Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Mr. Bases Loaded: Aaron Hicks Collection

 Thank you, Reddit 


  1. seems like only a small sample size - so thank you for editing it down by what appears to be 1/2

  2. I counted 10 fails there, including 5 DPs and 2 Ks.

    But hey, his groundout drove in a run against San Diego!

  3. Two words.


    Two more words.


    His are excellent.

    He must need a rest from all that great work over the last few days.

    At least he'll be available to pinch hit with the game on the line.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You forgot his four other words . . .


  6. AA,

    More like:

    He *MISSES* strikes hard.

  7. The Boone/Cashman solution to the ongoing Hicks fiasco: start Marwin Gonzalez in right--the 33-year-old Marwin Gonzales who has been struggling to keep his head above the Medoza line for the past two years--and move the faltering Judge to center, just to be sure that his best player gets even more worn down as the long season advances. Anything--even the abysmal Marwin Gonzalez--other than giving Florial a shot. This is a diseased organization--the disease is brain rot.

    Judge's OPS has been declining steadily for the past month--for the past week it's .762. He's had one hit in the last three games. Just the right time to wear him out by putting him in centerfield. Do every possible stupid thing--Marwin Gonzalez starts in right, Judge goes to centerfield while he's slumping, etc.--to avoid giving Florial a shot.

  8. That video should be tagged NSFW

  9. Blarney,

    Post multiple times and you prove you are a cut and paste nitwit. Thankfully you don't do that. Or make multiple posts on how it would be stupid to bring up Florial early in the season, but now advocate it.

    And you never attack anyone first. Ever. Except when it's concerning what you consider schlock rock.

    You are so smart and above us all!

  10. Judge may have an off week or two but he was batting .425 over the past month last I saw. I think 15 hrs in 20-ish games? I don't remember exactly, but I'll forgive him the past five games or whatever.

  11. Kiner-Falafel has the third best average with two strikes? Way to go, Ralph.

  12. They're pretty much all shit right now. Jesus.


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