Sunday, August 14, 2022

"A BUNT! THEY LISTENED TO ME!" Last night, John Sterling was vindicated

I cannot recall The Master yelling so joyously about "A HIGH POP! A HIGH HIGH POP!" as he did last night, calling the last moment of the Yankee victory, then following with an estimated 10.00- second WinWarble, a vocalization that surely shook the Fenway press box. 

Just minutes before, Isiah Kiner-Falefa had laid down a perfect bunt, scoring the go-ahead (and, eventually, winning) run, validating John Sterling's life as the one true, faithful, legendary, fullhearted voice of the New York Yankees. 

With some soccer game on YES, I listened last night sitting on a cold upstate hillside, under a blazing super moon and some of the most brazen shooting stars I've ever witnessed - to John & Suzyn's sound track. I had made peace with another Yankee loss, (our seemingly endless losing streak since the Crashman trade deadline event known as BaderBeeter,)  when the least likely player to go deep - shades of Bucky Dent? - somehow came through. "Isiah Kiner-Fuckin'-Falefa?" Fine with me. If the Yankees never win another game this season, I'll still have last night, under the astral canape, when IKF laid down the perfect bunt, just as The Master had suggested. For once, John Sterling had managed. And he snapped the losing streak.  

Some other Sterling takeaways: 

1. Like a million other voices across the Yankiverse, John was all-in on Clay Holmes sitting out the ninth. But he questioned the wisdom of Aroldis entering in the seventh, especially after The Human Waterfall couldn't seem to throw strikes. John could not get over Bogaerts' baserunning idiocy - an attempted steal of third - which allowed Chapman, in full El Chapo Meltdown Mode, to escape the inning.

2. John marveled at IKF's snare of a bounced throw to second base, which effectively saved the Yankees from their second straight blown lead in the ninth. In her on-field "Star of the Game" interview, Suzyn could not hide her emotions, jubilantly yelling questions at IKF, who struggled just to get a word in. 

Look... I'm saying  what you already know, but as we hit the 2022 home stretch, we must not overlook the cold reality that - love 'em or hate 'em - John & Suzyn won't be here forever. Don't miss out. 

And last night, amid the tumult, John even took a moment to remind his beloved acolyte that, whoever said you can't predict baseball, that guy was right. And damn, under those stars, at least for one endless night, he always will be.


  1. What a kind tribute! It was a Warble for the Ages” A Sterlingtonian blast!


  2. My question is simple: Did Boone order the bunt? Or did IKF do it himself?

    Why this seems important to me: If it was Boone's idea, it proves he might actually occasionally have ideas.

    This would be major news, at least to me.

  3. Hey, quick question. How do I add an avatar?

  4. Right click icon in upper right corner. Open in new tab (or window). Google settings. Add photo.

  5. Joe FoB,

    Either way, it is astounding. Whoever initiated it will be reprimanded.

  6. ESPN tonight - New Hip-Cone in the booth to add some enjoyment to the tv side of the commentary.

  7. He homers. He bunts. He catches bounced throws.

    IKF needs a fan club.

  8. It was a great tribute, Duque, thank you! And Joe, great question: DID Boone order the bunt? Inquiring minds want to know!

  9. AA,

    Myles Straw wants to be in that club.

  10. Somewhere (too lazy to look, think maybe times), there was an article about IKF getting the HR ball by trading a signed Judge ball. He said he didn't blame them.

    He then went on to say that he is very glad to be a Yankee. I'm saying he's a made man. Even if it's bs, and I don't think so, he knew exactly what to say.

  11. @JoeFOB I think IKF did that on his own. If Boone ordered it, holy shit, I'd have to stop calling him Ba-Boone, the great Yankee cosmonaut.

    @Duque, what a great poetic tribute to the Master! And yes, for once, John Sterling had indeed managed! He got his wish, and we got ours!

    Regarding the Humphrey Bogarts play, where he bailed out a mightily struggling Chapman, perhaps the gambling bosses directed that part. Why else would he run, when all they had to do was wait for Chapman to implode? Then Chapman comes out and pitches great the next inning. Makes you wonder what the hell goes on inside Chapman's head. How can he look that bad the previous inning and then look that good a few minutes later? He's head case, no question about it.


    “It’s been a while since I heard people cheering for me, so I’m pretty excited,” Gallo told SportsNet LA’s Kirsten Watson. “I was excited about that. They’ve been awesome so far. Just cheering me on, saying that they love that I’m here. It makes me feel good and it’s such a great team to be a part of — a great organization. So, hopefully we can keep winning.”

  13. (the above use of fist instead of first was indeed a typo but since it sorta fits I'll leave it in there, so to speak)

  14. OMG! According to the Post, Kiner-Falefa said it was a "great call" by Boone. So it appears that Boone called for the bunt. Boone actually has a mind of his own! He's not a trained ape pushing blinking buttons on the control console. He will doubtless face disciplinary action. I think he's going to be fired this winter, unless the Yankees win the World Series.

