Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Virtual Off-Day: ALDS Returns to New York for Deciding Game. Rumored FBI Investigation Into Cashman!

From the desk of HoraceClarke66...

As the battered and bloodied Yankees and Plankton-Swallowers made their way back to the Bronx for Game Seven of their ALDS, stunning news leaked from Washington to the effect that the FBI is investigating possible connections between Yankees GM virtual Brian Cashman, and an unidentified, “foreign entity.”


Just what that entity might be remains unknown, and the FBI is refusing to make any official comment. Sources close to the Bureau, though, indicate that Cashman has been in contact with a “nefarious element” that may be located outside of the country—“or perhaps, even this world.”


While the anonymous sources would not comment further, they did say that what had set this off was Cashman’s claim from a few years ago—meant to impress a bar pickup—that, “The Yankees control the universe—and I control the Yankees!”

“Someone took that very, very seriously,” said the source. “Was it Putin? The Chinese? Was it a deranged clown avatar that lives in a sewer? Was it…something even worse? We don’t know—and we don’t know if we want to know.”     



  2. Bait and switch with Garcia. Good idea, if Happ doesn't suck.

    Oh yeah.

  3. An insurmountable lead given the general futility against Glassnob.

  4. Can we please stop taking Voit out for defensive reasons? That was a great play.

  5. Fucking Happ. Fucking Boone.

  6. CHRIST...If yanks go on to lose this series Boone needs to be judged off this fucking game and get canned....

  7. So fucking smart bringing in Happ like that. Wow, totally got it over on Tampa with all those lefty hitters in there. Sheer genius.

    Fuck you Cashman.

    You too Happ.

  8. The general consensus on social media is that using Delvi basically as a decoy was completely a Cashman move, not a Boone move. That's probably right.

  9. Stanton. Holy fuck.

    Now, THIS guy is worth a bazillion bucks a year.

  10. I was in the middle of posting "if Stanton hits a home run here we might have to order him his "TRUE YANKEE" membership card."

    I didn't get it typed in time.

  11. This is going to one of those "first team to 15 runs wins" games, isnt it?

  12. Stanton is reminding me of Reggie. Just reminding me. A little.

  13. And they have Ottavino warming up?

    Good God. How much has Boone and Cashman bet on the Rays?

  14. Annnddd....another passed ball from Sanchez.

    Jesus. This is insanity.

  15. Happ blows, and now they'll bring in Ottavino to put the game out of reach.

  16. I keep watching the replay of Stanton's 2nd HR. Holy shit, he crushed that ball.

    If he and Judge could ever both be 100 percent healthy for a full, 162-game season, it could be scary.

  17. So, the other night they were talking about how Ottavino has basically lost his confidence.

    Sooooo, let's bring him on in a 1-run playoff game with 2 on and 2 out.

  18. That was an adventure in LF...jeez

  19. If Frazier had dropped that, Cashman would have him in Scranton by the seventh inning.

    And yes, I know there's no team in Scranton now.

    He'd be sent there anyway.

  20. I'll chip in for the bus ticket ...

  21. I'll splurge for Amtrak.

    Judge looked pretty bad. So did DJ.

  22. Boone, sensitive to the players' self-confidence, will leave Ottavino in for three runs to improve his self-confidence.

    Sanchez drops the pitch there to guarantee the stolen base. But what a great arm.

  23. Those first batter bases on balls...smh

  24. Reminds me of a great old cartoon. The main figure had a sign, "I am blind and my dog is dead."

    Maybe you know it.

    Thank God for DJ there.

  25. https://norman.hrc.utexas.edu/erwittGal/full/ERE1991001W00068-08C.jpg

  26. I do know that one.

    Glasnow is a pretty good pitcher, and he's getting everyone not named Giancarlo.

    The bigger problem is...we don't have any pitching after Cole. Again.

  27. You know, I can't help but notice how perfectly this postseason is set up for the Rays.

    Play everyday—great for the team with a nearly inexhaustible array of interchangeable relievers, used to pitching every which way. And in an empty, neutral park, which nicely negates the advantage of having fans.

  28. Of course, we don't really don't have enough starters, either, so I can't say it hurts us specifically...

    Something else—which has probably only HELPED us?

    I've seen a lot of the games, here and in Texas, and in some of the other parks. I have never seen so many playoff home runs hit to dead centerfield or in the upper deck. Never.

    Is it, somehow, the aerodynamics of the empty stadiums? Or have they actually juiced the ball for the postseason this year, after deadening it last year? In any case, MLB is soon going to have all the credibility of the WWF.

  29. Chalk up another game to shit managing. Bad choices in pitching, one after another.

  30. And hey, we finally got Arozarena out! Whattaya know?

    Boy, that guy's had some career! Seven years in the minors, Cuban ball, Mexican ball, and he's had all of 63 home runs>juice>. Suddenly>juice>you can't get him out, and he has tremendous power. I'm not saying anything>juice>but it is amazing>juice>how some players>juice>suddenly develop: Sammy Sosa, Ivan Rodriguez, Mike Piazza, Alex Rodriguez, David Ortiz, etc., etc.

  31. But more, bad choices in GENERAL managing.

    Brain spent our last minor-league bullet on The Little Sapling. The pen came apart like a wet tissue in less than half of a normal season this year, and nothing was done to bolster it. Happ goes south in the clutch again.

  32. There is absolutely no reason why Sanchez should do anything besides pinch-hit for the rest of the season.

    Bottom of the sixth: an 88-mph STRIKE bounces off the top of his glove and back to the stands. Fortunately, there was no one on base.

    Top of the seventh: another critical strikeout.

    I don't get it. What exactly does Higgy have to do?

  33. So Ron Darling on the umpiring: "There is a lot of complaining by the hitters about the calls tonight, which there always is when C.B. Buckner is behind the plate."

    Really? So why IS C.B. Buckner behind the plate, in a key playoff game?

    Beyond that, though, what I can't stand is our passivity in the face of this.

    No Boone and no coach chewing this bum's ass. No one adjusting. If this idiot is going to call everything outside, then crowd the damned plate, and make the pitchers bitch about it.

    But no. That's not part of the preordained game plan.

  34. Nick Nelson now. The man we needed instead of Andujar. No, really Cash, you didn't get outmaneuvered by the guy with the $28-million payroll. Nope, not you!

  35. That strike call on Sanchez was outrageous.

  36. Just outright robbery now, and you can see how it's screwing up the hitters.

  37. The one on Torrez, you mean? Yeah, one of the worst I've ever seen. Thank goodness it did not hurt us.

  38. That call had me so out of sorts I couldn't even type a post correctly.

  39. Time for Frazier's "TRUE YANKEE" moment ...

  40. This time, Sanchez will hit into a game-ending DP.

  41. Sanchez was swinging for the upper deck there. Just a hit, Gary. That's all.

  42. Their flashing the stat about how this year, Sanchez has hit .125 with men in scoring position. But that's really unfair out of context. It's really only about 20 points below his regular average!

  43. Just ... make ... contact. Sheesh.

  44. Wow. Well, my apologies to Gary. He did not hit into a double-play. I doubt if he could hit a beachball today.

  45. The Machine! But we could've used that earlier.

  46. Oh, man, that was the most hittable pitch Judge will see!

  47. Please get an ump who can call atrikes.

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