Friday, April 1, 2022

Could Brigadoon Refsnyder make another appearance? This time in a Redsock hat?

 Supposedly, the Man Who Wasn't Stephen Drew is on the cusp of making Boston's roster. 


  1. Wow, what a persistent dude! I hope he does it.


  2. This will be his sixth team in as many years. For what it's worth, Baseball Reference has a photo of him in a Sux cap.

    Proof positive that even mediocrity has some benefits.

    Although it might be fair to say he's not even achieved that exalted height.

  3. My favorite Ref fact: only player ever to win College World Series MVP and Governors' Cup (Int'l League) Championship Series MVP.

    If that doesn't say "AAAA" player, nothing does.

    Looking forward to him flipping one over the Monster off Chappy for a walkoff sometime this summer.

  4. I'm positive that's happening, Publius! :)


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