  15. Hammer - that's because Director of Media relations Jason Zillo got to IKF immediately prior to the interview and told him to say exactly that.

  16. So cute to see everyone here partying like it's 1909. I can already hear the calls to bring back the dead ball.

  17. The Highlanders were under .500 in 1909.

    So nice of you to not initiate the insults. Because you never do. It's so you.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Boone will probably rest IKF tonight.

    Cuz, you know....Gonzalez needs to play.

  20. Pretty funny, Archie! (And probably true.)

    But that IS very encouraging that Boone himself called for the bunt. Is this the part in the movie where the androids begin to come to life?

  21. I like IKF. I would rather have a shortstop who can hit, but otherwise, he's great.

  22. Surprisingly, IKF is in the line-up tonight.
    Multo Beni leading off and AnDUjar DH.
    Boone-head really must be listening to John.

    A. BenintendiLF 120-394 44 3 7 .305
    A. JudgeRF 125-412 100 46 12 .303
    J. Donaldson3B 76-335 43 11 2 .227
    A. Rizzo1B 80-360 67 27 6 .222
    G. Torres2B 92-374 47 16 5 .246
    M. AndujarDH 14-57 4 0 3 .246
    I. Kiner-FalefaSS 95-351 36 1 15 .271
    K. HigashiokaC 31-154 20 7 0 .201
    T. LocastroCF 6-31 4 2 7 .194

  23. Roofer Z. Pitchburn

    Looks like DJ has the night off so what the heck else is BahBah Boonski gunna do, have DonaldDuckSon lead off :)

  24. Hey Below Average--why should you feel insulted by a little gentle chiding about a bunt obsession, and laud the latest lob of spit from the blog's most tenacious and mentally disturbed flame addict? I did not use the second-person pronoun or a name to direct my comment to anyone in particular. I know you must think you're a nice guy and great humanitarian, and all-around well-met, well-rounded sporting type--"Old Sport," as Gatsby would have it--but I seriously doubt it.

  25. Also - HICKsee in on the bench for ESPN Sunday Baseball :)

  26. But Judge is still batting second--so I guess Boone and Cashman, at least on this point, are still taking their cues from the likes of Nate Silver and Baseball Prospectus (you know, really SMART, ACCOMPLISHED, THOUGHTFUL high-IQ types), like the most successful front offices in baseball, rather than from a claque of whining, antiquarian, not-really-so-funny-or-congenial blogger-cultists.

  27. Barney,

    I didn't feel insulted.

    I was just enjoying the banter.

    Remember that the world is indeed comic - but the joke is on mankind.

    (mountains and hills were selected to verify this comment)

  28. AA -- Compulsive vomiting of bile from mentally disturbed anger addicts is not comic or laudable. That's not banter--it's vitriol. It's your right to enjoy that, but for most people it would be a sickeningly acquired taste.

  29. Barney -- You're correct.

    Honestly -- I'm just hoping for an entertaining and well played ballgame tonight?

  30. Re:IKF bunt. Boone has a tumor and will be on DL shortly.

  31. Blarney,

    You "chide", but we "insult".

    Got it.

    Wondering if " from a claque of whining, antiquarian, not-really-so-funny-or-congenial blogger-cultists" is just more "chiding".

    It's so difficult keeping up with your superior intellect.

  32. Beni leads off, Ks on an 85-mph pitch. Looks like they really came to play tonight.

    DJ has been slumping a bit, but we need him in the lineup.

    Wow, first inning over in 9 pitches, 2 minutes. Looks like another major effort.

  33. Commentators saying that Taillon has 6 different pitches.

    Too bad none of them are good.

    Thank you, thank you, don't forget your waitresses!

  34. Hoss,

    Don't forget to mention that you're here all week.

    My FAN feed from mlb is at least one batter behind.


    If John manages a game, will Suzyn be his bench coach?

  35. Bizarre broadcast. They suddenly broke away to Paul Simon, looking 146, singing "Mrs. Robinson," before Michael Kay and A-Rod. Is the entire world devolving into a surreal parody of itself.

  36. The bad news?

    Yanks seems completely unable to hit or even have an extended at-bat against Michael Wacha.

    The good news?

    This is Wacha's first game back from the DL, so chances are they will not leave him out there enough to pitch a perfect game.

  37. Hoss, Simon looks old because he is OLD.

    The whole Kay Rod show is a joke, anyway.

  38. Well, I knew that, JM. Still, sad to see.

    And ALMOST a hit that inning!

    At least the game is buzzing right along!

  39. Oh, good, they've mic'ed Gleyber!

    Yes, that's exactly what he needs: more distractions!

    I predict a big error, coming up.

  40. Yep.

    A good manager would forbid this.

  41. Holy shit, this is a farce. Gleyber is actually standing up and moving while play is going on, distracted by the voice in his ear.


