Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A night of pure pleasure: Celebrating the joyous 20-run game

I used to joke that the Yanks could lead by 15, but if Jorge Posada bounced into a bases-loaded DP, the entire night was ruined. 

Still, nothing beats a laugher. It comes in that glorious moment: The opposing pitcher, stunned by what's happening, looks to the dugout, and his manager looks away. The infielders slouch. The outfielders kick at the grass. The Yankees lead by 10, still pouring it on, and - as I march circles in the living room - I tell the TV, "This is the greatest night, ever." 

Fun Fact: Gio Urshela went to work last night hitting .272. He left at .290. 

DJ LeMahieu entered at .350, went to bed at .363. Between them, that's 31 points. It's money in their future bank accounts. But wait... there's more: Clint Frazier gained 12 points; Luke Voit, up 10. Tyler Wade jumped by six; Gary Sanchez up four; Brett Gardner up two, and Aaron Hicks, just one. But Hicksy hit a homer. Hicks hits one to the Sticks.

That's an overall gain of 71 batting points, though it was nearly halved by Giancarlo Stanton's 0-4, which dropped him by 30 points - (his height is not measured by sample size) - to .263. But Stanton needn't worry; he's paid for life. All the other Yankees, by what happened last night, enriched themselves and their families. 

Trouble is, the day after a laugher, we face the realization that:

a) it was just one game 
b) we must play again tonight
c) by tacking on those four late runs, we might have kicked a hornets' nest in the Jays clubhouse. 

Still, a blowout... a feast, a gusher, a wipe-out, a yawner, a snoozer - help me, Mr. Roget - a whupping, a thrashing, a shellacking, a drubbing, a thumping, a throttling... yes, a luxurious four-hour trip to the Orgasmatorium, for emotional and physical self-enlightenment.  

Today, the Yankees stand a half-game ahead of Toronto/Buffalo, and - for now, anyway - the fifth seeded team in the AL. A week ago, we stood three games behind the Jays and looked ready for the glue factory.

Tonight, Aaron Judge could join the team. Gerrit Cole will pitch. The bullpen is rested. The beer should be cold, the hot tub at 103. There is no excuse, unless we are simply weak-kneed from all our self-pleasurement. Don't expect a laugher. But now is the time to beat them by one, to steal a thriller. Because if anything beats a blowout, it's a walk-off. 


  1. And yet AnDUhar, 11 for his last 33 gets sent down. Cuz, you know there is like a dozen games left in the season and other clubs are just lining up to snag a 40-yr-old catcher. Can't send either Wade or Estrada down cuz…….. um , um . Gleyber just can't play short or 2nd for a few innings if someone got hurt.
    El Duque, you are sage, please tell this grasshopper the reason for AnDUHar's jettison?
    He who was once known as The Archangel

  2. Don't worry. Stanton will hurt himself by the weekend, and AnDU will return.

  3. You talked me off the ledge El Duque, I prey for AnDu's return!

  4. Please. Stop it about Andujar. He simply got sent down because the Yankees have only one other shortstop - how many do you need - and his name is Tyler Wade.

  5. Please. Stop it about Andujar. He simply got sent down because the Yankees have only one other shortstop - how many do you need - and his name is Tyler Wade.

  6. And I’ll say it again if I have to!

  7. Do the math: six, maybe seven, outfielders.

    Two shortstops.

    It turns out you need a shortstop who can actually play the position no matter how bad his bat is. Life used to be like that once upon a time.

  8. A few things...

    1) Warblist you're alive! Glad to here it.

    2) The playoffs

    Last night they were showing the playoff breakdown and I realized that we haven't played the White Sox this year and it felt like a throwback to before interleague play when the World Series pitted two teams that were unknown to each other. It's kind of cool.

    3) Stanton

    I know I am wrong but it seemed like Stanton was responsible for all three outs in one of those innings.

    Doug K.

  9. hear not here.

    Doug K.

    1. Was not Was. I’m not sure how to pronounce that, though.

  10. Andujar is five Stanton groundouts or 1 double away from'll see him again...agreed el duque...

  11. There are doubtless injuries on the horizon.

    And really, better to send Miggy down than, say, Nelson, who is an invaluable and irreplaceable part of the bullpen.

  12. Believe it or not, I think Stanton would return to form if he played for the Mets. This guy needs to play right field. I heard that, during his tenure with the Marlins, he needed to walk a certain number of steps from the clubhouse to the weight room, otherwise.... So you take a guy like that and move him to left field or have him DH, he obviously can't handle it. He's obviously got an obsessive compulsive disorder. Everything has to be just right, or he'll have a meltdown. I hope we can trade him to a National League team during the winter. But we all know that's a pipe dream. Win, lose or draw, nothing will happen this winter. Cashman might even retain Gardner for another year.

