Friday, October 9, 2020


  1. Two years in a row, Chapman. Two years in a row.

  2. And, in the end, that legendary, awesome, unbelievable offense of the New York Yankees, back with their lineup injury free, scores ONE run. The most important game of the year they showed true grit. Or something that rhymes with grit. Starts with an s. Too upset to think of it right now.

  3. Bad managing. Not enough quality pitchers. Not enough contact hitting.

    Too much Hal.

  4. Yankees played better in this series than I thought they would. That's why it took 5 games. I thought they should've taken out Cole after four innings. You could see the Rays were getting better at bats. Many more foul balls. Endless at bats. So Boone leaves him in for the 5th, and boom! I would've taken a chance with Deivi Garcia in the 5th. He was the second best starter we had going into the playoffs. It was Garcia's pitching that turned around that terrible slump during this coronavirus season. So they put Deivi Garcia on the roster just to pitch that one inning? Might as well have had Andujar take his place on the roster for a few pinch hit at bats.

    The Hammer of God


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