Friday, September 10, 2021

I Cannot Imagine Why Anyone Thought This Was a Good Idea ...

 I have never been of a temperate disposition.  Swings of emotion characterized by ill considered gouts of invective hurled indiscriminately have been a recurring theme of my education and professional life.  I do know better, but I have a passion inside me.  And a frontal release syndrome apparently.  

Our Peerless Leader asked that we not feed the trolls.  I hardly have the high moral ground on this issue.  I for example coined the name Buck's Puckered Hemorrhoids.  It still makes me giggle whenever I say or write those words.  I am a child.  Or I contain multitudes.  (The multitudes are largely under control as long as I remember to take my meds.)  Something like that.

Where was I?  Ah, yes!  The other night after reading Duque's sage words, I resolved not to respond to any unattributed comments as a way of showing respect to El Duque.  But things rapidly got out of hand during the next game thread.  Things became so bad that my North Star, the magnificent 13bit, exited in protest.  This will not stand.  I will not sit idly by my computer and do nothing.  I requested and was granted by Mustang the ability to moderate comments.  So tonight during the game thread please know that I will be ready and delighted to delete any trollish loutery that occurs.

Life isn't fair and I surely will not be as a moderator.  I've never done this before.  I will make mistakes.  I will be prone to wild swings of mood and judgement.  A few individuals will be made unhappy.  To that I say: Suck it Puckered.  

I am here for you Duque, and you Hoss, and bitty and all of the Commentariat.  Just as you have been here for me since I posted my first comment 10 years ago.

Live moderation of game threads will commence tonight.  At least when I am sober and still paying attention.

As always: Fuck you Hal with the dead severed, thawed and runny head of Ted Williams.


  1. An old biplane just sailed past in the sky while I was walking my hound on the mighty Hudson River. Trailing behind it was a banner that said "Winnie is busting loose!" I decided to end my self-declared self-exile, my hiatus, and come to see what the gods were hinting at, and discovered this.

    Good stuff, Winnie! I may come back if I can keep my blinders on and not succumb to railing at things that don't matter to me. I was never one to hold a vendetta more than a few years, but I may not be able to quit you folks. We shall see.

    In the meantime, I see the Bat Signal and must go battle evil.

    Later, folks.


  2. I think I just deleted my own comment such was the fury of my moderating!

  3. For God's sake, be careful, Win!

  4. OMG> this will be must see blogging, GOoooOOOOOO WINNIE GO!
    And welcome back Bitty, for those about to rock, We Sa- Lute Chooo!

  5. We're going to try moderating comments as they are posted. If I can figure out how to do that. Please be patient while I screw up.

  6. Like Jake said, "We're gettin' the band back together".

    Of course when someone said, "I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!"

    He replied (well the same actor), "We're just the guys to do it."

    Did we panic when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!

    You go Winnie! Take no prisoners, but don't forget to take your meds!

  7. OK, like any sentient being, I said "why the fuck is Gardner batting second?!"

    Then again, I also predicted 99 wins for this train wreck.

  8. We got a run. Gardy got a triple. Not in that particular order.

  9. Okay, okay, Rufus T. cleared moderation just like I was taught. Huzzah!

  10. Winnie,

    Sorry to do multiple posts and make your life more difficult, but I've had a martini and some wine -- ok a bunch -- so more encouragement:

    this calls for bottom shelf booze! Rebel Yell if you're a bourbon drinker, or something with live non-segmented worms if you insist on margaritas.

  11. We're about to give it back. And then some.

  12. Rufus T. just you be you. What more could anyone ask for?

  13. What is "the white thing" in deep center that The Master and Suzyn keep talking about?

  14. Maybe we get out of this inning unscathed…

  15. Maybe we get out of this inning unscathed?

  16. Doug K., I think you passed. I don't know how, but it appears you did.

  17. Well, we got out of the first unscathed...

  18. I predicted 77 wins. I was wrong. Barely

  19. JOEY JACKS ONE Wha Wha Whaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. There is a few minute delay in your comments working through the system. I'll clear them as they show up. Repeating them multiple times doesn't seem to speed things up.

  21. I am watching the Met broadcast and they are REAMING Sanchez for his inability to make that tag!

    Doug K.

  22. Chris Sales has tested positive for COVID-19.

  23. Did Sales need to see "more data," too, like Rizzo?

  24. The delay here is not nearly as annoying as the mlb broadcast vs. John & Suzyn.

    I have to listen to vacuous Costas. Hard to believe he was once a Yankee fan.

  25. oooooooooooooooooooh boooooooooooyyyyyyyyyy.

    here it comes again.

  26. Immunity does wane after infection. We are seeing people infected twice now that the delta variants are out there.

  27. MLB is talking about ICS sitting on the ground catching. Saying it's a viable method of catching.

    Unless you're prone to passed balls.

    Unless you're prone to passed balls.

