Wednesday, July 6, 2022

A Game Shortener that will Make No Difference

 I'm not great at research.

But here is what I sense.  The Yankees always begin games ( the last 10 is my frame of reference) trailing.  I do recall we were down 1-0, even when we won in a romp. 

But against the Pirates, the team looked ( as Duque opined) " dead."

So here is my thought;  The Yankees will concede their first 9 at bats as outs. 

The opposition bats, as normal, but we just stay on the field. 

The logic is;  the first time through the line-up, we aren't going to score anyway.  We probably aren't going to get anyone on base. 

When we do win games, it is because we come from behind. 

 So why not jump start the process?

We can even continue this approach until the other team scores.  So we could go 8 innings with no Yankee getting to the plate. 

The game will be quicker and the outcomes probably don't change much. 

I am so bored watching Yankees flail helplessly during the first three innings.  So what is the point?

Do the rules permit this?

67 days until football. 


  1. Impressive - Alphonso - Impressive

    You may not be great at research - but them be some deep thoughts.

  2. The lousy hitters in our lineup need two looks at a pitcher before they can even begin to process what the pitcher is doing to them. Take away one go-round, and they won't hit until the 9th.

    That the Yankee lineup doesn't score any runs in the first three or even five or six innings is yet another reason that they won't prevail in the playoffs. Against the Ass-stros, for instance, they'll get no-hit by the starter for 5-6, then somebody will come in and close out the game. Yanks will be lucky to get a hit, let alone score a run.


  3. That miserable, hitless son of a...

    Gallo starting in RF tonight

    He's about to break comes with donning the pinstripes...'s...fuck.


  4. I seem to have caught the "FUCK" virus, a new variation of the swine flu. I think. It is not likely a novel coronavirus.

    I don't know how I caught it or with whom I came in contact.


  5. Another miserable lineup. 6 through 9 is a black hole. Gallo and Donaldson back to back? Boone conceding the loss

  6. This just in from The Daily Murdoch:

    Harold the Lesser said:

    “We made an offer that I feel was a very good one,” the Yankees managing general partner said on a Zoom call. “It was based on the numbers, of course, but it was also based, in part, on what he means to the organization. It was a combination of both. And we just didn’t get a deal done.”

    Fuck you Harold.

  7. RE Dick Allen, I believe the fuck virus superspreader is our very own Winnie,,,,,, AND BLESS HIM FOR IT!

    Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
    Let's get a fucking win tonight!

  8. "GM Brian Cashman is in the final year of his contract, but Halitosis Steinbrenner said they have not discussed an extension."

    “It seems like I’ve answered this question every year even if this contract isn’t up at one time or another, but look, I have tremendous confidence in Cash,” Steinbrenner said. “For all the reasons I’ve listed in the past; a good leader of his people, very open minded to people’s opinions, very intelligent and very well balanced when it comes to scouting versus analytics versus performance science. He iis a well balanced guy, like I strive to be, but we have not discussed that at all. But he’s obviously done a great job.”

  9. 999, Ralph Kiner-Falafel is batting eighth. He is not black hole material. No power, but he hits, which is something on this team.

    Carp is playing right. Let's hope he doesn't try to be heroic and get hurt out there.

  10. Winnie is our own FUCKING super spreader.

    As I write that, I'm reminded of this girl in high skool, many, many moons ago. But for the same reasons as our own Win Warblist.

    Rain delay.

    Oh, FUCK!

    I think that needs a (tm), just like Mr. Bit's Yankeebitcoin

  11. Lately it's more like Yankeesbite-coin

  12. Alphonso, you are correct sir. This team just doesn’t hit at the start of a game. DJL is jnot a good lead-off hitter,
    Judge down on 3 strikes, it’s like this team never heard of protracting the plate with two strikes.
    Carpenter apparently didn’t get the “do not hit memo”, but Stanton did.

  13. Hey, Donald Duckson got a hit off a righty!

  14. Annndddd.... Gallo whiffs
    IKF dp.

  15. The rally killing double play is back.

  16. Joey Gallo stretching and twitching and fidgeting while on deck, and in the TV frame, is a great advertisement for baseball on the radio.


  17. Be nice to get a run. Cy Keller is tough though.

  18. It sounds like Peter Loree is one of the announcers

  19. A walk to the worst hitter in the league, two fifty seven hoppers through the infield, one a hit and run, a steal, a play at the plate on an aggressive send...what decade is this game being played in?


  20. Once again, the Sux are getting mauled at home.

  21. So we scored against the Pirates, so? Hooray, I guess?

  22. Can someone tell me when Beltran tells us something insightful instead of stating the obvious? I'm really trying to like the guy...but...

  23. Who had Donaldson hit HR on their bingo card?

    Who had Joey Whiffs hit HR on their bingo card?

  24. Josh and Gallo back to back.

    Merry Christmas!

