Friday, July 29, 2022


 Welcome Andy...

I just want the following on record;

The commentator just finished explaining what " a good contact hitter" Andrew Benitendi has been, when he went down looking on called strike three.

So we have another Yankee in RF who can assure us all that there will be no drop off if Gallo goes. 

Game changer.

Blaurgh ( a vomit sound from the Highlands).


  1. your comparing an allstar whose batting over .300, starting his first game as a yankee, to Gallow. Not jumping the gun too much.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm hoping getting Benintendi helps push Judge back to the 3 spot. Beni and DJ in the first 2 places only makes sense.

    Will sense be enough? No, it will not.

    1. Right? Judge still gets up in the first inning if you bat two high on base percentage guys in front. But Boone won’t do it, you can count on it.

  4. Since June 1, Josh Donaldson is 10-62 (.161) with 0 HR at Yankee Stadium.

    He hasn't homered in a home game since April 23.

    That was more than THREE MONTHS ago.

  5. It's only because he sucks, Zach. Other than that...

  6. Look I love Miggy but send him and Gallow packing to Cincy with some throw in Peraza And some low level bubble player and bring in Castillo....this team maybe closer to WS caliber than the one that lost to the cheating 'stros...time to go all in

  7. Has it really been three months? Wow!

    Is it because he never hit well here in his career and the crack analytics team somehow didn't factor that in when they traded for him?


  8. Alphonso, I thought the same thing watching that AB - he’ll fit right in. Actually, I have nothing at all against Benitendi, an upgrade over Gallo for sure. However, last night both were in the lineup together, so we’re not seeing him “replace”. Gallo still here but not starting tonight. When asked about it, Boone commented that Donaldson and Higashioka would cover his strikeouts.

  9. BTR,

    Callo is also available for that key pinch hitting situation in the late innings. That's important for a Booneheaded loss.

  10. My buddy and I will be at the game tomorrow. Sorry, he convinced me to go to a game and give HAL revenue.

    Look for us on the right field foul line in the seats right on the line, about halfway up the sloping wall. I'll have a 15 jersey that does NOT have the word Munson on the back (because they shouldn't) and he'll have a jersey with *all* of the retired numbers on the back.

    I'll let you know how the kosher dogs taste with the extra rat feces. I'm thinking the sprinkles might not be kosher. Actually, I'm sure they're not. Maybe I'll find one without sprinkles.

    My buddy is trying to pick up Nestor gear because he's going to Cuba to play softball this fall and gives away whatever he can to the poor souls there. Whatever he packs stays there, except his glove. He refuses to give me any of the cigars he brings back, because -- why would you?

  11. Thanks Rufus, we should never underestimate the shrewd Boone.

  12. Ruf, I never had a Cuban…cigar I mean.

  13. What are you going to put on your fecal dog, Rufus?

  14. OMG, Donaldson just embarrassed himself by striking out on a pitch at eye level.
    Sure likes like he’s through

  15. 999, if you like seegars, Cubans are really good. I don't think I could really appreciate the one or two I've had because I've always preferred cigarettes. Maybe my avatar gave that away.

  16. Donaldson sucks. I'm happy to have been writing that sentence for months, but not happy having him on the team. Just a drag, a step or two above he who should be banished.

  17. Hey, did everyone buy their pointless Mega tickets? I did. I have five 1in 300,000,000 chances to buy into a major league team.

  18. I had a Cuban cigar in the 70s and I still remember it. Like the air in heaven.

  19. I'm finding Kay's voice and O'Neill's inanity hard to take today. Flash is the best of the three but he's getting drowned out or sidetracked by the other two.

  20. Mrs. Judge: How was work today, honey?

    Judge: Oh, same old same old.

  21. I used to smoke cigars and got a hold of two that actually were written up in Cigar Aficionado. I smoked one and it was as Mustang just captured perfectly "like the air in heaven".

    I still have the other one and will come out of retirement if I ever have anything huge worth celebrating.

  22. This Judge guy is pretty good.

  23. Mr Firefly:

    I was taught early on that Guldens, sauerkraut and onions could kill any questionable microbes.

    Short of that, a stiff shot of liquified flagyl will kill everything.

    So live it up.

  24. JM,

    I play powerball for shits and giggles whenever I fill up at the Irving gas station (which is not often). When people ask why I don't go for the billion dollar ones, I say: "40 million, 400 million. My life will probably change either way."

    Then again, I'm not HAL.

  25. AA,

    I don't do kraut in the Bronx. For some reason, only in the south side of Chicago. A great place to see a Yankee game, by the way.

  26. I gave up dogs at the stadium in favor of the Italian sausage. Now there are so many choices I don't know what I'd get.


  27. Boooooone has Chapman up in the pen. This moron will never learn

  28. rain rain go away -

    take Gallo and a few other players with you please because we really don't ant them here any more

  29. When I had my old partial season packages in the old stadium, the Hebrew National carts didn't work on Friday and Saturdays for the sabbath. They were - when they were open - far better than the standard fecal dogs, though. The knishes from them were also better.

    As for the Yankees, meh.

    But I have been saying that all season.

    meh meh meh meh meh meh meh...

  30. "Ace" says it all, JM. Blowing this game almost the exact same way he did his last start, against mighty Baltimore.

    Two outs, nobody on, 5th inning. Could not get another out—before giving up 5 runs.

    The good thing about this? We don't have to gnash our teeth and rend our garments when Brain fails to bring in Castillo. Obviously, we don't have 1 ace, so it doesn't matter that we won't get 2.

  31. Also...The top of the lineup we figured out here today—DJ, Beni, Judge, Rizzo—was not written in by the geniuses who run our team. It has already, perhaps, cost us one run, and Benintendi might have scored on Rizzo's HR if he'd been in the 2 slot. could do.


  32. If you're going to eat dogs at any ballpark, Herbrew National is the only way to go!

  33. I’m gonna eat whatever hot dogs Judge eats. Thummans?

  34. BTR999:

    Is Judge actually a Kryptonian?

  35. BJPB - I just was handed a note that says that Judge eats his hot dogs covered in spicy mustard and Bubbies's sauerkraut.

  36. Is it just me or didn't we all just KNOW that Judge was going to hit it out?

  37. Doug - I agree with your Judgement


  38. According to ESPN, Castillo has been traded to the Mariners.

  39. THAT is a wasted location for Castillo's talent.

  40. Actually they have a strong shot at the play in and adding a #1 will go along way for them.


  41. Will someone please remind me not to resort to personal attacks?


  42. And Doug, can you reveal the identity of those cigars?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. So now that I could actually see the highlights—after that great MLB deal—the infield D DID give the Royals 2 extra outs in Cole's 5th inning meltdown. Particularly egregious error by Falafel, that was called a hit.

    Still—he ain't no playoff ace.

  45. AA, I am bound to secrecy in this matter; but powerful has he grown. Yes, powerful indeed!

    However, I an willing to confirm that he is NOT Mister Mxyzptlk…

  46. And yeah, Castillo is going to Seattle. Terrible for him—and still won't save the Mariners, who are going nowhere.

  47. Well - what I was trying to say there Doug was I wish that we wound up with Castillo :(

  48. And BTR999 -

    Jor-El would be proud of your never ending commitment to Krypton.

    You have done him proud.


  49. We are witnessing history:

    Judge now has 41 homers. The Yankees have played 101 games. That means:

    He needs only 20 home runs in the next 53 games to break Ruth’s 154 game record and…

    …only 21 home runs in the next 61 games to break the Maris 162 game record

    Those guys in the NL who hold the juice record don’t count.

    I hope someone fact-checks my math. I was never very good at numbers.


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