Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Will the legend of Deivi and Goliath begin tonight? Or will we see a Trojan Horse?

First, apologies for the "legend" reference. I'm not actively seeking to sabotage Deivi Garcia. But at this point, the juju gods have drafted their 102-page action plan, it's been rubber-stamped by the 15-member juju advisory committee, and the first district juju authority has done what all authorities do: Authorized it. Though we don't yet know the fate of Deivi Garcia, it has been carved into memos and distributed across the juju bureaucracy. What's done is done.   

Tonight, you would think that the fate of the Yankees hinges on the pandemic-born wild-child, Deivi (or Davey) Garcia, who turned 21 in May and shouldn't even be here. In a normal season, he would have started in Trenton, risen to Scranton and maybe tasted a cuppa joe in September. In his last full season, he threw 111 innings at three MILB levels, with an unappealing ERA of 4.28. (At Scranton, over six starts: 5.40. Ugh.) 

But Garcia's numbers were always secondary. For the last two years, he's been the new "next Pedro," which is the Holy Grail of the Yankee farm system.

Ever since Pedro Martinez retired in 2009, the Yankee deep state has obsessively brought forth a cavalcade of "next Pedros." Luis Severino is still one. Before him, it was Manny Banuelos. Before him, Christian Garcia. For a guy who never played for us, Pedro has inspired generations of knock-offs, most of them disappointments. To be a certified "next Pedro," you need to be small - Joba Chamberlain didn't apply - with a fastball and a press agent - not in that order. Most came, felt pops in their elbows, and disappeared in trades.  

So, tonight, we will see the latest incarnation: Deivi Garcia, in his seventh MLB start. To be frank, he has only dominated once, his first outing. Here are the six starts:

As you can see, he's a typical rookie: inconsistent. If not for a solid final game, you could imagine him not making the post-season roster. But Garcia has a few things going for him.

1. The Rays haven't seen him. 

2. He doesn't walk many batters.

3. The Yankees seem to win behind him.

4. He throws right-handed.

That's the key. If Garcia forces the Rays to run a lefty-leaning lineup, and if he pitches into, say, the fourth inning, the Yankees can bring in J.A. Happ or Jordan Montgomery, with Tampa unable to make any more switches. 

In other words, a Trojan Horse.

Tonight, Garcia might be less the next Pedro than the newest Chad Green, the advance man for a lefty bullpen move. 

But I am not giving up hope. Wouldn't it be great to see the legend of Deivi and Goliath start tonight? 


  1. The Trojan Horse idea is very, very clever. If that's the idea, it's just sneaky enough to work.

    On the other hand, if the kid is going great, we can always leave him in. But since batters don't seem especially mystified the second time through the order, he'll likely get the hook.

    I didn't catch the name of the play-by-play guy on TBS last night, but he was good. Infinitely better than anyone Fox or ESPN puts out there. I guess it's too much of a stretch for either of those networks to recognize the guy's ability and give him a job.

    Ron Darling was OK, too. Sedated, clearly, but OK.

  2. @JM...Brian Anderson...he does the Brewers games when he's not moonlighting on TBS...

  3. Good morning Commentariat.

    TheWinWarblist said...

    Fuck you Hal.

  4. Did you all see the video of Red Thunder's home run swing? Incredible balance, all his weight balanced on the stiff front leg with the rear foot actually leaving the ground during the swing. Le Grand Rouge can hit.

    Fuck you Cashman, you petty minded prick.

  5. I did and I 10000000% agree Winny, and I second that Trojan emoticon JM & El Duque!!!!
    Crossing fingers and toes for Devi tonight,,, GOoooOOO YANKS!

  6. Crossing my eyes, too. Harder than it looks!


  7. Looks like Brain is going to present tje Rays with a dose of their own medicine with a bullpen game.

  8. We got a miracle last night. Tampons pitching was poor and our hitters were able to take advantage. We'll see if we can repeat that tonight.

    The Hammer of God

  9. Though tonight feels like playing with house money. Rays know they can't lose, while we're starting a rookie. It's like they've already thrown the flag, and our receiver is racing toward the end zone, to use a very baseball analogy.

  10. The fuck Boone doing his best Girardi impression.........over managing

  11. And Trojan Horse it is.


  12. Happ looks happless...must have been Cashman's idea to use Garcia as an opener...smh...

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