  28. Monty doesn't have an out left in him, does he?

  29. As my father used to say: Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

  30. artificial lemon flavoringSeptember 10, 2021 at 8:27 PM

    the bases are loaded
    the bases are loaded
    the bases are loaded

  31. Arti can take over play by play if The Master retires.

  32. Can't have anything nice, can we. Monty aflame

  33. The Master should go out with his boots on.

    Calling the 7th game of the world series.

    ...when he's 108 -- the next time the Yankees will be in the series.

  34. Can they please fire bonehead in the middle of the game?

    George would have.

  35. Suzyn just likened the Yankees to The Bad News Bears. I think she shouldn't talk about the Bears that way.

  36. Artificial Lemon FlavoringSeptember 10, 2021 at 8:38 PM

    Uhm - it may not be the most popular of strategies - but I'm thinking that the Yankees might consider walking off the field after this inning and quit the rest of the season. Fire KaBoone. Get ready for 2022

  37. Shouldn't Haney be warming up to help us out?

  38. Fuck you HAL
    Fuck you Brainless
    Fuck you Bonehead

  39. Monty is fucking terrible. Can't even count on him to be the team's 5th starter. Just continue the slide into the abyss and get everyone fired.

  40. The 2021 New York Yankees are a bad baseball team.

  41. Well, I stand corrected! Turns out Monty DID have outs left in him!

  42. Put this team out of its misery. No pitchers left. No hitting. They can't field. It's sad, at this point.

  43. Monty Python's Flying Circus, gawd damn, what a shit fest!

  44. The Giants won today. Their catcher went 0-4 with 2 K's.

    Sounds familiar. Except THAT catcher is STILL batting .300.

    This team is atrocious.

  45. This is pathetic.

    Also please bear with me.

  46. Why did they send Monty back out there? How was that supposed to protect the bullpen? Can't Odor throw a couple of innings?

  47. They should have Sanchez pitch a couple innings as discipline for his stunning defensive play.

  48. AnonymousBosch: Sorry to respond to your question with another question, but I don't know the answer to this and am curious: when a non-US person signs up for an MLB.TV subscription, what team(s), if any, are considered "local" and get blacked out for you in, say, Europe? Do you happen to know based on experience?


  49. I am paying close attention to you 'Phonso.

  50. I'm with Pocono Steve on the next pitching change.

  51. Costas just said Babe Ruth was a slugger with the Mets.

    fuck this shit.

  52. Verducci is an asswipe. Just said Babe Ruth only really pitched 6 months in 1918 and 1919. What an asshole redsux fanboy.

    1915 -- 28
    1916 -- 40
    1917 -- 38
    1918 -- 19
    1919 -- 15

    Over 300 innings pitched in 1916 and 1917

    Oh! Tawney is so much better.

  53. We deserve this. Please forgive me. Thank god we're not playing a subway series this year or we'd lose it. The gods are letting us off easy.

  54. Nice one! Beat out a DP and then follow up by duly GIDP!

  55. This is embarrassing on top of pathetic on top of unwatchable.

  56. Now would be a good time to bring in Heaney.

  57. Wander Franco hurts hamstring...

  58. It's a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Or just a plain shit show.

  59. My wife and I were watching a movie...I haven't miss much...

  60. Regarding covid (I'm vaccinated), I was just talking to a nurse who had BOTH shots, got covid, was sick as hell for two weeks. Needless to speculate what would her outcome would have been without the prior vaccinations. I've gotten pretty tired with the covid blame game. It's starting to get a bit like lung cancer, "oh well you smoked for thirty-five years, what'd you expect". One size doesn't fit all, and people have barely caught on to the concept of "virus" and "bacteria".

    Just stay the hell away from me if you haven't been vaccinated! ;)

  61. Sorry if I double-posted, I forgot about the "new way"... Kevin

  62. Forget about deleting comments. Can we delete the GAMES from the last two weeks?

    I had to tune in late. I see the 8-2 score and thought, "Hey, the Mets haven't hit double digits! Must be Heaney's night off!"

  63. Don't worry about the double post Kevin. I only approved one.

    As far as that nurse goes, she might have died if she wasn't vaccinated. Or been crippled and oxygen dependent for life. Get vaccinated. Stay safe. Stay distant.

  64. So... do you mugs think that the Yankees keep or trade Judge? If they trade, do they then go after him during the subsequent free agency year? Personally, he's my favorite Yankee by far since Matsui. I'd be sick and eternally pissed if we lose him to free agency.

  65. Forget the last two weeks. Can we delete that last decade?

  66. Art Lemon - FlavorZingSeptember 10, 2021 at 9:54 PM

    These Yankees could be part of the Kelvin timeline - perhaps the DARK MATTER could help . . .

  67. Thank you oh winsome one for murderating this game. You made it much more enjoyable than the disgusting display that was on my Curtis Mathes machine.

    Sell, HAL, SELL! NOW!

