Friday, June 25, 2021

Boston thread



  1. Boone has gone with the best OF and best INF today. I guess he thinks this is important.

  2. German sucking already.

    It's been a long first inning, and there's only one out.

  3. Another great start. At least I have Gilligan's Island reruns to watch.

  4. Assholes. I guess it's back to old fashioneds for me

  5. Let's see if they can be the comeback kids today.

    Of course, it's Fenway. Three runs don't mean much.

  6. Gleyger needs to consult ICS's Dr. Olu, or whatever his name was.

  7. He needs some feathers and chicken feet, for sure.

  8. Feels like one of those five hour games.

    Brought to you by 5-hour Energy. The official drink of the Hebrew Home at Riverdale.

  9. John and Suzyn opining that the hitters MAY be getting fouled up by the bench demanding they take on certain counts.

  10. Clint walks on a couple of dubious calls. I'll take it.

  11. The SCOTUS is convening on the mound.

  12. How can they just miss these pitches? Unbelievable

  13. DJ showing flashes. Tie game.

  14. The Yankees not wanting to spring for John and Suzyn to travel to phenweigh is disgusting. Fuck you HAL.

  15. I love how Boston fans chant "Yankees suck" even when they're kicking Boston's ass.

    Such a thoughtful, intelligent group.

  16. Rufus, that's a WFAN decision. Why they're still not sending our fearless leaders on the road is a mystery. A few thousand bucks?

  17. Looks like German will stay in until he gives up 7. Great.

  18. JM,

    I lump them together by extension.

    The official mouthpiece of the New York Yankees, brought to you by Dewey, Scruem and Howe.

  19. Rufus, you left out a Hunniger.

  20. The genius of Michael Kay: "the shift, and Torres is right there."

    Without the shift, DJ would be playing right where Torres was.

  21. Home plate ump really screwing Perez. So many strikes not called.

  22. Torres should be batting 10th.

  23. Fucking German can't field, either.

  24. Jacoby ran on to the field in the pregame wearing a Sox jersey. Aren't we still paying him?

    That's some epic trolling right there.

    Also... RAN onto the field. We should stick him in center.

    Doug K.

  25. Jack shit Ellsbury was paid his final buyout year (only $5,000,000 -- after the bloated contract) this year. He can now come back out of the closet.

  26. Swung at ball four.

    Almost as good as looking at strike three.

    Same result.

  27. LeMajor taking charge over Gleyberday on a pop is too telling. He is more comfortable calling off the shortstop.

  28. At least this guy's name sorta looks like 'lug nut'.

  29. True.

    The offenses have ground to a halt once the starting pitchers were yanked. That should tell us something.

    So Sevvy is stretching and looking better. I forgot why we should care, but I'm excited.

  30. Urshela striking out that badly is disheartening. Apparently even he is taking batting tips from China Doll.

  31. The red-headed stepchild is so bad, he will never get the benefit of doubt on any pitch.

  32. Damn, I wish I didn't have to look at the bawstahn feed. Complete with little kids with midget jerseys in the stands.

  33. John and Suzyn waxing nostalgic about phenweigh improvements is going to make me turn the sound off.

  34. Is that Leslie Lapidus on the mound?

    “Leslie Lapidus could say fuck, but she could not do it.” – William Styron (Stingo’s reminiscence in “Sophie’s Choice”)

  35. These Yankees will disgust you and break your heart.

  36. And then you'll wake up to a crappy gift basket and a persistent painful rash.

    Peri-anal rash? Did I say peri-anal?

    And a persistent moist painful peri-anal rash.

  37. Rufus: use this site - I discovered it from another contributor on this site several years ago. It's totally free, and apparently accessible around the world. If a second window pops up, click it OFF. You may have to give it a few tries before it gives you the live game with the YES crew:

    Apparently good for ALL live sports! Use the menu at the top of the page to select your game and team. Saves me a ton of cash each year!

  38. Was there an IIHIIF gathering at tonight’s game that I was not invited to? I keep hearing “Yang-keys suck, Yang-keys suck” and as the Yankees biggest critics, figured it was us.

  39. My pleasure, Rufus!

    - Otis P. Driftwood

  40. Well, don't sweat the insurance run. When the Yankees fail to score at all in the top of the 9th, it won't matter!

  41. We're dead. I don't see a rally in the cards.

  42. That 720p site is a nightmare of malware.

  43. Another four hour game...smh.

    At least the Icelanders lost to Tampa Bay...

  44. Why is Boone pinch running? Just to ensure an extra inning lose if they manage to tie it?

  45. If only Boone would play those quick, athletic,young players with lightning quick bats come straight out of the "Iliad & the Odyssey". Alas, but they have turned to stone. Too young, too young.

  46. Good to hear from you, micro-sample genius!

  47. Better to play all the declining old farts, especially when they rank among the worst players in baseball! Right, genius? Look at Tampa Bay and every other team with consistent success nowadays, genius!

  48. LMAO!!!!! Thump the head, watch it bobble.

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  50. You can't even understand sarcasm. I'm all for talented young players. The problem is that we don't have any. All you can do is stubbornly prospect hug. When you are out of high school for roughly ten years perhaps you'll understand. As for the present, you embarrass yourself. When you ought to listen, you talk. There, when you you learn how to conduct yourself properly, I and others may respond to you. Otherwise you will turn into a ghost on this blog. Capisce?

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. I have resigned myself to the fact that this is a slightly better than .500 team. That is just the way Hal wants it.So I continue to pay just enough attention to make sure that I guard against falling off an emotional cliff. That means hardly watching games themselves.

    HOWEVER, I have started paying attention to the Minors. We currently have all 4 teams in first place in their respective leagues. Lots of fun reading boxscores. Lots to love there and "The Martian" begins his career in a couple of days.
    Maybe there are some young players on the way.?
    P.S., forget Garcia, . He has an ERA north of 8.00 and can't get anyone out.
    Please, go back to enjoying baseball and watch/review Yanks' MILB Teams

    The Optimistic Archangel

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  54. Kevin--sarcasm my derriere. You're shilling for Gardy everyday out here even though he's one of the worst players in baseball. That's not rational, unless you're a Rays or Red Sox fan.


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