Sunday, September 6, 2020

As the Yankee season slips away, should we start pondering the vast changes that surely lie ahead?

Midway through last night's debacle - aka: the Barbarity in Baltimore - it became clear that John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman were suffering from P.T.S.D., along with acute lock-down depression. On every Yankee front, no matter how hard he sought to conjure a wisp of hope, The Master spake only more pain. 

Not long ago, 2020 had stacked up perfectly, boundlessly in potential, a Yankee lineup for the ages. Now, they were getting crushed by the no-name O's, formerly our patsies, and with our ace on the mound. 

"This is not what we expected," John said mournfully. Suzyn could only murmur her dark despair, as if reciting a promo for Cellino and Barnes. 

Comrades, this is now an official shit show. 

Baseball was supposed to lift us, to provide a diversion through the stay-at-home pandemic, after Netflix and Hulu had run out of tropes. Now, we need a diversion from this diversion, and watching the nightly wars in Portland, Kenosha and now Rochester won't cut it. It's time to start - gulp - thinking about next year, because 2020 is a rusted spike in the nail keg.

Some observations I'm sure you have already made...

Nothing personal here, but Gary Sanchez needs a new life in a new city with a new fan base and new coaches... a new number, a new bat, a new car, a new pet poodle, and maybe a new position - though I cannot think of one that works. The mere fact that we have him on contract through 2023 does not warrant keeping him as a tired, overwhelmed Yankee serf. He is a terrible defensive catcher and now among the game's worst, offensively. Last night, John noted that Sanchez has the most single season homers for any catcher in Yankee history, and he nearly lost his composure, reading the list of titans: Dickey, Berra, Howard, Munson, Posada... only to gulp silence over the reality of Gary's ship-wrecked career. It's really a tragedy, but Gary Sanchez must go. There is no plan B. 

Likewise, Giancarlo Stanton must be paid off, wished well and set free like a singing, top-hatted frog. Surely, some middle-market franchise with hedge fund money will take him, if we pay most of the movie money. He will be our Bobby Bonilla, cashing massive checks until Manhattan is six feet below the ocean. 

Last night, John occasionally drifted into our last, most idiotic, 2020 LSD delirium:  That Stanton and Aaron Judge magically return for the playoffs as superheroes, homering our path to the championship. Folks, take another pill. If he returns at all, Stanton will still be chasing curves in the dirt like Wile E. Coyote in an ACME rocket belt. The cavalry is not coming. And Stanton's era in Gotham needs to end.

Brett Gardner needs - damn, I hate to write this - he needs to retire. Look, we all love Gardy, and we want him as a part of our bullshit tradition, maybe a coach, maybe in the YES booth. But he has made the mistake of playing one season too many. If he returns in 2021, it will only worsen. The Yankees must not re-sign him.

Instead, they should try to keep DJ LeMahieu, though this won't be a cinch. LeMahieu is our best player, and the only Yankee who hits pitches where they are thrown, instead of swinging for the fences. (Maybe Clint Frazier does, too.) He will not come cheaply, and some desperate franchise might out-bid us. We need LeMahiue, but we cannot sustain another 10-year contract. He's 32. He won't be the same at 40.

I believe the Yankees this winter must clean house - starting with Cooperstown Cashman and rampaging rung-by-rung down the ladder. The franchise needs to devote its vast resources to pitching, to youth, and to contact hitters - not batters who simply try to hit home runs. Where does that leave Judge? I dunno. It depends on what we might get in return. He should be on the block. It's time to start pondering life after the pandemic. We need a change. This is not what we expected.   


  1. As I perused the boxscore and then this blog, the only Yankee absorption which I can stomach without diarrhea, I think that we must torch this whole team. Going out of business sale. fire Cashman as his expiration date has long passed. No Boone or his staff of Wizard of Oz castle soldiers. Tank for a top 5 or less draft pick. Trade all pieces. Spare no one who somebody wants. Find players like Urshela who do not swing for a homer every swing. Implant electrodes on every new Yank that give him a shock every time he discusses launch angles or exit velo. there is more, but I have expended too much of my time on this already The Archangel

  2. Yes, yes, we all know what SHOULD happen but never will this offseason. All oft-injured and ineffective players will return, minus Gardy. Cashman will still be here, as will Boone, as will most or all coaches.

    So let's stop pissing up a rope and address the real elephant in the room.