  25. Ranger, I'm learning new words. The peacher throws the ball to the heater, fer instance.

    It's great to be with a wiener.

  26. I am listening to the Pittsburgh radio broadcast.

    The lamentations of the women.

  27. I think Ricky R said no way, not on my show.

  28. I'm watching the game on, but with the Pittsburgh feed. One of the guys sounds like his dog just died, but I'll take it... What about Gallo?! We need to trade for that guy ;)

  29. Joey Whiffs hits a solo homer when the Yanks are up 3 runs late against the NL's worst offense. ... Yippee.

    And now the Yankees announcers are gushing about that HR. I'm expecting them to announce a YES Network special about it any minute. Ugh.

  30. And yes, when I wrote Donaldson and Gallo back to back earlier, I meant back to back homers!

    Ok, so I didn’t….

    Beltran still sucks, that won’t change. Earlier, he dropped this chestnut: “There’s so many Yankee fans here, it must seem like a home game to them” Did they not audition this guy?

  31. Vogelbach follows the Chris Farley exercise plan.

  32. Look I get it JM. They replaced Singleton, a HOF broadcaster IMHO who retired, with two people of color...Maybin and Beltran...because you need people of color to balance your broadcast. Both of them had zero experience in broadcasting and are getting initiated by fire. I get what the Yanks are doing, but was these two the best they could get? And was the other prereq being associated with the Yanks in the past? Probably. So that reduces the gene pool doesn't it? I don't think I'm off-based.

  33. Bern, never scoff at a home run when the lead is only 3-0, and not late. But I was being a bit sarcastic myself so..... Anyway, the Yankee booth with Beltran is terrible. Actually, most of their broadcasters are bad. Well, maybe Hal can afford an extra lug nut.....

  34. God bless that lady who beat cancer and gave birth at 57, but that commercial with her sitting on the mountain is gonna drive me to’s not as bad as K-A-R-S Kars for Kids, but it’s up there.

  35. The kid who needs a kidney transplant commercial is up there too...we haven't seen it in awhile...did she finally got her kidney?

  36. Maybin is bad too, but Beltran is unlistenable.
    This team does so much right, but when they go wrong, man it’s a doozy

  37. I'm getting radio ads for the stupidest sounding podcasts. Really stupid sounding.

  38. Nice if Stanton could get that bat hot....

  39. So what are the actual odds that Gallo, Donaldson, and Higgy all homer in the same game?


  40. btr999: if she drives you to drink, you need to thank her

  41. Mr. Warbalist…. I get ads in Spanish and ads for Red Sox related stuff.

    John’s stand in just told us all about the color of the pitching mound dirt. PLEASE GIVE US JOHN BACK!!!

  42. Ranger, I'd be fine with Beltran if they got him a language coach to speak English better. I think he'd be fine on the Spanish language broadcast. He might also have more to say and be more interesting. I think this is kind of mean. It's like Frank Perdue doing Spanish commercials, though he was a lovable joke. At the time his very effort won him goodwill. If I was still on the account and he was alive, I would recommend he not do it.

  43. Good night all, I'm heading for the exits!

  44. Yeah, I have a fever and feel like shit. Home Covid test was negative, but I ll give that another go tomorrow or Friday. Wearing flannel pj's with a blanket on and still getting some chills. Feh.

  45. Echoing Doug get better soon JM…

  46. Thanks. My wife is still recuperating from an operation three weeks ago to remove colon cancer nodules from her lung. Feisty cells, sqatters. So I don't want to make her sick. She feels bad enough already. Painful recovery.

  47. The sweat is pouring down, gentlemen.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Vanmeter will have quite the ERA after this outing…

  50. The hella ass-whopping we laid on the Pirates tonight DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR LOSING YESTERDAY.

  51. But this was - as you all know - a Big Yankee Win.

  52. Hope Joey Whiffs looked for apartments in Pittsburgh during his stay…

  53. They should let the trailing manager throw in the towel at the end of an inning after 7.

  54. Dick, I did say god bless her….

    Ok, we can feel a little better going to Boston.

    We need to hang tough and come away with at least a split…

  55. Beau, we’ll it did kinda look like marble rye….

  56. Hey JM, good health to you and your wife.

  57. Just got in. Very sorry to hear that, JM. Hope you both recover fast.

    Weird sorts of fevers going around this summer. Thought I had Covid, but no, tested negative repeatedly. Just a flash fever—like a winter flu—that morphed into a long cold.

  58. Went to see Shakespeare in the Park. Richard III. It was free. It wasn't worth it.

    Stay away.

  59. Could be an allergy, Horace. You frequently get them later in life.
    JM..very sad to hear about your health issues as well as your wife's We are currently living in an age where dramatic breakthroughs in cancer care seem to happen on a daily basis. Cures waged on a cellular level, immunotherapy, and targeted genetic approaches. They are even finding pot is not only a palliative but also a cancer killer. Please keep us updated.


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