Saturday, August 27, 2022

Game Thread: The Magic Number is 28!



  1. Nice Glove Pic, Doug!

    So I purchased a Yankees cap in Oakland A's colors back in 2020 to wear to a game (Green top, yellow bill, white NY logo) but the Pandemic kept me away from the ballpark.

    Now, looking at the cap - as fun as it would have been (I wore a Yankees Red Sox cap to Fenway many times and the double takes were priceless) I think the ship has sailed on the Oakland cap.

    Tomorrow I will be just representing the Yankees - straight up.

    (however I won't be sporting a festering tattoo on my foot of Hal and Cash fist bumping)

  2. I took it at the Hall of Fame.

  3. So as brought up in the previous thread, Crapman on the 15 day with an INFECTED TATTOO.
    If this is a phantom stint,it’s the most outrageous yet. If not, let’s just cut to the chase and DFA his detestable ass. He’s gone after the season anyway.

  4. bornto,

    I agree. But they should imply that they might do it but not do it until he's about to come off the IL. In other words... let him sweat it out.

  5. Nice indeed, Doug K.!

    Rizzuto played back in the days when you left your glove out on the field, and he was mortally afraid of spiders and of course his teammates spent all their time filling his glove with spiders and snakes.

    Though considering the sorts of hazing things ballplayers used to do to guys they LIKED, I wonder how true some of those stories were.

    "Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm terrified of bugs, gee willikers!" ["Sure, that's my big phobia, I'll cop to it. Just don't cut all my suits to shreds, saw my bats in half, or take a dump in my locker."]

  6. I think they should pitch him even in the delirium of his infection. He might improve.

  7. Five no-hit innings. Again. Against a 27-year-old rookie, a part-time reliever who is 2-6 this year, with a 6.41 ERA.

    You will never convince me that, in games like these, the team hasn't simply lost its concentration. This to me, more than all the various things he's ordered to do, is the worst thing about Boone. He cannot motivate this team to stay focused.

    Harder to do these days, I know. But outstanding clubhouse managers do it.

  8. And hey, Atlanta finally managed to rommel Monty: 5 earned runs in as many innings.

  9. A lot of people complain about the Trop in St. Pete, but to me, the shithole stadium that beats all is in Oakland. An abomination with ridiculously large foul territories and seats oriented for watching football. A few more years and the A's will have new digs or a new city.

  10. Where's Oswaldo? In no man's land between second and third.

  11. Wait. Chapman is on the IL? With a tat infection?

    Sometimes I just love this team.

  12. German's curve ball has been sick tonight.

  13. And let's here it for Baltimore beating the Fuckstros 2 nights in a row.

  14. Britton also hurt himself in a minor league appearance tonight after throwing 10 pitches.

  15. Winnie

    According to the YES broadcast he (Britton) tweeted that he's OK

  16. Impressive the way German has been throwing lately.

    You know, Rizzo brings a lot to the table, leadership, professionalism, great defense. LH power that plays so well in YS (not as good elsewhere) but overall - he’s really not a good hitter anymore. Come October against better pitching, I think he becomes just another hole in a lineup full of them.

    Looks like we’re going to be shutout again tonight.

  17. It’s weird that they didn’t obfuscate an embarrassing injury. That means they either HATE HIM or the truth is crazy embarrassing so they need an embarrassing distraction. So they hate him or it’s monkeypox.

  18. Not a pretty picture.

    Are we going to lose this game because we're facing Cy Young? We can't hit this hillbilly? For fuck's sake.

  19. Lasagna with the goddamn Kimbrel arm again.

  20. I'd still rather see Ratso Rizzo than Jackie Robinson Donaldson batting with the game on the line.

    PS Boone sucks.
    PPS the Cashole (tm) sucks
    PPPS fuck you HAL

  21. And Chapman monkeypox would keep the tabs in business for months.

  22. JM,

    At least Lasagna doesn't have that ugly as fuck Kimbrel mug.

  23. Bonehead overthinks the pitching and gets bailed out by the umps.

  24. JM,

    I think Mariachi is actually Henry Hill. An old Spy magazine separated at birth.

  25. Fucking Puke ayatollah lookalike is uglier than a mud fence.

  26. Ayatollah screwed the pig on that one.

  27. That was great base running by Benni and Donaldson.

  28. Of course, we don't have anyone to close a game, so we'll still lose.

  29. I wish I was living on the east coast. I’d be happily, ignorantly asleep by now.

  30. If I had any brains, that's what I'd be.

  31. Ah, screw it. I'm too tired for this shit. See ya tomorrow.

  32. Oakland may win this one - Based on my advanced metrics

  33. Marinaccio cannot throw strikes. Boone finally figured out someone else get a chance to play.

  34. JM, that's a great plan. Go to bed disappointed. Won't be any in the morning.

  35. Never give up - Never surrender WININ!

  36. They might win if they can score 5 in the top of the inning.

    Time to stare at the inside of my eyelids.

  37. whoopsie - ANOTHER INNING - JM - break out that cocaine from the 80's in your 35mm film canister - No one will ever know

  38. What are you seeing ROOFUS in those eyelids? Can you see the future? Can you see Donald Trump's Arse? Please let us know


  39. Here comes Wanda, who will be the next reliever to visit the IL - he’s getting used up like a junkies needle.

  40. DA - Maybe he'll give up a HR on his 3rd pitch - those saving his arm


  41. Looks like it’s just you and me AA

  42. It might be time to put a favorite Vincent Price movie, "Scream and Scream Again".

  43. Thank you, you humps, now I can go to bed. Rizzo whiffed on the throw. The bullpen is a disgrace.

  44. Yes - Rizzo should have gotten in front of that throw - but still - I need to know what Dick is drinking so I can get that taken care of

  45. If the Yankees lose tomorrow and split with Oakland, there goes The Great Reset.

  46. I'll be there so I will do my best to not let this happen

  47. One hit by the lowly A's, so I guess we have reverted to the uninspiring.

  48. Wow, just thought I'd check back. