Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A pleasant Yankee night, despite missing the big debate

Last night, it was around the time of Giancarlo Stanton's clutch solo homer - a critical tack-on - when the revelation hit: O, no! I missed the Presidential debate!

It had skipped my mind. (I'd forgotten to take my Prevagen; is there a pill I can take to remind me to take Prevagen?) I'd made it a point - as all right-minded U.S. citizens do - to watch the event, because nothing showcases democracy like having the candidates go, as The Master would say, "back-to-back and belly-to-belly" on policy matters. But darn it all, I missed it. 

So, what happened?

Of course, I couldn't leave the big game. A 12-2 lead is not safe, especially with Luis Cessa on the mound. Also, I needed the post-game show to learn the thinking behind Aaron Boone's winning strategy. 

So, what happened?

Clearly, last night was a great moment for... 

a) the Yankees
b) Yankee fans
Gerrit Cole
d) Democracy.

I should note that, today, National Public Radio interviewed undecided voters who watched the debate and still could not make up their mind. I wonder what these true critical thinkers would say about last night's Yankee-Indians game? My guess is that they would need to gather more information before deciding which side won. 

Here's what I think: 

Last night, the Yankees beat the everlasting snot out of Cleveland, embarrassing the city even more than the Presidential candidates did. 

We are one win away from the Rays and one month away from the election. God save us on both fronts. Here's where everything stands.

Tonight, Masahiro Tanaka faces Carlos Carrasco. We'll probably play Brett Gardner and, this time, Gary Sanchez. It's likely that Giancarlo's HR will win him another start. Sorry, Clint Frazier. 

When a team looks as flat as Cleveland did last night, it's easy to dismiss them. But if there's one thing the 2020 Yankees have done, it's ride the roller coaster between blowout wins and losses. Over the last two weeks, it seems that we either won by 10, or lost by 10. At some point, we must turn over a cliff-hanger to the bullpen, and only then will we know how far the Yankees could go. 

So, what happened last night?


  1. The ESPNers were saying, why not play the same lineup and see if they can win again?

    They do not reckon with the genius of Boone and Cashman, who will find a way to fuck this up. Sanchez? He's terrible offensively and defensively. Let's play him! Stanton? He hits a meaningless home run after looking like a call-up who can't figure out the curve. Play him again!

    Is Estrada on the roster? I was just thinking, DJ looks like he could use a rest...

  2. Breaking News -- Cashman is still a dick.

  3. After the debate, a CNN commentator called it a shit show...toss in Bieber's performance, and you have a daily double!

  4. Please please PLEASE keep Ice Cream DP Sanchez out of the line up,,,, and let Clint DH.

    And I agree w Anon> a shitshow indeed,,,, and how could there be any 'undecided' votes at this point, LOL!!!!!!!!!!

  5. "Please please PLEASE keep Ice Cream DP Sanchez out of the line up,,,, and let Clint DH. "

    DITTO, Ken, DITTO...

  6. Bitty!!

    Cashman is still aa always a dick. So true. So very true.

    Fuck you Hal.

  7. I'll be live blogging today's game, the death of democracy and the heat death of the planet today.

    See all you cantankerous bastiches later.

    Fuck you Hal.

  8. Cleveland, Minnesota and White Sox feasted on crap offenses of KC, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Reds, Cubs all season. Records were broken for worst batting averages to make the playoffs (and pitchers didn't hit in NL):

    2020 Reds: .212
    2020 Cubs: .220
    2020 Brewers: .223
    2020 A's: .225
    2020 Cleveland: .228

    White Sox were only team in top 14 in OPS in either central division.

    Point is, Bieber and this starting staff, while good, are completely overrated. They haven't seen anything like the Yanks this entire year (maybe White Sox). I wouldn't change this lineup for tonight (sorry Clint). And unfortunately, we most likely will see Gary.

  9. They should use Higgy tonight and Kratz tomorrow if necessary

    Doug K.

  10. Oh Matt P., dear sweet Matt P. We love to bandy about stats at IIH, but our interpretations are frequently ... hrrmm ... not what anyone would call statistically focused? The Narrative is Strong at IIH.

    Also, please, more profanity next time? This isn't Pinstripe Alley. Fuck those assholes.

    Fuck you Hall.

  11. Based on this team's semi-panicked recency bias, Hicks should be on the bench, Gardner should be in centerfield, and Frazier should be in left--if the residing geniuses had a CONSISTENT recency bias. But their RB is hedged by Cashman's ego investment in his pet stiffs like Hicks, who would have to have both an arm AND a leg severed to be benched, while any momentary faltering by young players with a 900-plus OPS is grounds for indefinite purgatory.

    WHAT A FUCKED-UP ORGANIZATION. This is the only team in baseball that would find it somehow rational and productive not to field a player like Clint Frazier while endlessly indulging a proven nonentity like Hicks.

  12. Matt P.--thanks for the refreshingly cogent and interesting post. You post all the analytics you want, and ignore Warblist, who is an emotionally damaged sexual-identity freak who sits at home typing "Fuck you Hal" 24/7 in place of an actual life.

  13. A quote comes to mind...

    "He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp posts: for support rather than for illumination." —Vin Scully

  14. ranger_lp: Another quote comes to mind, this one from Bob Dyan:

    "Don't criticize what you can't understand."

  15. Is Stat Baby back? the humorless wonder?

    Great to see you, Winnie! Ignore the morons.


  16. "The morons"--the people who take an interest in the analytical framework used by actual GMs as opposed to Internet blog losers.

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