Saturday, March 5, 2022

Ten bold predictions for the 2022 Yankees

1.  The players will wear Yankee caps.

2. At some point, manager Boone - (Sorry, forgot his first name) - will walk to the mound to remove a pitcher.

3. A player will tweak something and miss games.

4. The stadium food will be overpriced.

5. In a eureka moment, John Sterling will observe that you can't predict baseball.

6-10. Fukkit. Nobody will bother with lists like this.

Wait wait WAIT... Dija hear the big news in Syracuse? (No, not the Golden Snowball race, where we're getting clobbered.) Juli Boeheim - wife of Big Jim - was robbed at gunpoint in the town's Destiny supermall? This, while Jim - (his team is 15-15 ) - faces its final regular season game - possibly resulting in the first losing record in his 46-year coaching career?  

Sign of the apocalypse, folks. 

Hmm. Maybe this blog should become a "Signs of the Apocalypse" site.

IT IS HIGH, IT IS FAR, IT IS... g'night, everybody! 


  1. In yet another sign of the apocalypse, last night I attended a game between LMU and K-State in a beautiful park overlooking the Pacific.

    The players used aluminum bats, a fact that may very well contribute to all the loud doubles clanging off walls. Aluminum bats should be outlawed, but I understand why they use them.

    There were (maybe) 100 people in the stands. I sat right behind home plate, six rows up with a perfect view of everything. All for a whopping ten bucks.

    It was cold. California cold. 55 degrees. Next time I'll dress a little warmer and stay the whole game.

    But it was beautiful watching a game under the lights. I'll find another game next week.

  2. Way to go Dick! There are so many alternatives to MLB. MiLB, Independent Leagues,college games. And the professional ones always have constant entertainment between the innings. Fun for the kids or grandkids. And after the game is over, you don't feel like Juli Boeheim:Held up at gunpoint.

  3. I'm looking forward to Hudson Valley Renegades games.

  4. Exactly! The game will never die. MLB should.

  5. Good list El Duque. #3 is definitely Barren Hicks.

  6. The Yankees will all wear Yankee Caps, but they will be plastered with ads for "power" drinks and sports betting houses.

  7. Since we all know #3 will be Hicks, who plays more games next this season, 2022 Hicks or 2022-23 Ben Simmons?

  8. As you likely know by now, Syracuse lost.

    So Boeheim is 15-16.

    The best he can hope for this post season: A foot long dog.

  9. El Duque. Genius Cashman will be busy telling fans why he could not make a deal for much needed parts. That is my prediction.


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