Monday, August 15, 2022

Look out, below! Yanks have lost AL home field advantage, could a first-round bye be next?

So, comrades, here we are...

This is the part of the movie where Sally hears that weird rustling sound in the basement, clicks the light switch to find it's not working, and then starts descending the creaky stairs anyway. We are Sally, and at the bottom of the stairs, in that Stygian darkness, awaits Vladimir Guerrero Jr. with a meat cleaver. 

Nine games up on Toronto in the loss column, with 47 left...

Nine straight games against the Rays, BJs and Mets... 

Gerrit Cole, our so-called ace, on the mound tonight...

A crippled lineup, sans Stanton and LeMahieu, Bader the boot and - in essence - Aaron Hicks, Josh Donaldson, Kyle Higashioka and Gleyber Torres - now 0-for-22, who has personally filled the Hopelessness Vacuum left by Joey Gallo (now 5-for-19 - .265 - with 2 HRs for the Dodgers...)  

A bombed-out, traumatized bullpen, with no certain closer or setup protocol, and a rotation of starters who almost never pitch into the seventh. No lead is safe, and a two-run deficit suddenly looks like an impossible mountain to climb.

No help on the way from Scranton, where our best young arms were recently traded, and our few position prospects have not won the confidence of the front office...

And our lone bright light, Aaron Judge, increasingly unprotected in the batting order and  facing an uncertain future in NY, as he deals with the ever-tightening, pressurized, media spotlight. Did his ragged swings last night foretell of the slump we all secretly dread? 

Well, if you're looking for answers, good luck with that. The next nine games will propel us into the dregs of August with either a foothold on the AL East or the P.T.S.D. of a freefall panic. No trades will save us, and - frankly - Brian Crashman's deals thus far have clanked. Considering the recent surges of Jordan Montgomery (two six-inning shutouts with the Cards) and Gallo, we should wonder about the negativity that various Yankees have encountered (which, in Gallo's case, was well earned.) 

Gallo now says the Dodgers coaches fixed a flaw in his swing that was undermining him with the Yankees. If so, good for him. I came to like the oafish, goony Gallo, though - like all of you - I came to cringe at the sight of him stepping up to bat. If it's true that he simply required a correction - (and we will see; he has 10 strikeouts in eight games, and at times with us, he went on minor streaks, which then petered out) - where were the Yankee coaches, which our mighty bullshit apparatus loves to tout? And what does it say about the flatlining careers of Gleyber, Hicks, Donaldson and Miguel Andujar?  

Nine games against Tampa, Toronto and the Mets... Had we simply won half our games in the recent road trip, we could coast into this homestand. But we fell apart in Seattle and haven't shown a spark since. So...

In the movies, Sally escapes. Will we? Only one way to find out. Pass the popcorn. We're going down.


  1. I really despise Cashman, because after 50 years of dedicated devotion, he has made me hate this team.

  2. It seems like the next part of this movie is going to be very scary...

    Don't worry - Boone has a fresh supply of gum and will be chewing faster than ever during the really frightening parts.

  3. A boy's best friend is his mother.

    Or maybe better:
    Oh... You don't wanna look in there.

  4. It's a real indictment of the rest of the American League that the Astros are the only team within 10 games of the Yankees.

    What a terrible league.

    And of course this is the year Manfred ensured that 6 of these teams will play in October.

  5. Quite right Zach! The level of play has never been this low, a stunning indictment of the lack of leadership by the “lords” of MLB.

    As for the Yanks, I say without a trace of snark, sarcasm, or cynicism that I fear the worst - an epic collapse that will leave us red-faced and shameful, followed by a sickening off-season that will see us lose Judge, re-up with Cashman, and retain the ape who walks among us, Boone.

  6. Two hits against a guy with a lifetime, 4.02 ERA. Although, looking back on it, Wacha has often pitched well against us.

    Great adjustments, once again, by our crack coaching staff.

  7. The Montgomery trade had to be the worst move anyone with authority has made since the " Louisiana Purchase."

  8. The Monty trade was something Gabe Paul or Stick Michael would do, with us getting the "Monty" player. Now its Cashman & the Yankees who get F**ked!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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