Sunday, August 8, 2021

Today? Finally?



  1. LOL!!!!!!!!!! El Duque, you are the supreme tempter of fate,,,, JuJu gods be damned!

  2. Reposting from yesterday slightly edited,,,,,


    Hey Gang, looking at the schedule, if weekends work best for folks, they are playing the Twins SAT AUG 21st @ 1pm, it's a home game so The Master will not be dealing with his nemesis the monitor. As far as bars/venues are concerned, my thinking is if friends are coming in from out of town, mid town might be the easiest for them, while of course making sure the game is being aired on a screen/television. I can scout locations, or if you have a trusted place, I'm all in.

    That said, I'll meet whenever it works for the most people, weekends or weekdays/nights. I'm double vaxed, and while I'm not making a habit of dining in, I'd meet inside of a bar for this.
    Let us know your thoughts, and the more the merrier!!!!!

  3. Aaaand Rizzo tested positive. Yeesh.

  4. My comment?
    As Superman said to "Bet-A-Million" Butler (Human Bomb) circa 1951:
    " No comment until the time limit is up."
    LOL I think you have to be over 60 to understand the above.

  5. Oh, shit. Not Rizzo.

    Ken, I wonder if our get-together will be happening amidst the Delta crap. My wife has got me kinda worried about the situation.

    What do you other guys think?

  6. I am working the 21st but can do the 14th or 28th.

  7. Also, the Delta variants are awful. We'd need a to find an establishment where all of the staff are vaccinated. Assuming NYC doesn't go on lock down again.

  8. An outdoor venue would be best. An outdoor venue in 1998.

  9. Hey Guys,
    Re> IIHIIFIIC MeetUp

    I hear you, let's rethink this. I'll look around for a place that's outside for AUG 28th, if we can find a venue, we can take a view closer to the date to see what everyone's comfort level is. I'm following Winnie's lead on this!!!!!!!!

    PLAN B, maybe folks would be more comfortable with a Zoom Meet Up?,,,, could be more inclusive as well as being the safest option???

    I miss seeing/meeting you all in person, though, this may not be the year for it ,,,,, :((((

  10. A zoom meet eh?

    BYOB and nachos.

    How about right after Labor Day when the Yankees will hopefully be in the thick of a playoff/East title. Probably most people's summer vacation plans are pastas well. Just a suggestion.

  11. Do you think Rizzo has “seen enough data” now?

  12. Luke Voit is back.

    Nelson is optioned to Scranton. Why was he up anyway? Although I have to say, Abreu is changing my mind lately. He's looked pretty good, throws 100 when he wants, and seems to have got himself under control. So he's off my shitlist, I hope for good.

    Sevvy and Kluber are coming along, but honestly, I really want Gil to stay in the rotation. It's not realistic, I know, but it's great to have a kid in the group.

    Anyone know what's going on with Montgomery? Isn't he due back soon? No progress report on him during the pre-game. I lose track of how long he and Cole have been ILed...

  13. Can we have the pitcher bat and DH for Davis? He's just a sure out. He shouldn't even bat, they can declare an out and move on to DJ.

  14. If we need to do a zoom room, I can set it up easily.

    If we found an outdoor space on a weekday, that could work.

    More people are beginning to wear masks again downtown, but the young crowd continues to act like imbecilic, oblivious jerkoffs.

  15. There's a good reason for that, Bit. They are.

  16. Hi Bitty,
    I'll look for an outdoor space, but now I'm thinking it's going to be easier/safer/more inclusive for the official 2021 IIHIIFIIC Meet Up to happen over Zoom. If that's the case, thank you for offering, I defer to your expertise in setting this up.

    That said, if I find an outdoor space, maybe we can also have an unofficial Manhattan meet up for anyone interested, masked up, masks down for drinking LOL!

  17. Push come to shove, some of us can meet up in a city park that has wifi and bring out laptops and beverages. Then we can sit a distance apart, watch the game on our computers on the YES site, drink ourselves silly, and talk accordingly.

  18. Voit is swinging the way most of our guys were when we lost a lot. Not trying to hit the ball, trying to hit it to Connecticut.

  19. JM, that's a great idea,,, so we have our Plan C, thanks!

  20. I know he's rusty, but I miss Rizzo already.

  21. We just have to find the park with the best wifi...

  22. I'm so sick of the commercial with the kid who needs a kidney that I'm willing to donate one just to get it off the air. Of course, she'd die with one of my kidneys, so that's out.

  23. I still have a bat from a Bat Day game vs. the Pilots in '69. We won 5-0 in a rain-shortened game.

  24. JM, once you donate the commercial is off the air one way or another. Please rethink your altruistic gesture.

  25. You have a point. If she needed an eyelash, though, I could probably help.


  26. JM: That's unbelievable; I believe I was also at that game and I believe the bat sitting here in my office is the giveaway bat.

    Question: During the rainout, did many, many kids spill onto the field and start running around? If yes, I was at that game.

  27. The Gil A Monster pitched a good 5. Now he's off to the food court!

  28. Ya know, there’s an outdoor park outside Yankee Stadium…

  29. ZOOM!! That way those of us on the west coast get to see all of your ugly mugs!

  30. I’m sorry. That wasn’t right. I apologize.

    I meant to say you OLD ugly mugs.

  31. DickAllen, so very very old. So very very ugly. Also fat and rude.

  32. It’s so true, Win.

    I am all those things and so much more.

    Watching this game is almost as bad as watching golf.

  33. IIHIIFIIC Meet Up
    Re> DickAllen, I agree, let's make this a Zoom event this year, and we can do it a few times, why ration the passion!!

    Sir Bitty,
    Why not pick a game and we get this party started, thanks! In the meantime, I'll continue to scout outdoor locations with screens or WiFi for local folks to meet up, if anyone is interested.

  34. Two weekend afternoon games vs Oakland (28/29)?

  35. Then in the first two weeks in September we get Toronto and the Mutts

  36. LBJ, I don't remember if kids ran onto the field at the end. I think it was Father's Day, and the game was called after 5.

  37. I can't do 21st-22nd. I can do 28-29, or Sept. If, as you say, we are still allowed to congregate

    Luetge and Odor: the perfect killer combination. Good grief, what a couple of mutts?

  38. Not getting a good feeling about Luetge…

  39. Could be a very costly error by Odor. We need Gio.

  40. Luetge is a serviceable middle innings reliever, not who you bring in in the eighth during a scoreless game.

  41. The loogy is about to lose this game. He got nothing.

  42. And of course, Boone leaves him in.

  43. We can’t expect anything less from him.

  44. This fucking team and their fucking inability to bring in the runners

  45. I can’t believe Boooone let home pitch to the righty.

    Actually I can’t believe Boooooone let him pitch at all.


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