Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hard to believe, but we say 2022 will be EVEN BETTER than 2021!

You might think it impossible, but I predict 2022 will actually be even better than last year! That's right, BETTER! 

Of course, the Yankees will tank. That's a given. Without a front office overhaul, the franchise will continue on the same sorry treadmill that it's been slogging since 2011.

Ahhh, but think of the fun we'll have, mocking them. 


  1. I'm looking forward to it. The fun, that is. Just coming out of lurkdom to thank you for the entertainment over the past year...this is my favorite Yankee blog now. If you're gonna tank, may as well laugh on the way down.

  2. last night I had a dream that I was watching the yankees play in oakland from WAY above the field and saw LeMahieu boot a short hop shot to third base. then while chasing it into their outsized foul territory, DJ had a complete meltdown, ripping off his glove and flinging it at the ball then falling to his knees and screaming to the heavens. then I heard Cone say, "well Michael - that sure portends the rest of the season"


  3. That was no dream. Shit like that happens all the time in Yankeeland these days.

  4. What a dream! Me, I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night.


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