Monday, September 28, 2020

No matter how you slice it, the Yankee future will hinge on the next three games

It's been a long, weird, twisted, short season, 2020. I'm glad it's over.

The Yankees were great, then awful, then great again, then miserable. They backed into the playoffs and, frankly, deserved to be the AL's lowest seed. (Toronto, you blew it.) When you think of the breakout seasons from DJ LeMahieu, Luke Voit, Gerrit Cole, Clint Frazier and Gio Urshela, the depth of this year's Yankee malaise becomes breathtaking. 

Our "Twin Towers" - Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton - fizzled from muscle strains. Even today, neither sprints to first base without Aaron Boone clutching his Rosary. After Cole, the rotation imploded, and our bullpen - originally touted - became a horror show. We have no second or third starter, no lights-out relievers, and - after DJ - nobody who can drive in a run from second. If the Indians score three in the first, we are more likely to be blown out than to mount a comeback. We have been a team of passed balls, stranded runners, embarrassing batting averages and failed instant replay reviews. In simple terms, we sucked.

I believe the Yankee future hinges upon this week in Cleveland. If the Yankees advance, their talent and depth might coalesce in sets of longer series. But the three-game crucible has haunted this team since August. If we go out quickly, the Yankees, as we know them, might be shredded this winter. And, to be honest, that might be a good thing. 

We've talked so much about shedding Gary Sanchez that it's barely worth mentioning anymore. But several other areas cannot be ignored. The team has six outfielders - a plane with three wings and no propeller. The 2021 Yankees will need pitching, pitching, pitching. Cole is just one starter. Paxton will be gone. Tanaka and Happ are old. Deivi Garcia and Clarke Schmidt are unrefined. Severino is a roll of the dice. German will still miss a month or two. The Yankees will need at least one top starter, and the only means to that end might be to trade their hottest properties. Yes, I am stating the unthinkable: Aaron Judge and/or Gleyber Torres.

Keep in mind that a) the devil is always in the details, and b) I'm not saying the Yankees trade somebody for the sake of jettisoning them. But neither Clint Frazier nor Miguel Andujar will fetch a top starter - do we always want Michael Pinedas? - and nobody will take Giancarlo Stanton off our hands, unless we add a great talent to the mix. Put Stanton in with Gleyber, and you've got a package that most GM's would love to take to their bosses.

The Yankees next year will face a newly competitive Mets and an AL East with at least three ascending teams - (Rays, Jays and O's). If we collapse this week, this year will be remembered most for its crushing disappointments. And if we're lucky, it might just signify the end of an era - and the dividing line for a better future.


  1. I agree with our Peerless Leader, save for two things:

    —We don't have 6 outfielders. We barely have 4. Gardy is done and Talkie has reverted to his powerless mean. Judge, Hick, and Stanton are constantly injured, and we've wasted a season in which we should have found out if Andujar can play out there. By next July, Cashie will be desperately scouring the junk piles for OF help.

    —Nothing's getting shredded. Coops will use the nature of this year to stick with his master plan. At most, they will deal Andujar for magic beans. Which will be a tragedy.


  2. I’m sorry. I mostly agree with you, Fearless Leader, but trading Gleyber is easily the worst idea you’ve ever had. The kid is 23 and could form a solid nucleus of four rare and talented hitters along with Frazier, DJ, and Andujar. I would sign all four long-term. Hicks and Gardner need to disappear. Forever. As for Judge, he’s like Haley’s Comet - doesn’t show up often, but puts on one helluva show when he does. You can’t sustain any success without consistency. So we wait for our Great White Hope to stay on the field. Both he and Stanton are like having a beautiful and annoying girlfriend who lets you have an occasional sniff of the biscuit. You keep hoping for another glimpse. But I don’t think that’s happening on our lifetime.

