell-date veteran, and - by the way - shortstop is a dangerous place for late-stage experiments. I'm not sure Trump's FDA would approve this trial, and they're on the verge of shaking beads.

Don't get me wrong: Mercer - having played nearly 900 games over a nine-year career - could be a valuable infield piece, in a Luis Sojo kinda way. He'll cover the right base and make the routine plays. Can he bunt over a runner? We sure can use such a guy. There might also be some contractual voodoo at work: Mercer, who was waived by the Tigers last week and elected free agency, is a pure transaction. Once Gleyber Torres and DJ LeMahieu return - (assuming that they will; remember the words of Al Franken: When you assume, you make an "ass " out of Uma Thurman) - Mercer can disappear, no strings attached, no hard feelings. Sometimes, that's a nice way to go.

But the Yankees have two young shortstops - Tyler Wade and Thairo Estrada - both with special talents. Wade can run. Estrada can hit HRs. Both have unexplored ceilings. Both need a chance. And here is the question: In the eyes of the Yankees, are neither better than Mercer? 

Listen: Mercer is no slouch. Last year, in 74 games with Detroit, he hit .274 with 9 HRs. On the Yankees, that would have been a godsend. But last year was Mercer's best season since 2013, when he hit .285 for Pittsburgh. This year, he had appeared in three games, sentenced to back-up duty on a team going nowhere. So they waived him. Mercy killing.

Mercer hits RH. That pits him especially against Estrada. Considering the epidemic of injuries faced by the Yankees, they can use every warm body they can find. In that regard, Cashman was smart to sign Mercer. 

Still, if we see him at SS, it will be hard to dispel the mounting dread that this year - as different as it has been - is turning out to be like all the others. And it will probably end that way, too. 


  1. Bring in the Mercerneries to fight the war we can’t be bothered to fight. He’s Mercerless against LH pitching! He Johnny Mercer’s it over the Moon River...


  2. Go ahead: I dare anyone to top THAT!

  3. But Duque is correct.

    From the hit show (Steve)Hamilton:

    If he immerceres himself into the lineup, sir.
    He'll become as tough to dislodge as a burr, sir.
    Then for the team he will be a curse, sir.
    and by the end of the year we will be worse, sir.

    From TV Guide:

    Mercer She Wrote - Drama

    When New York Yankee infielders mysteriously start dropping flies and dropping like them, Brain Cashman brings in mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica Fletcher to help him decide who to trade for to shore up the lineup.

    Doug K.

  4. @Beauregard...then there must be a Mercer-rule then...

  5. You guys are neglecting the first name.

    "Tonight on Star Trek, The Next Generation, Lt. Commander Jordy Mercer beams down to the dangerous planet Hal, with anonymous redshirts Tyler Wade and Thairo Estrada."

  6. Nice. They are redshirts. Good call.

    Doug K.

  7. Why is the name Kyle Holder ( en?) never mentioned.

    I do believe that Wade will start at SS and Thairo at second.

    But the team will be playing 7 games in 5 days, starting sometime. Maybe. So they may need some help somewhere. Maybe.

    But will we ever see Kyle?

    I don't think Wade will hit .200, even if he does swing from the left side of the plate.

  8. Or, you can go all Gerry and the Pacemakers on his ass:

    "So Jordy
    Cross the Mercer
    Cause second's the place we love
    And there we'll stay..."



    Who needs newspapers when I have all of you?

  10. It is simply an act of organizational masochism to start Gardner over Frazier--or, as is more likely the case, rank stupidity. Every Yankee at some point seems to get his gold-watch tour of the league, even if he's batting minus-whatever and playing on crutches. This is by far the worst-run franchise in baseball, its follies veiled by a noble name that hardly bears any resemblance to the current mafia of imbeclies that run it.

  11. I agree, Anon.

    Brian Cashman has been the GM of this team for 23 seasons now. He has never once been able to bring home a World Series with a team on which at least the core was not built by him.

    During most of that time, moreover, he had nearly carte blanche on his budget, while almost all other GMs were held to strict limits. In other words, he has enjoyed advantages unmatched in the history of professional sports on this continent.

    And he has failed. And will fail again this year.


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