    The Hammer of God

  13. "It is high, it is far, it is...caught"

    -John Sterling, Sept 16 2020, bottom of second inning about a drive by Gary Sanchez

  14. John jinxed it. Way too excited, way too early.

  15. I was driving home listening and thinking... I’d trade this no hitter for Stanton in a Mets uniform. Well we did our part. It’s on you Cohen.

  16. Giancarlo! Non si puo amarlo!

  17. Well, fiction has once again been surpassed by reality. The Yanks hit 6 home runs—3 by Higgy. Wilder than anything I dreamed up.

    I can see the need for a backup shortstop. But is Estrada still on the roster, too? And Kratz is there...why?

    A spot can and should be found for El Matador, Andujar.

  18. Doug K., in the 20-run game, Giancarlo made 3 of the first 9 outs. Not easy to do!

  19. I think that many of you guys have a strange "hatred" for a player as talented as Stanton. He's had eight seasons with over 100 hundred games played and four with over 140. The Yankees got him for a relative pittance in regards to talent given up. And as many of you pointed out, Hal is Midas, no?

    Insofar as Judge is concerned, most of his injuries have been fluke ones, and none are the type that will impede his future. I'd like to know how NBA players pound the wood, and hitting same over eighty games, and still have long careers (well many do). These guys are as big, or bigger than Judge. So why can't a great athlete like Judge enjoy a long career like his NBA counterparts? This perception was started by the media before Judge had even made the Majors and somehow fans have taken that narrative as "gospel". Yeah, he might suffer a career-ender tomorrow, but so could Trout, Acuna, Tatis, etc, etc, etc.

  20. Kevin--Not hatred for Stanton; hatred for the dunce Cashman that bound the organization hand and foot to a guy who, for the rest of this endless contract, is statistically likely to offer declining performance, as was the case with Albert Pujols, who has been one of the worst players in baseball for the past several years. Also, he is blocking younger talent that will be on the upswing for far less money.

    As for Judge, the proof is in the record--he is notoriously fragile. HIS BODY is notoriously injury-prone. What this has to do with the NBA or the price of tea in China only a savant like you can reveal to us.

  21. As noted previously, Stanton was Jeter's parting gift to Cashew to repay him for nickel and dimeing him over his last couple of seasons.Really, to the Robber Barons of MLB, it's Monopoly money, so "slighting " Jeter had a consequence. Stanton reminds me of a Japanese fighting fish, aka betta. Real pretty and ferocious, but needs its own small pond.
    The Archangel

  22. Indeed, Archie. And openly bragging about how he "fooled" Jeets in that deal was equally stupid.

    Kevin, I hope you're right. And I don't dislike Stanton, per se. I thought he held up pretty well under the usual media sniping when he first got here. (The fact that he did not insist on leaving the roster when he could not play against Houston last year in the playoffs was something else again.)

    I just think a lot of these guys are overtraining like crazy, in the whole obsession with always swinging for the fences. Otherwise, what accounts for the record numbers of injuries?

    The long season—and even a 60-game season—takes a tremendous toll on an athlete's body, according to the ballplayers themselves. No need to keep popping back in the weight room every half inning to tune up another ab.

  23. Smaller ball parks, big money for home run hitters, & baseball execs encouraging the walk/HR/strikeout mentality are what drives everyone to overtrain with weights. The same kind of thing goes on with pitchers: they also overtrain with weights to try to throw harder fastballs and nastier breaking balls. You could almost mistake Severino for a body builder, he looked so muscular. Same with Chapman, his arms are bigger than his head! I wonder if Paxton hurt his back while doing barbell squats. Weight training can improve performance, but it's awfully easy to overdo it and develop repetitive stress injuries.

    The Hammer of God

  24. Anonymous: "As for Judge, the proof is in the record--he is notoriously fragile. HIS BODY is notoriously injury-prone. What this has to do with the NBA or the price of tea in China only a savant like you can reveal to us". Much of what you say is small sample size. Plenty of players have had a bad two year run of health (this season I'm throwing out, kinda). My reference to the NBA should be obvious, the pundits immediately pointed out that he was too big to play baseball. I say, LOOK at the NBA! He hasn't torn any main cables, there's no reason to believe that he won't have a long career. As for Stanton blocking younger talent, Stanton is only thirty years old! Who in the Yankees great farm system could possibly be more talented? THE "SAVANT" has spoken.

    HC66: Cashman was a fool for participate in a bio about himself and bragging about his great deals. Small wonder he can't make trades to teams at the deadline. Those GMs have branded THE BRAIN as being a 'HOLE. I totally agree with you on the bodybuilding mentality that these players have fallen into. I've been there, it becomes an unhealthy obsession that will lead to injuries. Maybe Judge and Stanton are so uncomfortable around the Chappiemaniac that they have felt compelled to stay huge. THAT is understandable!


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