Friday, September 18, 2020

If the season ended today... the Yankees should be very afraid

Ten games left and, realistically, with almost no chance of catching mighty Tampa, the Death Star appears fated to take silver in the AL East. 

Here's the latest of those meaningless "If the season ended today..." (INSET) projections, which hold as much weight as a presidential poll.


No. 1 White Sox vs. No. 8 Blue Jays
No. 2 Rays vs. No. 7 Indians
No. 3 Athletics vs. No. 6 Astros
No. 4 Twins vs. No. 5 Yankees


No. 1 Dodgers vs. No. 8 Phillies
No. 2 Cubs vs. No. 7 Giants
No. 3 Braves vs. No. 6 Reds
No. 4 Padres vs. No. 5 Marlins
Why the Yanks should worry:
1. We face the Twins, our small market sex slaves, our Putin poodles, the team we always beat... until we don't.
What could go wrong? In the post-season, the Yankees are 13-2 against Minnesota. We've won 10 straight. We should celebrate, right? Two and out, right? But here's the thing: 
You cannot beat a good team forever. 
Remember the 1980s Royals? They were our crash test dummies, until the straps broke. Or the Redsocks of 2004? (Please, please, please, let's not go there.) This we have learned from 2020: Mother Nature is a maniac, humankind is stupider than we thought, and all it takes is one breakthrough screw-up for the Yankees to fall apart. One El Chapo meltdown, one night leaving 20 runners on base, one night of the Homer Happy Happ - one reversal of fortune - and we are the New York Knicks.  
2. Minnesota is better than we think. They have four hitters, each with more than 10 HRs. Nelson Cruz is quite possibly the AL MVP. Kenta Maeda would start game one. He is 5-1 with an ERA of 2.52 - numbers that beat our best starter (FYI: Cole is at 3.00.) Their bullpen is exactly the collection of young no-names that has shut us down all season.  
3. There will be no fans, which negates home field advantage. (They would have it, unless we overtake them.) FWIW: I cannot believe the crazy NYC fan base had nothing to do with our 10 straight wins. These playoffs will be entirely different. By now, teams have learned to filter out the fake crowd noise. 
4. It's two out of three. As Robin Trower would say, "Boom-boom, out go the lights." There is no chance for the deeper team to slowly exert dominance. Okay, when I say Boom-Boom, you all know what to say... Boom-boom... 
5. There's the cheesy media narrative - patsy team facing Goliath, the city stricken by protests over George Floyd, the Midwesterners facing Blue State coastal elites... dear God, it's just going to suck. Can you imagine the esteemed social psychologist and cultural historian John Smoltz analyzing this? Shoot me now.  
The Yankees would be better off facing any of the top three seeds. We need to see a divisional winner in a three-game set. 
Ten games left to stick this landing. Somehow, I dunno know how, it would be nice to avoid Minnesota.


  1. Actually, you're wrong, Duque: IT'S EVEN WORSE!

    The Yankees are really 16-2 vs. the Twins in the postseason, and have won the last 13 straight. To wit:

    2003: 3-1

    2004: 3-1

    2009: 3-0

    2010: 3-0

    2017: 1-0

    2019: 3-0

  2. Another great read El Duque! Regarding the Boom Boom song reference...that song was originally recorded by Little Walter in 1957. The version you referenced was done by Pat Travers and not Robin Trower. On to Boston!

  3. But suffice to say, I don't like it either!

    This is team we have not lost a big game to since A-Rod was the new kid in town.

    Last night on SNY, they were throwing in as many jinx stats are they could, including the fact that, in all of North American, big-time, professional sports—baseball, football, basketball, and hockey—there have been 100 different instances in which teams played each other 6 times or more in the postseason.

    Of those 100, only 3 times has one team won every series.


    Of course, one of those rivalries is the Lakers going up against Denver for No. 7, and I doubt if any of us would bet the house on the Nuggets. Also, it's interesting that every single one of those Yankees victories came in short series—demonstrating just how short of dominant starting pitching the boys from the north country have been.


    I don't like it one little bit. Even the Brooklyn Dodgers managed to beat our guys once. Even the Senators did it (even if it was fiction, with a ripping good score).

    That would be just the capper to this whole ludicrous, pandemic season. We should be afraid. Very afraid.

  4. What Lola wants, Lola gets. It's not a promise, it's a warning.

  5. Not to be confused with the Kinks' Lola or Ebn Ozn's Lola (in "AEIOU, and Sometimes Y").

    Minnesota is notably blue and Minneapolis goes by the nickname of the Mini-Apple, defining themselves in comparison to the big one.

    They can win, but they won't.

    It's God's will. Not to be confused with Will Arnett, Will Shakespeare, Will Farrell, or Will. I. Am. With the punctuation, perhaps the most pretentious show biz name ever.

  6. There are still advantages in playing in your own "friendly confines"

    You wrote:
    "There will be no fans, which negates home field advantage"

  7. Pat Travers... damn, you're right.

    Getting old.

    1. No problem, I'm in the Rome Old Farts club too. (Cue up "Bridge Of Sighs")

  8. But at least I didn't say Rick Derringer!

  9. A few things...

    1) Trower was more famous for his song about the Atlanta Braves pitching staff...

    Bridge of Cy(s)

    2) Too bad last nights game wasn't called by Chris Berman...


    3) We have games next week in our new house of horrors, Buffalo so let's not get ahead of our selves. Plus, Aaron Judge just declared us the best team out there and we all remember the last time he got overconfident about New York.New York.

    Doug K.

  10. Boom Boom always makes me think of Howlin’ Wolf, The Animals, and the helicopter coming to destroy Skyfall, but I guess that’s a different Boom song.

    It was good to see Stanton raking last night, but when they said he was a triple short of the cycle I was yelling “don’t do it!” at the tv. Kay and Paulie chimed in with the same sentiment. The man needs a designated runner.

  11. I'm ready to bet that LeMahieu has more Yankee Stadium dingers--shots that would not be homeruns anywhere else in organized baseball aside from Williamsport--than anyone else in baseball.

  12. Why is Frazier batting ninth tonight and Aaron Hicks sixth? Hicks SUCKS. This is obviously dictated by Cashman, who can't get over his ego-crush on this stiff. What an ass Cashman is.

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