Sunday, August 7, 2022

Deleted comments & renegade robots

I just went through the comments for the last couple of days and found a bunch that didn't post, most of them from this thread. Figuring in the vanishing messages over the last month or so, this problem seems to be is—and I'm just guessing—Blogger's algorithm decides that someone is spamming and blocks their next comment. Then the auto-ban wears off for some reason, after one comment or ten. These posts showed up for me, albeit hidden in their respective threads, and I was able to restore a bunch that had fallen away in the most recent period. I don't want to monitor this every day, but I'll try to check back now and then. 

Changing the subject, I would like to announce that from 2023 on I'm going to be a fan of whatever team Aaron Judge is on. I assume that team will be spending to win. This doesn't extend to the Red Sox or Astros, of course; I'm not a fiend. Other owners, have your offers ready. If you sign Aaron Judge, you get a bonus: ME! 


  1. I did notice this annoying thing with comments disappearing. I may have re-posted a few times myself. Sorry for the repetitions.

    Someone in the media circus, (forgot his name), said he thinks Judge getting re-signed by the Yankees is only 50-50.

    That might be a high estimate. The odds might be closer to 1 in 4.

    And it might not be 100% management's fault if Judge leaves. For instance, some club might blow everyone out of the water with a ludicrous offer, say, 650 million over 10 years. Think HAL will match something like that?

    Bidding wars in an auction almost always lead to buyer's regret. Intelligent purchasers of businesses, real estate, investments, anything, will have determined a high price beyond which they won't go beyond, even before they start negotiating with the seller. So if the Yankees are financially intelligent, which I have no doubt that they are, they are going to have a number that they won't top. They're not going to go bid crazy and try to outbid everyone at the auction.

  2. Hey Stang--I've seen your hair, and your abbreviated name should be "Mus," not Stang. Unless this is a tribute to the late, great Arnold Stang, of course.

  3. @ Mustang....thanks for taking the time to do a post mortem on the comments to ensure it runs smoothly and state why some remarks have disappeared.

    @ Buhner's Ghost.... As Arnold used to say in his strong Brooklyn accent: " Chunky-What a chunk of chocolate".

  4. I wouldn't be surprised by that, either, Hammer. That's why the decision needed to be, in the spring, we will sign Judge or trade him. Now Yankees management is at the mercy of events.

    But if they really think that a 2023 OF of Hicks, Tots, and Beni will lead to anything but a mass desertion of fans—especially ifs Judge goes to Queens—they are out of their teeny-tiny, non-baseball minds.

  5. And Hammer, you're right about that financially intelligent, high price.

    But everyone might not be making the same calculation. If Steve Cohen decides, hey, it's worth overpaying in order to break the Yankees' hold on the city...all of HAL's "rationality" won't mean a damned thing.

  6. Besides what has Judge done for us lately?

  7. @Hoss, for sure, everyone will end up making different calculations. There's a zillion different ways to determine value of an investment: comparing what similar players get (comparables); doing a cost/benefit analysis; analyzing the cost of alternative options, etc. And of course there are intangibles with this kind of thing. You can have wildly different high numbers amongst the competitors.

    In the end, it always comes down to the simple idea of how much the seller demands and how much you're willing to pay. Which is why it's not out of the realm of possibility that someone comes in and blows the Yankee offer right out of the water.

  8. If Judge leaves, they'll go with Tots Bader in CF; maybe a combination of Stanton/Carpenter in RF; and maybe they'll bring in a free agent to play LF.

    Isn't Benintendi's contract done after this year? And I take it Hicks will be the 4th outfielder/emergency CF.

    The free agent outfielder they bring in will make 10% of what Judge gets, if that. HAL saves half a billion dollars and Brain Cashman gets congratulated on a job well done, along with a nice raise.

    If they hadn't done the Bader deal, they would've had to face the possibility of signing a free agent CF and a free agent LF or RF. It's even possible that they would need an entire outfield, CF, RF, LF. That would have left management in extremely poor bargaining position with all free agents, be they Judge or anyone else. So the Bader acquisition really helps them tamp down costs. Risk management.

  9. Marinacchio sent down. Another moronic move by an idiot front office and field manager.

    I've almost had it with this team. They suck on and off the field now.

  10. Buhner's Ghost, it is definitely a tribute to Arnold Stang, as my avatar now shows you.


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