Thursday, August 6, 2020

Yanks Go Ugly

Too many Yankees are playing as though they are in the wrong sport.  I am with Duque who says it is already getting late early, and it is time for change.

1.  Gary Sanchez is at the top of the list.  Just start Kyle.  He actually can put the ball in play. 

2.  Super star Torres isn't hitting as well as Tyler Wade, who is a superior defender.

3.  Hicks is playing as if he had Tommy Brain surgery.  And Tauchman is making a difference, game after game with limited time. 

4. Andujar might as well be rooming with Domingo German, given his level of contribution.  He did make a nice fielding play on a "hot " grounder, then nearly let the runner beat it out as he triple pumped his throw to first. 

5.  Mike Ford can't buy a hit or a call.

6.  Happ should be sent away.  We don't need to expect any kind of return. 

7.  Paxton should try to learn an everyday position. Or is he saving himself for the playoffs?

8.  Nick Nelson can go home now, and share his one major league win with his grand-children ( once he has a few ).

9.  Lauisiaga needs 50 pitches to get through the first inning.  Looks like a non-starter to me. 

10.  Schmidt is the starter they should activate....not Mike King.  Jesus, are they blind?

If the Yankees want to win games, they can't go on sentiment or dreams of " what could be."  They have to make choices based upon performance. 

It is not easy saying all of this, given their record so far.  But it is the truth. 


  1. I mostly agree, but you have to give guys at least a LITTLE time to get untracked.

  2. I agree as well except Gleyber. It's not about Wade being a better defender it's about Gleyber being an offensive force if he can get right. Wade's upside is nowhere near that.

    And it's not a Sanchez thing. Sanchez is actually bad and has been going back to last year. Gleyber's been bad for a couple of weeks.

    Doug K.

  3. I never understood the crazy idea that Andujar was pick up where he left off. The man had freaking torn shoulder labrum, he may never be right again. Happ is, uh, crap, but the richest team in baseball is strangely thin in starters. And I may go postal with the next blogger or beat writer who brags about the team's 6-10 starters, WTF? The Cashman, Hal, Levine three-headed monster IS terrific at finding, and signing cheap, useful pieces. Great, kinda like the old Devil Rays. I should not be griping like this, but the pitching could easily take us down, especially come the playoffs. One last thing. After all this talk over the past eight or so years, the defense never, in any important metric stacks up to to any good teams. We've had two elite defenders over the past decade, Gardner and Judge. Maybe that's in large part why we haven't had a title in eleven years? Griping in the face of a great start, Kevin.


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