Sunday, June 5, 2022

What do we do with Andujar?

According to Al Gore's informational superhighway, Miguel Andujar has asked the Yankees to trade him rather than lash him to a coal truck and drive him, kicking and screaming, back to Moosic, Pa. 

Who can blame him? Miggy's 27, nearing peak foliage. He's shown he can hit and play a workmanlike LF, if not 3B, and the Death Barge has used him like a cat toy for two wasted years. If he hears one more time about Joe Biden's happy childhood, they better lock the schools. 

I believe I speak for the Yankiverse in viewing The Mig as more of a true Yankee than the likes of Joey Gallo, Josh Donaldson or half of the ever-morphing bullpen. We've risen and fallen with the guy, whom the juju gods have used as a crash dummy. Once upon a time, he chased Joe DiMaggio in the record books, his Yankee future was paved with hope. Now, we're running out of options - literally and figuratively. We're at the crossroads. WTF do we do?

1. Grant his wish and trade him. 

We won't get much - a bullpen arm or prospect. It's almost a certainty that Miggy outperforms our side of the deal. If we bundle him into a package and trade for, say, a centerfielder, we might blow up the team chemistry; right now, we're best in baseball. We've won five straight, eight out of 10. This is no time to crash the roster and create a "Before and After" timeline that might haunt us through October. 

Besides, the day after we trade him for whatever, somebody might get injured, leading to a precise and glaring need.  

2. Pretend we're hard of hearing and wait him out, until a need presents itself and/or Joey finally goes.

Frankly, I'm not sure what options Miggy has, aside from the weight of righteousness and public indignation. He must know that we're reaching the end of the Gallo/Hicks experiment. Still, unless certain RH bats go down - I'm not mentioning names, so the juju gods don't get ideas - what are Andujar's chances?

If we need a 3B, DJ LeMahiue gets the call. If Cashman pulls the plug on Gallo, he will surely seek a LH bat. And hmmmmm, that's where Miggy might come in...

To sweeten a Gallo trade package, could Andujar be part of the deal?

Stay tuned. Also a note to Scottish Yankee Fan, (you know who you are.) A friend of the blog would like to contact you. In a good way. If you are interested, please let me know at 


  1. Joey Votto

    A deadline package for a lefty hitter. Package Andujar and Volpe and anyone else it takes to get either Benintendi or Votto in pinstripes. I would prefer Benintendi myself. He'd be a perfect leadoff hitter and Sux fans would go ballistic seeing their former hero playing for the Yankees.

    As much as I appreciate Andujar, and don't understand why the Yankees continue to fuck with him, he'd be better off with a regular spot somewhere else. There's just too much bad blood for him to stay,

  2. If the front office had any sense, they'd get rid of Gallo and Donaldson, put Miggy in left, DJ at third, and have a steady starting lineup of steady, able players.

    Of course, that will not happen, and we'll lose Miggy, say goodbye to Gallo and Donaldson at a slightly later date, and then go hunting for another outfielder and maybe another third baseman.

    This organization is so fucked up.

  3. Agreed Dick. The team seems to have undervalued Andujar for years. Barring a slew of injuries, it’s hard to see where he fits in with the current roster, especially with Cashman’s refusal to own up to his poor decisions and Boone’s fawning devotion to the analytics dept. W will almost certainly be the losers in any deal with him.

  4. Hear, hear, JM!

    EXACTLY. Locastro and Carpenter can back up, fill in for Miggy defensively if necessary, in the late innings. Hicks should go, too.
    He and Gallo have 15 RBI between them, through over 300 plate appearances, which is almost mind-boggling. (Hicks actually has more, 8-7.)

    Babe Benitendi has been a disappointment but really, his stats are pretty solid throughout his career. Gold Glove, varying power, but hitting .328 right now. Used to have some base-stealing ability, though that seems to have vanished. Still just 27.

    Votto is 38, hitting .182, and plays only first. I say no.


  5. Horace, you'd be a disappointment too, if you had been traded to Kansas City.

    I still don't understand why the Sux did that. He's only making a "measly" 6MM and was a fan favorite.

    The only problem with my scenario is that we stay stuck with Gallows (aka The Black Hole) in left.


