Sunday, August 7, 2022

Punt This!

Escutcheon by the late great Wes Jenkins. 

The final comment on yesterday's game thread was this from Publius in reference to what the Yankees might be thinking. Basically, he surmises that they are punting August... (Doesn't mean he likes it BTW)

"So, play shit baseball for a while, who cares? Get Rizzo, Bader and Stanton back around Labor Day, then all will be well. A marathon not a sprint, be ready for October, etc., etc. We shall see."

If that's true, then double fuck them. (That’s if they can remember what a double looks like.)

The Yankees refer to themselves as a product all the time. They are. One that fans pays top dollar to see.

It's like a Broadway show deciding to rest their leads, "Hugh Jackman's knees are a little stiff let's let the understudy do a few weeks. We'll have him back in time for the Tonys."

If the Yankees are going to mail it in it might be sound strategy but tickets don't go to half price just because they decide to be half assed. 

The team they put on the field yesterday was an abomination. 

Since we like to do Tom Waits lyrics here’s one from, “The Piano Has Been Drinking”

And the lightman's blind in one eye
And he can't see out of the other

In other words, six guys that can’t hit and neither can the other three.

Oh, guess who got sent down today? Ron Marinaccio. Because our pen is so stellar.

It boggles the mind.

In the meantime, the Astros will pass them this week. The Dodgers already have. The Mets will have them beat by Thursday and I have to sit and read headlines in the NY dailys like, "The not-so secret formula that has led to Mets' major culture shift” and "Max Scherzer Ks 11, pitches Mets past Braves for DH sweep”.


Gleyber as the cleanup hitter? Don’t they see, (Which is more than Gleyber does. Maybe the Yankees need to do a sponsorship with Sterling Optical so he can get some free glasses.) that he becomes a completely different hitter when he thinks he’s supposed to hit a HR?  

I still think they tried to get rid of him at the deadline in the deal for Lopez except that he wasn’t the deal breaker for us, he was the deal breaker for THEM…


  1. Nacho sent down due to roster crunch. More Crashman idiocy, as he’s been our best reliever. Why not just DFA Abreu? Oh that’s right- crash likes to keep him around to show how “clever” he is. Thanks Monty for sticking your thumb in his eye last night.

    RE: today’s lineup, 4-9 (excl Trevino) a black hole of suckitude. Donaldson your cleanup hitter du jour. I won’t be watching the game, but advance metrics show the team performs much better when I’m not watching. So - take advantage and enjoy the game today!

  2. Doug, you said it well. What do the Yankees think? Analytics, analytics, analytics, stay under the salary cap. The Yankees will get what they deserve in the playoffs, an early exit. You mentioned Stanton, AKA Tissue Mon. You said around labor day. I understand he is due to come back in the series vs The Red Sox. However, trips to the bathroom and making dinner, can be dangerous to Stanton's health. If Stanton were to return today, VS. The Cardinals, he does not hit for a month. He was not hitting before he was "tired," at least that is what the truthless Yankees told us. Two hits, with Barren Hicks batting sixth, Lacastro eighth and Nohitgoshioka ninth. Kyle did have one of the two hits. Let's not forget Mr. 220, Josh Donaldson. "The hits do not matter, it is the team who scores more runs," from the Moron Manager. "In fact, Boone should enter politics. Um Uh like you know, I like what I saw." "We hit some balls hard." Let's not leave out The Genius who concocted this roster. Cashman is a Geek with his cute comments. Do not despair, Cheapskate and Clueless Hal will re-upt The Genius and along with that, praise for the manager and faithful following of Mike Fishman and his analytics. No World Series appearances, Yankees Fans. Thank you, Doug.

  3. Not only are they punting August, they've taken a chance on punting the entire season. You talk about hubris. This was hubris, defined. Well, they got the guy they wanted, so more power to them, what can I say.

    They do a lot of weird stuff, this Yankee management. Another weird thing earlier in the year was the Aaron Judge arbitration hearing during the season. And they weren't even that far apart. For a few million dollars, which is peanuts for ownership, they were willing to drag that out to an arbitration hearing by internet on a Friday morning, with Judge getting dressed in a suit and waiting by his computer. Your best player deserves to have that kind of thing settled before the season starts, I should think.

    And with that kind of bullshit already going on, do you have any faith in management that they'll handle the Judge contract negotiations with any kind of class? No, they're getting out the search and destroy cavalry: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like ... victory!"

    Hell, Judge may very well decide that he wants to win a World Series before he retires, and that going elsewhere would improve his chances infinitely. I wouldn't blame him.

    Next year, we'll have Hader in CF; a combination of Stanton and Carpenter playing RF; and a rather inexpensive free agent for LF. HAL will have saved almost half a billion dollars.


  4. I am curious to see how Montas does today.

    I really am.

    Truly - no Fooly.

    (I also wish that I could post images into my comments. Truly - No Fooly)

  5. I hate our management and half the players to varying degrees. Fuck this.


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