    Are Cellini and Barnes together, apart, enemies...or what? I read that they had split up, though I don't know who was supposed to get custody of the paralegals. I think there was even a subway entrance ad for Cellini or Barnes on his own, though it was so fleeting and ephemeral that maybe it was just a fever dream. But after the press moved on, the promos and phone number earworm remained.

    What gives? Why is the only true mystery of this season not only unsolved but unacknowledged? Where's the outrage?

  3. It's official! A shitshow!

    Hilarious as ever, Duque!

  4. But while I completely agree with our Peerless Leader about what SHOULD be done, I'm afraid that JM is right about what WILL be done.

    This is where this perverted fragment of a season hurts us again. It will serve as the perfect excuse, especially if, on the last week, already eliminated from the playoffs, this wretched facsimile of a Yankees team wins a few games.

    "Well, you see that? That's what we could have been in June of a real season! Why a seasoned pro like Cooperstown Cashman isn't about to panic and make foolish moves based on less than a half-year, filled with injuries and all that stop-and-go. Nosir! Not him! Why, we'll be back in 2021, right as rain!"

  5. I had just arrived in Albania when this "season" started. I was upset that I would miss most of the 7pm games due to the tune difference. Then Stanton and Judge et al. returned to IL, Gary returned to swinging as if chased by angry bees, Boone returned to sitting hot hitters. So I started considering myself lucky to miss the games and only be faced with the L-shaped fait accompli the next morning.

    Problem is, I'm getting ready to return to NY where I'll have to watch the sausage being made. And this is one salami even Gary Sanchez can't stomach

    Fuck you 2020 Yankees

  6. Great article, but IIHIIFIIC is the Cassandra of Yankees blogs and its sentiments will never be realized--Jeter is Odysseus and Stanton is the horse.

    HoraceClarke66 is right-on predicting how the manipulative Cashman will use 2020/covid/injuries as excuse to continue the organizational madness in 2021. They can never admit they're wrong: For example, every year we're told that Sanchez is one of the better catchers (pitch-framing, great arm, etc..) but also that he's "worked hard" and gotten better since the previous season. If everything's fine and the critics simply don't understand his true value why does Gary always NEED to improve? Of course despite the late start, short season, no fans and league-wide spate of injuries, it's only the NYY who are really underperforming.

    Perhaps the philosophy of building a team with cheap/second-rate starters and a strong bullpen has finally come home to roost. For years we've watched the likes of Sabathia, Happ and countless no-names pitch 3-4 innings (especially in the playoffs) forcing the relief corps to get the bulk of outs. These overused relievers (including guys like Robertson and Betances on other teams) are now shot. It was insane to resign Chapman!!


  7. It's 1968. Riots in the streets. A deeply unpopular President. A bad Yankee team.

    Your 1968 Yankee Starters

    Jake Gibbs .213
    Mickey Mantle .237
    Horrace Clarke .230
    Tom Tresh .195
    Bobby Cox .229
    Roy White .267
    Joe Pepitone .245
    Andy Kosco .240

    So I'm going to do now what I did then. Put some baseball cards in the spokes of my bicycle and go out and play. A buddy of mine just got a small amount of Mary something or other. Maybe I'll go try that. What could go wrong?

    Doug K.

  8. LeMahieu, arighty and the team's best hitter, sat last night...scheduled rest...against a lefty starter. He's on record saying he could have played, indeed wanted to play. Given the context, it's a fireable offense for all involved in the decision.

  9. Doug K., I agree with your sentiment, but don't forget the mound was higher, which brought averages down. Today, if each of those guys were playing, at the same ages as '68, they would be multi-millionaires. Who from that array would you not take from that team? Mantle played for how many years on one leg? Staton and Judge hurt their calves. c'mon man. Andy Kosco is better than most of what we got. Tresh, Pepitone Roy Freaking White. C'mon Man. Even The Hoss played for keeps.
    The Archangel

  10. Archie,

    All too true.

    Doug K.

  11. "Implant electrodes on every new Yank that give him a shock every time he discusses launch angles or exit velo."

    @ The Archangel, I second this motion but it would be highly illegal. And the Players' Union would doubtless strenuously object.

