Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Differences Are Obvious

 I have watched the first 3.5 innings of the Red Sox game and am soon to be relieved of that chore by the arrival of dinner guests.

I will not attempt to predict the outcome of tonight's game ( because Boone says our offense will soon come together ), but here is what I see.

1.  The Red Sox make contact.  We do not.

2.  The Red Sox have speed.  We do not.

3.  The Red Sox hustle.  We do not.

4.  The Red Sox make plays.  We do not.

5.  They have 4 infield hits in three innings.  We do not.

No worries.  We still have 14 more games with these guys.


  1. Forget about the Scarlet Hose, Alphonso: it’s Beantown.

    I hope your guests will provide ample diversion, and please stick to your philosophy (to which I subscribe): When life gives the Yankees lemons, go make a pitcher of Sidecars.

  2. We don't have any of that because the team was constructed to win by hitting home runs. Can't blame Cashman last two full years, they won over 100 games those two years and last year, well that was last year...

    They made these decisions before the baseball became slightly deader. They made these decisions before they cracked down on the foreign substances on baseballs. They are pretty much stuck with their roster since their players are not high value tradable at this point in the season. The Yankee roster can't change to how the game is played in 2021. The Rays and Red Sox are constructed this way to win now. You can't trade everyone and get good value. The Yanks just started selling tickets for the rest of the season. How the stadium fills up will determine what Hal will do. That's your meter. Empty seats and not in contention will force moves to be made. Those moves will be for next year. I might be on a Theo Epstein watch if that were the case.

  3. Just to confirm the invincible stupidity of Boone: this incompetent fraud sent up Odor to pinch-hit for Miguel Andujar in a key spot in the top of the ninth, even though Odor is hitting EVEN WORSE against righties than against lefties, and even though Andujar is hitting MUCH BETTER against righties than against lefties: in other words, both players are hitting THE REVERSE of usual platoon splits. Here are the relevant slash lines:

    Odor against righties (BA/OBP/SLG/OPS)

    Andjuhar against righties:

    Only a staggeringly incompetent IMBECILE would make this move. And the next time anyone complains that the Yankee management team over-relies on stats and analytics, laugh in his face.

  4. It's not that Yankee Inc "over-relies" on stats and analytics. It's that Yankee Inc is bad at data and analytics. I have little doubt Odor for Miggy in that spot wasn't just Boone doing an Earl Weaver "left/right" split. Some spreadsheet somewhere in Yankee Inc justified it. And that's the problem. Yankee Inc is an adaptor in a division with two innovators...Tampa Bay and Boston. Tremendous resource advantage keeps Yankee Inc competitive with Tampa over time. But Boston? Nope. Resource gap is much narrower, and Boston as an organization outclasses, and for going on 2 decades has outclassed, Yankee Inc in every other way.

  5. I thought that Odor for Andujar swap was strange. Why pinch hit Odor for a guy who is probably twice as likely to get a hit? It probably didn't make much difference, as I think we still would've lost. But still, strange move.

    The Hammer of God

  6. And why let Gardner bat in the 9th?

    Everything about yesterday made no sense.

  7. Publius--You are giving Boone way too much credit. I've never seen him consult a stat sheet in the dugout. He incessantly berated analytics as an ESPN baseball commentator. He's just a seat of the pants dunce who doesn't do his homework or sweat the details. Some things are that simple.


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