Thursday, September 24, 2020

You will get your wish......

It is over Duque.  The season, that is. 

Boone will start his " A" team in the playoffs, and they will not "go through" ( as the Brits would say ). 

Any human being can see that Sanchez is a liability, and that Jeter conned and poisoned the Yankees for a decade, just has Putin has done to the red, white and blue. 

The players in uniforms # 24 and #27 are a cancer.  They usually strike out , swinging at pitches so terrible one can only think of the Chicago Black Sox.  My grandmother would lay off those pitches.  

And by now, it has to be both predictable and demoralizing to the other players.  They must be saying; 


"The season is nearly over and these two continue to hurt us.  Why are they in the line-up? "  

The Yankees have a really good catcher, with great defense and an accurate arm, who hit three home runs in one game. 


When #24 and #27 do make contact, it is 90% guaranteed to be into a rally-killing double play.  The speed of these two running to first base is way under an eight second forty. We are usually better off when these players just look at three strikes and sit down. 

 Umpires are endangered when Sanchez is behind the plate ( note; I did not say " catches ").  He leads the league in passed balls, bat tipping, and errors.  He is slow to everything, and our pitchers dare not use their breaking balls, with men on base. And the opposition knows all of this. 

His throwing is now of the one-hop variety, and requires magic to catch them and apply a tag ( we saw that yesterday on the attempted steal, well before it was 14-1).

Billy Martin would sit both of these over-paid players during the playoffs, and win by doing so  But it takes grit and guile to do that.  He would get in Sanchez's face and tell him , " you fucking stink," and he would tell Stanton to., "shut the fuck up, or stay home and play with yourself."

Boone is not (as a commenter said today ) a real manager.  He is a PR puppet for Brian who, in turn, is a puppet for you know who. 

So the "A" team will play, the announcers will gush, and we will go home early.  Again.

The season is over. 

You can relax.


  1. "and our pitchers dare not use their breaking balls, with men on base. And the opposition knows all of this. "

    This x100.

    Doug K.

  2. Once again this year, it continues to not really amaze me that the Yankees do what they always do, and play the hyped and mega-rich contract holders.

    It doesn't matter how bad they are. They have to play because they've been hyped and/or paid ungodly amounts.

    This is especially true when there's a younger/alternate player who is demonstrably better. They don't make enough to get into the lineup. They are not described as "feared" by the paid shills on YES. (Thankfully, I don't think Cone is of that ilk. He might not say anything bad, but he refrains from exalting the badly performing "stars.")

    Year after year after year after year. Torre or Girardi or Boone.

    It's inexplicable, destructive, and loses fans over the long run.

    Yet, it persists.


  3. Oh, yeah, now I can relax. You made it so comforting.

  4. And not only will we lose this postseason, but once again, nothing will happen this winter. Absolutely fucking nothing at all. I consider myself a very patient Yankee fan, hell, I survived the early '90s. But you've got to be some kind of a fucking masochist to want to continue watching and following this barf show.

    The Hammer of God

  5. Did you guys notice that the Yankees' turnaround and winning streak began when the big names were on the IL and Boone was fielding lineups EVERY DAY of the Yankees' best young players: Frazier, Andujar, Wade, etc., were on the field every day--and not batting seventh or ninth. I'm all for analytics as a way to understand what kinds of on-field performance conduce to winning ballgames--but there remains the great intangible: how to you elicit that performance? That's where great coaching and general managing comes in, and the Yankees have chronically lacked both. This year, by force of circumstance, the team was finally forced to field the core of young players they should have been playing all along, instead of the lumbering crew of big-contract underperformers--and the chemical reaction was magical, harking back to the 1994-1995 germination of the great Michael-Showalter teams. Now that the high-priced Edsels are back on the scene, and the likes of Andujar relegated to nonpersons, another funk is setting in. Anyone surprised?

  6. Still amazes me that Andujar has been sent to the Alternate Site. Just insane.

    Also, watching the top of the first today, I learned that Voit has started 35 straight games. He's now playing with some sort of brace on his foot, and can barely run. But he's still playing.

    Why? Why don't we bring Ford back up so we can rest him for the playoffs?

    So we can keep Thairo Estrada on the roster? Jordy Mercer? Nick Nelson? Tyler Lyons?