    Ah, what a year 2020 has been! We all knew coming in to this year that: (1) we had only one starting pitcher; (2) our bullpen was a flame throwing arson squad; (3) we had an all right handed lineup, with one token lefty hitter who had passed his sell by date; (4) our right handed lineup was mostly into launch angles, exit velo, statcast tape measures, moonshots instead of playing winning fundamental baseball. What could go wrong?

    I for one am not the least bit surprised at this disaster of a season. And yeah unfortunately I believe Cashman will easily survive the winter by using the Coronovirus excuse and be back next year with another disaster of a season.

    The Hammer of God

  12. Hammer, when we don't go to games or watch games or buy products, then maybe they will fire Cashman or pull a CBS and sell. we can only hope. I am not asking for a boycott, I'm simply looking at further market trends. $30 beer and hotdog anyone? that won't sell anymore
    The Archangel

  13. Why not just take step 1 now and hire a new hitting coach IMMEDIATELY? That's obviously the most pressing area of deficiency. Of course the whole organizaton needs to be re-invented from ownership on down. and the new "Yankee Stadiium" demolished and the old one re-built, etc., etc., but let's at least take one sensible step for the present.

  14. Doug K - I’m with you - I’m gonna go ride my bike, cause it feels like 1968 all over again. It’s a sense of Deja Poo - the feeling that I’ve been through this crap before. BTW, I’m pretty sure that I clothespinned my Nolan Ryan rookie card to the spokes of my bike back then because, you know, you only wreck the crappy ones that way.

  15. Great posts, guys! And I remember that 1968 team very well. They hit .214 as a team. Not only a Yankee record low, but a MAJOR LEAGUE record low, since 1900.

    BUT: they had a winning record, made the first division, and had enough fight in them to sweep the Tigers, world champions, in a four-game set in August.

    To give you an idea of low we've come, this team will achieve NONE of those marks.

    It was indeed the most pitching-dominated era since 1920, and nobody hit for much. Yaz led the league in batting at .301. But in the context of the game, that Yankees team scrapped, hustled, and became competitive again, after the 1965-67 meltdown. This one will not.

  16. Memo to Giancarlo:

    Oh, and Mantle that year? Wracked by injuries, emotional problems, and alcoholism, and at the very end of his career?

    He played 144 games at first base, finished 2nd in the AL in walks, 3rd in on-base percentage, and 9th in OPS.

    You cannot POSSIBLY be less able to DH than he was to take the field in 1968.

  17. Hoss - I remember Mickey, when his legs were really shot, not running all the way to first base after grounding out one time, and the fans booing. Broke my heart. The fact that he was out there trying, even though he could barely walk, spoke volumes about him.

  18. Regarding The Mick: people have over the years regarded Mantle as being "pathetic" his final year. But his 143 OPS+ would bring a fortune with today's analytics. Just an amazing talent.

  19. Exactly, guys. And in less of a pitcher's time, that would probably have been considered an excellent season.

    Bill James claims that, removed from that pitchers' era, Mantle was a .319 lifetime hitter, not .298.

    If you figure that his 1968 average was .258, instead of .237, he had maybe 27 homers instead of 18, everyone is raving about how great he is. In the era of Gary Sanchez, he's a fucking god.

  20. Incidentally, Kevin, according to Jane Leavey, Mantle never got his torn ACL actually repaired after 1951. If that's so, that means he played almost an entire hall-of-fame career with a bad ACL.

    It's crazy how good he was.

  21. Horace, just chew on the idea that we could have bought Charlie Morton, Dallas Keuchel, Lance Lynn, Hyundai Jin Ryu, etc for coins to fill out the rotation the last two years. We could have skipped Cole, signed Wheeler, and the aforementioned and had money for Romine and a left-handed bat. Well, of course that's hindsight, but it shows how easily we could have had a legitimate rotation. Can you or anyone tell me why Cashman can't seem to understand the importance of backend rotation starters who can actually eat innings and save the bullpen? I really can't remember how long since the Yankees have had a true five man rotation. Oh, and lack of lefty hitters and pitchers, Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeee.....

  22. We could've had Patrick Corbin also. We could've had a rotation of Cole, Corbin, Wheeler, Morton if they wanted to throw money around that bad, instead of wasting it on Stanton, Hicks, Gardner, Severino. Why they didn't exercise some patience with Severino is beyond me. Wait until he has put up at least a half season to prove his health before inking his contract.

    The Hammer of God

  23. Hammer, at least Stanton and Gardner had a history of actually playing, and performing. The other guys, not so much....

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