Saturday, January 1, 2022

Twilight of the Gods: Betty, we hardly knew ye...



  1. Joining Allen Ludden in that big Password in the sky. RIP.

  2. Cheeky Betty, following the RDX diet pills ad with a comment that everybody on set has so much energy they need to burn off.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The mind (or lack of one) often works in very strange ways. I can personally attest to that. So in that vein, when I think of Betty White, my mind goes where most others do not. This was the first place it went when I heard she had passed:

    It reminded me of a bit on the Stern show about 15 years ago. He was doing "Sternac", a take on Carson's Carnac The Magnificent. So Fred Norris, playing his Ed McMahon says " I hold in my hand the final answer". Stern (supposedly puts the envelope to his forehead) says "Betty White". He then opens up the envelope (you hear a rustling sound then and then a ripping noise). Stern says " What did the black man say when asked who he thought the next Pope would be".

    Hey, it made me chuckle.


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