Sunday, September 6, 2020

Let's Play Two !

Who is the Ernie Banks of this Yankee team?

Anyone vote for Gary Sanchez ? Chapman? Hicks?

I know, it is Giancarlo Stanton.  Encouraging the team from a yacht in Biscayne Bay.

I am speechless.  

I don't think a single Yankee wants to play two today, or even one.  

The Yankee line-up, yesterday, had six hitters in a row (#5-1#) who were at .202, or well below that.  Why DJ did not play is a mystery.  He later pinch hit and struck out.

Twelve strike outs were posted on the Yankee box score.  Who can even watch that, or call it baseball? Were we facing Nolan Ryan or Sandy Koufax?

Our young gun, Estrada , struck out three times and made an unforced throwing error which cost Cole the game. Gary got a sombrero with four tassels for his work in the batters box.

But we wouldn't have won with one run, anyway.

I thought Andujar would play at third.  It is his natural position.  

He played in Left field.  

Aaron Boone is working his magic.

Pray for rain. 


  1. Right now Tanaka has given up two runs and there's still no one out...

    O's have a pitcher from the minors that we never faced...

    I think you know how that ends...

  2. The Yankees had the bases loaded with one out. They did not get a hit. All is right with the world

  3. One little old hit so far by the Yankees. Against another no name Orioles pitcher. Wow!

    The Hammer of God

  4. AndUhar plays third a dollar short, making his throws a day late.

  5. It's a good thing Boone sat DJ yesterday. He needed to reset and return to his old self.

    Can't argue with facts!

  6. Couple of observations...

    2019 - Next Man Up
    2020 - Next Man Out

    Does anyone think Matt Blake has done a good job? Has he done anything to contribute to the success of the NY Yankees? Asking for a blog we all know...

  7. We have the Mendoza line for players who hit .200 or lower, but in light of the way the Yanks are hitting this season I think we need to coin a new line for players who hit .100 or less. I think the “Sanchez Line” works pretty well.

  8. I think the pitching staff has deteriorated since Blake arrived.

    And the team he left, is thriving.

    What are the odds?

  9. Love it, Stratman! He may actually get there.

  10. ranger,
    "next man out" Good one.

    Doug K.

  11. I HAVE to believe that Cashman is toast. And I've defended him for years. Opinions?

  12. Sorry, Kevin. Hal will really say we can't conclude anything from this ridiculous, roughly one-third of a season.

    And you know what? He will be right. It's just that he should look at the previous 22 seasons of general incompetence.

    But this is what will happen. Hal and the family are deeply, deeply committed to Brain, who is a genius—in office politics. He has convinced them that he is indispensable.

    Sure, things will steadily get worse. But who knows? Maybe Giancarlo will come back and actually have a good season. Stranger things have happened. I don't know when, but they did. Maybe Judge will actually play most of a year.

    My point is, you saw the '80s, Kevin, right? When George was crazily committed to another failed absolutist, i.e., Billy Martin? Some years were awful—1982, for instance—but then they'd be competitive in 1983, 1985. Slowly, slowly, the team sunk.

    That could well be the case in the 2020s. Or the team will sink faster. and then Brain will gain time for himself by throwing Aaron Boone overboard.

    So figure, another rotten year in 2021—maybe. A new manager. We have to give him two years, right? 2022, 2023...If one of those years are "good," say the team finishes a close second, we're talking 2024, 2025...

    Bottom line: we'll be lucky if Cashman is gone by 2026. And we won't win a damned thing in the meantime.

  13. Well, I am in my mid-60s and like old Red Sox fans pre-04, I now want to live long enough to either see another WS championship team or Cashman fired before I am lain int the cold dark earth.
    The Archangel

  14. @ The Archangel, We'll see what we can do about that. No promises though.

    The Hammer of God

  15. Horace, yeah I remember the eighties all too clearly. I'm going to hope that Hal decides that The Brain has shown what he can do. If I were a gambler though, I'd have to bet on your scenario. Like a lot of you guys I've come to realize that I can't take five year plans for granted. Since Hal took over it always seems to be "for want of a nail".

  16. You know, talking about the '80s with King George and the 2020's with Prince Hal, there are similarities indeed. But the irony of it is murderous: King George, firing and replacing people right and left, night and day, everyday. Prince Hal, the epitome of the generous boss who forgives all transgressions and never ever fires anyone. What do you have to do to get fired by Prince Hal, murder his dog and destroy his Rolex collection? They are polar opposites of each other, but each is running this ball club into the sewer.

    Someone wrote in this blog a while back that I and some people here showed "reverence" for King George. Nothing could be further from the truth. King George brought back the championships in the '70s but everything after that was a disaster. We all lived through the '80s and that was King George at his height of his madness. When King George was suspended by baseball for his extracurricular activities, it was the best thing that could have happened to the Yankees and led to Gene Michael bringing back the championships.

    We need Prince Hal to wake the hell up and channel some of that firey spirit of his father. He needs to clean house in the worst way. Let's all pray that, this Christmas, King George's spirit will visit his son Prince Hal, and give him a piece of his mind. There's got to be a happy medium between trigger happiness and total complacency.

    The Hammer of God

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