    Aaron Boone belongs back in the booth. He’s a good guy, but he’s no manager. Bring back Buck. That’s my pipe dream - it will never happen because he’s his own man. Brain and Buck wouldn’t be a marriage made in heaven.

    Two other things:

    Analytics is a joke. It is the one bit of “progress” that is ruining the game. It’s good to consult, but ultimately it turns a team (like the Yankees) into an all or nothing show. Guys don’t know how to do anything but swing for the fences. In The Stadium that might work, but elsewhere...

    Lastly, congratulations to Jeter and Mattingly for taking a shit team and making them respectable in such a short time. Jeter, especially deserves kudos for ruthlessly ripping apart a bloated organization (which he took a LOT of grief for) and turning it around so soon. Turns out Derek could be a better manager than a player, if that is even possible.

  3. I rarely disagree with anything El Duque says. I rarely agree with him, either.

    So here is my gut feeling:

    1. We will overpay Judge and keep him forever, He will mostly be injured. Once in a great while, he'll get on a hot streak. But he does not come back from injuries well ( see 2020 season), and that will be the norm.

    2. We couldn't trade Stanton to Red China for a basket of mangoes. If we agree to pay Stanton's entire contract ( plus food money), and throw in Deivie Garcia, a deal could be made. Stanton is already becoming the mammoth version of Jacoby Ellsbury.

    3. Sanchez needs a new home. But the Yanks have no one in the pipeline ( there was no pipeline this year ), and Kyle doesn't have any upside. So, we'll overpay Sanchez and keep him far too long...he is already at least a year beyond his " sell by" date. And guess what? He won't get any better. We have drafted catchers with high picks the last two years. But they are 8 years away.

    4. Le Mahieu may just want out. I'm not sure he wants to endure yet another year where he is the only dependable player. Where he is the best guy they have at three...maybe four...infield positions. And is asked to play them all.

    5. The pitching reflects a woeful future. Cole is the "goods." Though, when he loses 1-0 tomorrow, and the Yanks are quickly done...he is going to realize that it is not always a good thing when your dreams come true.

    6. German will be penalized 60 games for the next 5 years. Best we forget he exists. He had to have killed someone on fifth avenue.

    7. Severino will be the second coming of Jesus Montero. He showed flashes and flamed out. He will never be a dominating starter, upon whom this team can rely. He will one of the few guys who didn't recover from TJ surgery. But we will pay him big money anyway, and fail to make plans because he is " pencilled in."

    8. Happ and Paxton are beyond the age where they can dominate. And Tankaka will get" lit up" after 5 innings on Wednesday. When he " brings it " these days, he looks as though I could hit it.

    9.. Blah, blah, blah. As long as the Steinbrenners and Cashman are pulling the strings, and Boone is the masked man in the dugout, this team will be a trail mix of talent that doesn't perform.

    10. Is it only the fans who are noticing the incredible defenders, and speed shown on teams that are beating us? Guys that are teeing off on us? Playing baseball, rather than checking stock quotes? On Toronto, on Miami, on Tampa? And tomorrow, on Cleveland? We need a Florial in CF to show off something. Anything. But we have a .225 hitter with 6 home runs and tiring legs. That is us.

  4. The Yankees will have to pay most of Stanton's contract to get rid of him. I'm not sure that Cashman can get over himself enough to make this move--or that the marketing department won't veto it.


  5. Both [Judge] and Stanton are like having a beautiful and annoying girlfriend who lets you have an occasional sniff of the biscuit. You keep hoping for another glimpse. But I don’t think that’s happening on our lifetime.

    I love this blog and all its commenters.

  6. "sniff the biscuit..." Richie, I hear that you are the true author of the Bard of Avon's major plays. That's beautiful. Beautiful and tragic.

    JimmyEats - that may be your crystal ball, but it's my wish list. Sadly, I don't think the ball is a little muddy. IF ONLY that were the truth, I'd have some hope.

    We shall not win again
    Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane...
    And Brian chokes upon his moldy throne..

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