Saturday, August 7, 2021

Today and Vegas

 The lousy new guy has to go nine innings today.

I refer to the guy who, were he not lefty, would be paving driveways in Irish neighborhoods.

By my calculation, based upon his Yankee debut, he will give up 12 solo homers. 

He doesn't even have the support of the ferocious bat of the other lousy new guy, someone named Davis.  Oh I thinking of "Crash Davis" from the movie?

But you know, the mystery CF who hits .127 ( but zero as a Yankee ), and who someone said came from Toronto.  He replaced Greg Allen ( not to even mention Florial ) who was hitting .275 and a catalyst for several wins. 

He replaced Greg for no known reason, other than allegations that Boone "has no fucking idea what he is doing." 

Vegas has the Yankees losing by 4.3 runs today ( the decimal is a WAR factor ) and the odds are 833 -1. 

Take the fucking over, boys.

There is no chance and no point. 


  1. As a reminder, we are 14-25 in day games. Putting Mr. Haney out there, along with Boone's usual mystery moves, is increasing the odds of losing.

  2. Only one home run in first inning. 12 home runs is wildly over estimated. It’s going to be more like 9.

    Bye bye Chappy!

  3. Aroldis Chapstick has an excuse for avoiding the fastball. I wonder how long he's been going out there with an elbow problem? Maybe five weeks or so?

  4. Maybe we should call him Hiney.

  5. After we get our pitchers back, I see a DFA in Heaney's future...

  6. Pee-Wee Herman used to summon the jinni Jambi (Giambi?) with a call of “"Meka leka hi meka hiney ho“!

  7. Cashman made great deals to get position players. He should not be allowed to make any trades for pitchers...they never work out...

    Heaney is today's sacrificial lamb. We're throwing this game so we can win the 4 game series tomorrow.


  8. Bases loaded and Heaney goes from 0-2 on the hitter, to 3-2, to walking in a run. This guy needs to go back to Hooterville or Pixley or wherever it is he came from.

  9. Heaney, 5 HR in 4.2 innings.
    This is the guy Cashman claims he and the analytical staff "loved" and they just needed to fix the little flaw in his delivery that they discovered. What a bunch of crap!

  10. Wikipedia tells us that Heaney attended high school in Warr Acres, Oklahoma. Coincidence?

  11. Brainless motherfucker isn’t even paying attention to baserunners?

  12. Heinous was described on WFAN as being acquired to eat innings. Which he has to do today since we used the entire bullpen yesterday. You or I could do that job, we'd lose 500-1, but we could eat innings.

    That's a damn low bar for a starting pitcher, and Heinous just about meets it.

  13. Low bar? That’s no bar at all!

  14. I’m in favor of leaving Hanky out there til his arm falls off

  15. That was the cheapest of all cheap home runs. But it counts.

  16. Holmes looks really good since we got him.


  17. FanGraphs data on Joely R: Last 7 days, 3 appearances, 3.1 innings, 49 pitches (of which 12 were thrown last night) stats: last 30 days, 27 games, 16 earned runs, 28 hits/12 walks

  18. The Yanks just won a game they would have lost if it was two weeks ago…

  19. Exactly Ranger, well said!!!!

  20. It’s amazing what happens when you have left handed bats in the lineup

  21. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that the Mariners suck

  22. They won a day game. No reason they can't finish the sweep tomorrow with Gil starting. Better than I expected.

    Whether or not we win tomorrow, we do need to sweep KC. After that, we have a real test for the rest of the month. Chicago, Angels, RedSox, A's, Twins...Minny the only potential tomato can in the lot.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I like the "Heinous" moniker.

    Thanks in advance as I steal it.

  25. The Yankees are pretty average. The last five above average games require a deep and demoralizing losing streak to even things out. I’m pretty sure finding out that Gil was a flash in the pan would be sufficiently demoralizing as a start. We know Hal must sell, Cashman must go, and John must manage. This has not happened, so the Yankees can’t win.

  26. I'm starting to have my doubts that they are through. 20-8 runs aren't easy for any team. We'll just have to see... Still, losing all the pitching, plus key players. Then again, Tampa and Boston have taken their own gut-punches recently....


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