Tuesday, August 16, 2022

000 010 000 G00 DNI GHT


  1. Donaldson is batting his weight. OK, maybe not.

    At least he's batting cleanup. Where we need him. To make the game more fair.

  2. Benny the lefty, warning track power at Yankee Stadium.

  3. Don't forget the one run was not earned. so the streak of no earned runs is still intact

  4. Cashman keeps players like Marwin G. on the roster rather than bringing up more capable players with a ton more upside because he is " seasoned". I guess you can consider their minor league players overdone and buried.

  5. Meet the Yanks, Beat the Yanks,

    Step right up and Spank the Yanks.

    Bring your kiddies, bring your wife,

    Guaranteed to be a painful strife.

    Because the Yanks are really caving big time,

    Freaking us all out.

    Losing Big Time.

    East side, West side, everybody's feeling down,

    To meet the Y-A-N-K-S Yanks, of New York town.

  6. So I went out, got back about 10:10—game over.

    Well, I guess that beats last night's death by a thousand cuts. But hell, this is now their default? Go out and lose in a couple hours?

    How many more ways can you show that you really don't care?

  7. Andujar drove in the only run, but he did lose his 3-game hitting streak—so back to Scranton he goes!!

  8. 1998 was a good year. 2022 isn't.

  9. Feeble . Pathetic . Becoming almost surreal. Each loss seems to magnify Boone’s failures.
    Where is the leadership in this organization?
    Don’t think it’s impossible for us to miss the playoffs.
    There must be accountability!

  10. BOONE has obviously lost the club. He should be fired by Monday if things don't turn sharply.

  11. Cortes is moving into uncharted territory for number of innings pitched at the major-league level.

  12. "Don't think it's impossible to miss the playoffs"? Hell, I haven't given up on my 77 win prediction.

  13. Watching these games it's dramatically clear how superior the Rays organization is in roster construction, handling of the pitching staff, and in-game strategic moves. No contest.

  14. Here's how badly managed the Yankees are: they are seven games under their expected won-lost total based on run differential.

  15. Looks like the Yankees are calling up Florial after all--and probably Peraza as well. So it turns out that Cashman is at least a bit smarter than Kevin after all, although that's a classic example of damning with faint praise.

  16. Not Peraza--Cabrera being called up. Florial too.


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