  6. And Gallo hits a homer. I still dislike him.

  7. And Gallo hits a 2-run HR because of course...Juju Gods mock us

  8. He's going nowhere now, if he ever was.

  9. Damnit - he just bought himself another month.

    OR in an ideal world...

    Brain gets on the phone ASAP and goes, "Yeah, he's starting to revert to the mean. He'll end up with 20-25 HR's easy. So I'm going to have to ask for more. I want two bags of balls!"

  10. The Twitch will be dealt.

    As I said yesterday.

    And Doug - with all due respect . . .you are being irrationally greedy.

    It will only be one bag of balls and a 25 pound bag of bulk resin.

  11. I'd settle for a couple of donuts. The edible ones, not the warm-up swing ones.

  12. What's this Peacock Premium crap? Now we have to subscribe to a service to watch games?

    Not happening.

  13. Rortschmidt nibbles too much. Makes me nervous

  14. No No No JM - to move the Twitch the Intern will:

    1. Cover 5.5 Million of the Twitch's salary
    2. Include a bag of balls and a 25 pound bag of bulk resin
    3. Not forget to include the Twitch in the trade

    I'll provide the damn donuts to everyone who wants one.

  15. You're on.

    Yeah, Bern. Five bucks for a month of Peacock. Or use IPTV and don't.

  16. Oh good! He's back to sucking.

  17. If he hit one there, big ovation on Old Timers Day.

  18. Am I the only one who doesn't like Castro? I just think he's not that good.

  19. Rizzo has been a great acquisition for the Yanks...

  20. The game has gotten very little league-ish.

  21. Blogger TheWinWarblist said...

    AnDUjar AnDUjar AnDUjar

    June 5, 2022 at 9:16 AM Delete

  22. How about Hicks, guys? He's making sure he stays healthy by not hitting.

  23. Hicks is terrible. Highy is terrible. Gallo is usually terrible.

    How we've managed to keep winning when we trot out these guys is beyond me. I'd rather see the pitchers hit.

  24. If gallo hits a home run here, we're stuck with him for another three months.

    "He's starting to see the ball well. His patience has started to grow and he's putting the barrel on the ball. He's turning it around."

  25. That pitcher named "Michael King?" Who was that?

  26. Yankees Win!!

    3 second warble...

  27. Donaldson avoids embarrassing himself and gets the run in.

    That was a big Yankees win.



  30. King pitched yesterday. One inning. He must be exhausted, so Boone had to use Castro.

  31. Do you remember? Do you remember?

    We need to start planning now.


  32. Winnie:

    Do you remember? Do you remember?

    Nicely done.

  33. Pepperidge Farm remembers…

    Sign me up…

  34. It has been a while since I had a kosher dog with kosher bronx rat feces. Sign me up.

  35. Pepperidge Farm may not remember incorporating rat feces into any of their recipes but - we're all forced to watch the Twitch in a Yankees uniform so I ask you . . . . . isn't that the same damn thing?

  36. Easy, DFA Gallo. Give Andujar a full fledged spot in left field.

  37. No one wants Gallo. Next dumb idea.

  38. Benintendi has the worst arm since Roy White

  39. DO NOT denigrate Roy White.

  40. Exactly, Archie.

    Parson Tom, I love you, I value you. But if you go on denigrating Roy White, I will be forced to kill you.

    The man was an infielder, who was forced into duty into left. He once went an entire season without making an error there...and all the writers would talk about was his weak arm. A slap hitter who specialized in getting on base, the Yanks stuck him in the 4 slot for years, where he learned to hit 20 HRs a year or so.

    Returned to being a role player in 1976, he led the league in runs scored.

    I had the pleasure of speaking to him once. A real gentleman. One of his big regrets is not taking it better when that sociopath, Billy Martin, decided to bench him for much of the 1977 postseason. That's what he regrets: not missing out on the big money he might have made a few years later, not being pressed into playing in ways he wasn't physically equipped for...but not taking an undeserved benching with more grace.

    Roy White forever!

  41. Roy White, #6, remains my favorite Yankee player of the dark late 60’s, early 70’s days when I cut my teeth as Yankee fan. 15 seasons, never played anywhere else. His skill set (minus a weak throwing arm) would play well on today’s team. For comparison sake, he was a much better player than Brett Gardner. MUCH better…

  42. Roy White was ALWAYS good for a clutch hit...


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