Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Guest post: "Something needs to burn."

(From Zachary A, in our comments section. It needs to be seen.)

We should be mad.

The state of New York has not won a championship among the four major professional sports in a decade, its longest drought in 100 years (basically the history of organized pro sports).

1921 - Giants (MLB)
1922 - Giants (MLB)
1923 - Yankees
1927 - Yankees, Giants (NFL)
1928 - Yankees, Rangers
1932 - Yankees
1933 - Giants (MLB), Rangers
1934 - Giants (NFL)
1936 - Yankees
1937 - Yankees
1938 - Yankees, Giants (NFL)
1939 - Yankees
1940 - Rangers
1941 - Yankees
1943 - Yankees
1947 - Yankees
1949 - Yankees
1950 - Yankees
1951 - Yankees, Royals (NBA)
1952 - Yankees
1953 - Yankees
1954 - Giants (MLB)
1955 - Dodgers, Nationals (NBA)
1956 - Yankees, Giants (NFL)
1958 - Yankees
1961 - Yankees
1962 - Yankees
1964 - Bills
1965 - Bills
1968 - Jets
1969 - Mets
1970 - Knicks
1973 - Knicks
1974 - Nets
1976 - Nets
1977 - Yankees
1978 - Yankees
1980 - Islanders
1981 - Islanders
1982 - Islanders
1983 - Islanders
1986 - Mets, Giants (NFL)
1990 - Giants (NFL)
1994 - Rangers
1996 - Yankees
1998 - Yankees
1999 - Yankees
2000 - Yankees
2007 - Giants (NFL)
2009 - Yankees
2011 - Giants (NFL)

Something needs to burn. 


  1. Will my draft card do? My wife has a couple old bras she's willing to torch, also.

  2. Very interesting, Zach!

    And not for nothing, but until Wilpon and Katz finally sold, 4 of our 7 local teams were run by dynastic incompetents. Hmm—more than coincidence?

    Trouble is, everybody as acquiesced to the pro sports dictum of Ultimate Parity. The fact that they are in the biggest market in North America doesn't matter. They really DON'T want to compete.

  3. I guess our only way out is to pretend that soccer matters.

    Your 2021 New York City FC brought the Philip F. Anschutz Trophy back home.

    Problem solved!

  4. So, the longest gap between champions was 4 years, until 2000, when it went to 7.

    (And if you want to go just a little outside state lines and count the Devils, it stayed at 4.)

    And now...we're going 11 years. Not good.

  5. THE QUESTION IS why???? The answer is that the owners of NY Teams keep making the same mistake. They hire losers who cannot do the job and keep bringing them back or individuals like them. I.E. Genius Cashman.


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