Monday, August 3, 2020

The Elephant So Far...

While Duque was waxing euphoric about the relentless Yankee line-up, I would like to focus on the ninth hitter.

Miguel Andújar has been one of my favorites since day one, when he tied or broke some Ruthian record for doubles, and should have won the rookie of the year. 

We all knew he had some "glove" problems at third base, and I advocated ( among others ) that LF might be an ideal way to get him into the line-up on a daily basis.  

He is athletic, speedy ( not Tyler Wade speed, but decent ), and has a strong arm. 

Last night, however, he made an error which was not only embarrassing, but could/should have been costly.

Seriously, it mirrored the type of outfield incompetence that got Red Thunder banished for a year. 

Add to that;  he hasn't found his stroke.  

When he broke into the league, he hit bullets into the gaps which were automatic doubles.   Now he hits medium-hard balls, neither fly balls nor line-drives...something very the outfield.

I grant that he is trying really hard to impress, knowing that his at-bats are limited.  He is not getting what he needs to find his hitting stroke. 

But that error was inexcusable.  

It was like the error an 8th grader, banished to play right field, makes in a pick-up game.  A ground ball single goes through his legs, and rolls to the wall...clearing the bases. 

I fear that this "stain" will forever follow him as a Yankee, making it far too easy for management to deal him for a lefty. 

It could hardly have been worse.  He needs to hit like Judge to make up for it.  And no one can do that. 

A costly win for him. 


  1. It has indeed been hard to see, Alphonso, as he seemed like one those guys—as they used to say—who could roll out of bed and smack a double off the wall.

    Between everything—the whole year out, learning a new position, the surreal condition of our world (and baseball) just now—I think we need to be uncharacteristically patient with him, as with everyone.

    But you're fears are probably justified. You never wanted to give "Itchy Trigger Finger" Cashman an excuse.


  2. I'm surprised after that gaff that he didn't get a one way ticket on the Moosic Shuttle.

  3. Well, Horace, that's the point. He IS one of those guys who rolls out of bed, and smacks a double. But he needs to know he fits: he can field fine -did you see him snare some smashed peppers at third?- he just can't get time to think about it, it fucks him up every time: he doubles by twisting and bending while swinging to hit that dammed BALL! In other words, he's a DH. likely sorely needed by a National leaguer. Just bide your time and let the Cashman do his magic.

  4. Hey, Alphonso , I think that followed? Hicks' brain fart/high sky event. Such effluence often repeats, and it follows what they see flowing from the mound, which was a very disappointing b-bit of affluence, at the time. Spare him a Major error, as a learning experience, oncet, maybe?

  5. He does brag like Red Thunder has a wont to.


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