Thursday, September 17, 2020

The impossible may have happened: Gary Sanchez might be looking over his shoulder

For much of this season, catcher Gary Sanchez had an insurance policy for any cold streak that fate might serve. Its name was Eric Kratz.

Kratz is the 40-year old lug nut who occasionally spelled Sanchez for four weeks, performing admirably: 8 for 27, a .296 average. Also, he shepherded Deivi Garcia through his MLB debut, supplying a book-jacket worthy quote about "going out to play catch with my son." It's revealing that the Yanks kept Kratz as a third catcher, a rarity for them. I think they see Kratz as a clubhouse chemistry guy, maybe a future manager. 

But not as Sanchez's replacement.

No way. Kratz might outhit Gary - as has everybody in baseball - and offered solid defense, but our starting catcher was Sanchez, no matter what. And maybe - just maybe - that was the problem. 

Sanchez's woes this year are famous across the Yankiverse. He's been terrible in nearly every aspect, except for something called "exit velo." (Basically, he hits long HRs rather than multiple HRs.) Without competition, Sanchez even received reps as DH, reflecting the team's mounting desperation, as articulated by breathless YES announcers, who somehow foresee a "big breakout" looming in his every long fly or base on balls. 

Well, here's a thought: 

Last night, Gary Sanchez didn't sleep well. 

The reason: Thirty-year-old Kyle Higashioka belted three HRs in a rollover of the suddenly collapsing Blue Jays. Unlike Kratz, Higashioka has an actual future, and an interesting recent track record. Twice in the last four years, Higgy hit 20 HRs in the upper minors. Last year, he hit 20 at Scranton (plus three for the Yankees) and batted .278. Over the next three to five years, he is positioned for a lucrative MLB career. 

Throughout his minor league career, Sanchez never hit more than 20 HRs for one team. The reason: He was a golden boy, a millionaire at 16, a super-prospect perpetually rising through the ranks. He erupted on the Yankee scene in 2016, hitting 20 in a half-season and batting .299 - far higher than anything he'd done in the minors. Since then, his starting credentials have never been challenged, even as Austin Romine evolved into a fine MLB catcher. 

Until maybe now. 

This wretched half-season has conjured the perfect opportunity to ponder a Yankee future without Sanchez behind the plate. For the first time in his baseball career, Sanchez ought to be looking over his shoulder. The playoffs loom, and considering Higashioka's show last night, he could easily become Gerrit Cole's personal catcher. But wouldn't Deivi Garcia also benefit from his defense? Or Masahiro Tanaka? Another homer or two, a few more lightning throws to second, and we could see a changing of the guard. 

No chance, you say? They'll play Gary, no matter what? You could be right, but Joe Torre used to say, "The playoffs are no time to make friends." When he makes out his lineup card next month, Aaron Boone better take those words to heart. And Gary better stop striking out.


  1. Perhaps competing for the catching job is what Sanchez needed to wake up. He seems to be making an effort to hit more line drives now, instead of just taking mighty home run swings. Anyway, I feel good for Higgy, three home runs by a backup catcher. Has that ever happened in Yankee history, or MLB history? I thought that he could handle the backup role well. And the fact that he had already known Cole for a long time certainly helps. We might well have Cole's personal catcher.

    The Hammer of God

  2. El Duque,
    I agree with all of your presentation on the incomparable Higgy.
    Except, unfortunately for Higgy, I fear that his MLB career will not be lucrative. He is not even eligible for arbitration until after next season. The Yanks will pay him less that 600K this year and then next year, probably bust him all the way to 600K. I will let the accounting majors here tell us how many games it takes for Stanton to make 600K in a regular season.
    Luckily for Higgy, he will get a full portion of whatever the playoff shares will be this season. So I can now root for the Yanks to go deep into the playoffs so Higgy can make some cash.
    Archie, formally known as The Archangel.

  3. Cashman seems devoted to Sanchez, no matter how bad he is or becomes.

    On the other hand, Cashman may be forcing Sanchez to show his hand, giving him enough rope to hang himself.

    But if that's true, he's also destroying any trade value Sanchez may still have, if he has any.

    So it seems reasonable to think that Cashman is hoping for a sudden repeat of those first golden weeks of Sanchez's arrival in the majors, so he can unload him and get something worthwhile in return.

    Conversely, as Cashman has done in the past with others, would he see that short-term surge as a sign that Sanchez is finally coming into his own and will spend his remaining years living up to his potential?

  4. gotta believe Sanchez is hanging by a thread that will run out at the end of this season unless he suddenly starts lacing the ball all around the field while also managing to catch the balls that are pitched in his direction. he looks lost. Cashman will look like brave and decisive letting Gary go before signing a big contract.

    meanwhile, Stanton ... for another 8 years. his extreme fragility pretty much ensures that Clint Frazier is going nowhere, which is good news.

  5. "a few more lightning throws to second"

    I also remember a few fantastic throws to third, mowing down overconfident runners

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