  68. Streakiness sounds like something that manifests in the undergarments of those with poor anal hygiene.

  69. Yeeaahhh ... this is an inauspicious beginning to live moderation ...

  70. I quit. Gleyber and Gio suck, defensively and offensively. The pitching is decimated, the stopgaps suck. We've gone full circle back to total shit. I feel bad for the more competent players. They don't deserve this. Neither do we.

    My Pollyanna days are over.

  71. !3 game win streak followed by 2 wins over the next 13 games. It's like the wine streak never happened. Only we know that it did. How does a team that can win 13 in a row the loose 11 of 13? How?

  72. I need a little feedback. Were the delays manageable for you all?

  73. Thank you Steve; my ass just swished a little.

  74. As for the streaks, I'd say that, over the 162-game long haul, the Yankees are just mediocre. It just so happens that, this year, it's all happening in clumps or, uh, streaks.

  75. Best delays ever, WW!

  76. Hey Win, better the delays than scrolling through the kind of build hit we were dealing with.

    It’s only a shame you can’t do anything to moderate this pathetic collection of high-priced has-beens and wannabes. That would have made the season worth watching.

    Keep up the good work.

  77. I just peeled at the “game.”

    The Mutts? Really? And they’re still playing?

  78. Arti, your name changes are making me dizzy. And a little swishy!

  79. Thanks for that, Bosch — very helpful and interesting. I remember reading at the beginning of the season that the A’s are blacked out in Guam (no clue on that one!), so I wondered what hijinks they might be pulling elsewhere outside the continental US.


  80. And so ends another episode of:


  81. Commentariat, I am going to sign off for the night. I need a hot shower and a bottle of tequila after that game. Mustang will do that voodoo that he does so well from here on out tonight.

    Good night.

    Hal and Cash must have the shitpile of all shitpiles of fuckface fuckers working for them. Boone is the fucking maggot on the top.

  82. Artsy Lemonada FlavoroidSeptember 10, 2021 at 10:53 PM


    *this actually means selectively firing, demoting, releasing and/or benching the deadwood. Imagine the shock and awe if KaBoone is fired overnight and they replace him down the stretch with a a manager that has actually been to the Wizard of OZ (uhm - you know - someone with a Brain, a Heart and some concentrated Courage). That might at least make this dreadful slog a bit more tolerable for the remaining few weeks

  83. Boone "We sucked...we stunk out the joint...we mailed it in...we didn't compete...we're a bunch of losers...we're almost 0 fer's just frustrating...we just need to tighten it up a little..."

  84. Sorry I had to miss you guys. NOT sorry I missed the game.

    Can't believe Verducci is STILL driving the MLB line that Ohtani is the best player ever. The guy is now hitting .257, with 168 Ks, and leading the AL in caught-stealing.

    He is 9-1 as a pitcher...because they throw him very selectively, when they think he can win. Also, he completely spit the bit against this Yankees team, which should tell you something.

    AND...the guy is a DH who pitches sometimes. He still doesn't have a chance in the field at any position but pitcher. This is a farce.

  85. Here are the top ten MLB WAR leaders. Shotani is 32nd on the list. I wonder whether Verducci--who is usually a well-informed analyst--claimed that Ohtani is the "best player ever." Maybe the most versatile player ever? Anyway--here's the list. Robbie Ray leads it at 6.6. Please disregard the columns to the right--they are subvariants of WAR, and I couldn't format them properly with headings. Just look at the first column.

    1 Robbie Ray 6.6 0 0 5.1 4.7 3.1 47.5 0.7
    2 Marcus Semien 6.5 5.5 1.6 4.6 4.9 4.7 44.4 0.5
    3 Zack Wheeler 6.4 0 0 4.8 4.5 3 42.3 0.7
    4 Carlos Correa 6.3 4.7 2.3 4.5 4.9 4.7 43.2 0.5
    5 Wade Miley 6.2 0 0 4.9 4.5 2.9 42.3 0.7
    6 Fernando Tatis Jr. 5.9 6.6 -0.3 4.4 5 4.5 45.2 0.5
    7 Vladimir Guerrero Jr. 5.8 5.8 -0.9 3.8 5 4.7 37.1 0.5
    Jose Ramirez 5.8 4.8 1.1 3.9 4.9 4.7 38.1 0.5
    9 Walker Buehler 5.6 0 0 4.1 4.5 3.3 36 0.6
    10 Juan Soto 5.5

  86. Anonymous B.
    I've used Apollo TV streaming service for over a year. Works very well and you can get every major US sport coverage, every team. Might be up to a minute behind.Better quality picture than cable. You can also watch sports from other countries as well such as the Red Sox owned Liverpool FC and the Yankee owned Manchester United. Or perhaps Indian cricket is more to your liking. Plus just about every local ABC, CBS,NBC and Fox across the country. Plus all premium networks from US and abroad, about 20 PPV channels and 30,000 movies. The monthly fee is less than 10% of a cable subscription.

  87. delighted that these game threads will be moderated by the warblist. that's a good move.


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