  42. Hoss,

    I prefer Woodford, or someone else's Buffalo Trace or Blanton's.

  43. And a nice play by Rizzo. But my man, Falafel, bails us out!

  44. WTF is going on...?

    Oh, right, I forgot! It's Shutout Sunday. Sometimes replaced by Shutout Saturday.


  45. "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown"


    I meant:

    "Forget it, Horace. It's Yankeetown"

  46. MIGGY! El Matador! AND a stolen base!!!

    Phew! This means they won't keep Wacha in to see if he can pitch a perfect game.

  47. Suzyn is praising Devers.

    The front office must have told her to talk up the next regular Yankee third baseman.

    Of course, it will be in response to losing Judge to the mutts.

  48. "...everybody is going through the motions
    Everybody is going through the motions
    Are you really only going through the motions?"

    And to end that thought:

    "But if you change your mind you can send it in a letter to me."

    I'm outta here for the evening. They are going to get shredded by the Rays, Jays, and Mets.

  49. G'night Hoss.

    The Yankees are being shredded by the last place (tm) Red Sox.

    I really hope Baltimore gets a wild card. Just to make this a even weirder season.

  50. 2 singles and a walk, bottom of the order up. Another pathetic display by the offense. Somehow, that “hit strikes hard” mantra doesn’t seem to be working. My mantra? Let’s try, “get a better hitting coach”

  51. BTR,

    The universal translator always says "MISS strikes hard" to the players. And I believe the Yankees have not one, not two, but three hitting coaches. All horrid.

    Dillon Lawson 74 Hitting Coach
    Casey Dykes 78 Assistant Hitting Coach
    Hensley Meulens 56 Assistant Hitting Coach

  52. I still have a shot at my prediction of 83 wins.

  53. There’s a very real possibility we go 2-7 over the next 9 games, ahead of a W/C swing, where we normally struggle. Can’t wait to see our offensive offense at the Oakland Mausoleum. My feeling is when we flip the calendar to next month we’ll find ourselves in a race for the division lead.

    The Collapse is real, and it’s coming to a stadium near you.

  54. I have friends going to two of the Oakland games. I pity them.

  55. If only Benintendi had bunted in the ninth inning . . .

  56. On the Kayrod alt-telecast, Arod was putting Cashman through the meat grinder in the last segment. I think that Alex is campaigning to become the next Yankee GM.

  57. Blarney,

    You are so right!

    I'm so glad you prophesied it!

    We're so lucky to have you around. What with all of your superior knowledge!

    We missed you during the game. Hurry back soon.

  58. Dufus--"your friends" are going to Oakland games? But you have no friends--only your bitter memories and your colostomy bag.

  59. Dufus--you predicted 83 wins. On what basis? Using what calculus? Just that it's the highest number you can count up to?

  60. This thread is a throw back here to the old days on IISIIFIIC… makes me think Barney wrote Beowulf.

  61. Blarney,

    You are so right!

    Only you can prophesy with such a high intellect.

    And one could only wish they had as many friends as you. What with all of the people here that so enjoy your eloquent and insightful posts, along with all of your non-baseball fan friends. It's amazing you can keep track of all of the friends that you have. You must have enjoyed the game with them. Glad you had some bonding time.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. "Jul 31, 2022, 7:43 PM

    Barney has left a new comment on the post "Drunk Blog continues: It's the scariest day in the Yankiverse: Cashman's Deadline of Brinksmanship":

    As I have previously prophesied,"

    You are so correct Blarney. You have previously prophesied this. As well as led the followers of David out of the desert.

    Your skills are acknowledged as all-powerful and all knowing. The rubes here don't deserve your amazing insight.

  64. earlier you said you have friends seeing the Yankees in Oakland - two games. I'm going on the 28th. When will they be there?

  65. Done, over, suck... Pick whatever you think fits.

  66. From Brandon Kuty:

    “DJ LeMahieu is dealing with a foot/toe issue and will have imaging done back in NYC tomorrow, Boone says. It’s something DJLM has been dealing with on and off for a bit. “

    Well, Isn’t that special…

  67. Dufus is so brilliant. For several years he used the phrase "Pizza Boy" in every one of his deranged spews of animosity at characters on a computer screen. Sometimes he would slather a thread with fifty or a hundred repetitions of "Pizza Boy." Now he has a new word "prophesy," which he types as many times a night as he can to prove . . . what? That he has no life? That he's a moron? Why don't you type "prophesy" or "prophesied" exactly 83 times, Dufus. Now you have a hobby to fill the empty hours.

  68. Well, the good news, I guess, is that the pitching seems to have stabilized.

    The bad news is that we are pretty much out of players. But don't despair: Tots Bader is on the way!

    (More) seriously: I wonder if DJ going down will mean one of the Oswalds coming up.

  69. AA, my friends are planning on going to the Friday and Saturday games. You can find them by following the aroma of medicinal herb.


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