  7. But if you listen very, very carefully, you can already hear the excuses forming up in Brain's brain.

    "It was a crazy Covid season, and nobody could quite get their training right, and we had to play in BUFFALO, for cryin' out loud! Oh, and did we mention we had INJURIES???

    "Why, just wait until 2021, and we will FINALLY get everybody back and healthy, and maybe Severino will be back, and Montgomery will recover arm strength, and...and..."

  8. One of the worst things that happened to this team was that 10 game win streak. If they would just have continued playing like they had they would have missed the playoffs and maybe, just maybe something would have changed?

  9. Here's the deal, my friends, and you know I speak the truth on this one:

    It's the same game every year - the bloated fuckfaces go down. The young guys carry us, they take us far. THEY are the true believers. THEY appreciate what it means to be a Yankee. The bloated, jaded, felching, overpaid shitwads - the ones who go home and tell themselves - it's just a business - they don't give a shit. They get hand jobs on the massage table and burp, then take a nap. It's the young guys who get us there.

    THEN, when the postseason comes - IF it comes - they get yanked so that the marquee names can go out and haul their listless marquee asses around the field, swing their tired marquee bats at bad pitches, make a show of seeming upset when they strike out.

    THIS is what happens every year. It would be much cheaper and better for the team to just play the young guys. Who is responsible for this state of affairs? The name almost rhymes with "ASS-MAN" or, better yet, "TRASH MAN." CRYIN' TRASH MAN IS THE PROBLEM.

  10. We suck. Especially in Buffalo.

  11. The Sanchez AB was an unwinnable situation for us fans. If he had hit the grand slam, that would have been the end for Higashioka this season. If he hadn't gotten the big hit, then the Yankees would surely lose, as they did. Thing is, the long ride he gave that flyout might just be enough to rob Higgy of reps anyway. You just know Boone-y is going to see something positive in Sanchez's effort there, despite that ridiculous second-strike swing. SMFH, as the kids say.

  12. You're right, Pocono. He was all excited about how it "almost" got out.

    Which, as you know, has a long history in Yankee lore.

    Remember when Babe Ruth "almost" hit a called shot in the World Series?

    When Mickey Mantle "almost" hit the longest home run ever recorded?

    When Reggie Jackson "almost" hit three home runs in a World Series game?

    When Tino and Brosius "almost" hit those ninth-inning homers on back-to-back nights in the 2001 World Series?

    Yeah, those were "almost" the days.

  13. Somehow, I find this year's floundering more annoying than usual.

    I mean, this is baseball, right? Not yet 60 games in, and if this were any other season we'd be saying the team just hadn't found itself.

    But really, I can't help but feel that they're coasting, having clinched a playoff spot, thinking they can just turn it on come the postseason.

    I don't think they can, and I find the whole idea of coasting now, in this year, with everything that's going on, downright repugnant. There are this many people unemployed, and these guys can't get up for a meaningless game in Buffalo? Awww.

    Slumps happen, bad games happen. But guys like Ottavino suddenly being unable to do anything right, nobody much bothering to field, the usual all-or-nothing swings?

    If they don't give a shit, I don't know why we should.

  14. This season is meaningless.

    In a normal season, we would shrug off a losing streak without much thought, but in this castrated season it’s like packing 50 pounds of shit into a 10 pound batting helmet. Too much concentrated angst and I’ll bet all the players in the chase are feeling it.

    This whole shit show of a year is one never-ending spring training, and who the hell ever remembers who won the spring training hunk of metal?

    163 days to spring training. Wake me up when the snow melts; I’ll just be staring out the window waiting.

  15. It's more the evident lack of effort. I realize they're bored, I realize it's Buffalo. I realize ballplayers are like race horses, skittish and disinterested half the time.

    But this might just be the moment you want to go out there and play your heart out, no? Just BECAUSE there are no fans in the seat, and you're stuck in Buffalo, and there's nothing on the line but a whole lot of people who'd like a few hours entertainment in between worrying about the virus, or where their next paycheck is coming from.

    Not enough to keep them involved? Then they really should go home now.

  16. Richie: "This season is meaningless."

    Thanks, M. Camus. Really, they all are.

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