Monday, November 16, 2020

Is Trevor Bauer wooing the Mets, and should Yankee fans care?

If the Yanks lose DJ LeMahieu to free agency - a Cat-5 disaster for which we should now be preparing - Dollar Store Hal Steinbrenner's resulting money vacuum needs to flow toward one objective: Pitching, pitching, pitching... 

Right now, the best one out there is NL Cy Young winner Trevor Bauer, who increasingly looks like a bad fit for our fully functioning Death Barge. The latest example of this incongruity is a 17-minute video from Bauer, in which he hails new Mets owner Steve Cohen as "a voluptuous, groin-boiling seductress of hot oiled sexualty" "setting himself apart from his main competitor," a reference to our favorite money-grubber. 

A coupla things...

1. In his marathon video, Bauer cheers Cohen for engaging fans on Twitter (something Hal does not do), targeting a world series ring in three to five years (something Hal has not done) and turning over baseball decisions to experts (something Hal has done, depending on definition of "experts.") These are compelling reasons for Yank fans to fear the next decade. Cohen looks like a fat and happy billionaire who wants to win a pennant, compared to our frat boy, whose want to win while monetizing the family inheritance. In no time, Cohen has become the most beloved owner in NYC. (The bar rather low, eh?) For Met fans, I have one thought: I'll believe this when I see it.

2. It's not uncommon for free agents to gush over NY sports owners. In fact, it's good business. Bauer has many reasons to praise Cohen - perhaps 300 million of them - and even if the Mets don't bite, coaxing a New York team into any auction will boost the bottom line. Remember the outreach tours of Manny Machado and Bryce Harper two years ago? When the Yankees barely returned calls? This tradition extends back to the days of Jack Morris and collusion, when the Tiger pitcher boldly wondered why the Yankees weren't interested in his services. So Morris pitched Detroit to a world series, the Yankees sucked, and old George smoldered. In many respects, this is simply the grand sports tradition of wooing the rich Gotham fat boy.

3. Who makes a 17-minute video? An idiot, generally. Someone who loves to hear himself talk, who thinks whatever he says is brilliant, but it's not worth writing out in advance, because that stuff is for losers. Seriously. Seventeen minutes. Wow. I ask Mets fans: Do you want to subject yourself to this?  

4. Somehow, long ago, Bauer ended up on Gerrit Cole's shitlist. This extends way back to their days at UCLA, and usually these matters involve a cheerleader, but that's none of our business. Nevertheless, this I do believe: Cole has proven himself to be a great Yankee teammate, and if for any reason - public or private - he doesn't like Bauer, we should think twice about signing the guy. Maybe time has heeled their differences, and maybe they would even play off each other in friendly competition. Or maybe we should look elsewhere for pitching. 

5. Which brings me to the part where I fling my hands into the air. I don't have a clue what the Yankees should do about pitching. That said, I'd hate to see them trade Clint Frazier or Miguel Andujar for the next version of J.A. Happ. There is one path to upward mobility, and it is by growing your own. Other teams do it. Tampa sure does. If we lose LeMahieu, I say we keep Masahiro Tanaka, buy another Japanese pitcher - (there are several coming over) and pin our hopes on Deivi Garcia and Clarke Schmidt. Unless either starts putting out 17-minute videos. 


  1. Bauer has this whole social media thing going. Heard the other day it would be better for him to sign with a team in the spring training Cactus League as those training sites are 30 mins or so apart. It would be easier for him to do interviews for his social media brand (must be making money off of this then).

    We don't need Bauer...we need young arms. See how Tampa Bay won...all those guys sans Morton are young and can all throw 95+. Recently, Bob Costas mentioned that in the not so near future, pitchers going into Cooperstown may never throw a complete game. Also mentioned that back in the day, we remembered pitchers with CGs in World Series games as something know the names...Koufax, Ford, Gibson...but you wont remember a starter in the 2010s 2020s for a particular game...sad for us long time baseball fans...

  2. I'm going to borrow the stylings of our friend Anonymous, and say,


    Did I miss something? Did they die in the Covid pandemic? Have they been abducted by aliens? Were they traded to Kansas City?

    That's two-thirds of a potentially excellent rotation right there. Why have they been seemingly forgotten?

    Time to get Inspector Lynley on this. Maybe Morse, while we're at it.

  3. "I say we keep Masahiro Tanaka, buy another Japanese pitcher - (there are several coming over) and pin our hopes on Deivi Garcia and Clarke Schmidt. Unless either starts putting out 17-minute videos."

    Yes, Tanaka for sure. 2 years 25 Mil.

    BTW, isn't it great to advise someone how to spend MILLIONS of dollars? 25M sounds about right. At 30M they'd be out of their minds. That four bedroom ranch style house? Don't go over 463K. What did you pay for the Buick? 34? You're insane!

    So if we do that...

    Tanaka (A fine 3-4 Starter)
    Montgomery (A fine 3-4 Starter)

    and any of...
    Garcia (a 2-3?)
    Schmidt (No idea)
    Returning Sevi (Who is to say?)

    and Returning Domingo German (Yikes? JM, was he that good anyway? I seem to recall that he won games but was he dominant? It was so long ago. The last time I saw him pitch I'm pretty sure the Governor was Hugh Carry. So I can't say he's a plug in.)

    You will notice that the Two slot is an X.

    This is as Frank Zappa would say, "the crux of the biscuit."

    Because, as St. Alphonso reminds us, this team is built to be a wild card. And we have no shortage of good but not great pitchers to assure us of the birth.

    We need another ace. Big time. Not another 2-3. Gotta be an ace. So no trades for JA Happs. Gotta be the real deal. And it's OK if it hurts.

    I'm OK if we don't go after Bauer. Duque's right. He sounds like too big a putz and if Cole doesn't like him that's enough for me.


    Other needs:

    Sign the Korean shortstop guy whether we get to keep DJ or not. I'm telling you it's a good move. Then again, in the interest of disclosure, I wanted to trade Paul O' Neill after his first two years. So I'm still smarting from that one.

    Doug K.

  4. Hugh Carey!

    Doug K, I'm in the same boat, but MAAAAAAAAAAAAN are you old.

    I also remember the American Motors AMX sports car. About as well put together.

    And don't get me started on Ramblers or Studebakers.

  5. Hell Rufus, Averell Harriman was still governor of New York when I was born, trying to fend off that young whippersnapper, Nellie Rockefeller.

    Amen, Duque, and hilarious.

    I would be happy to take Bauer—but no way the Yanks shell out that money.

    Sevvy? Love him. But who knows if he's coming back with anything like what he had? Most don't. German? A riddle wrapped inside an enigma, coated over with a spiky layer of women abuse and emotional despair.


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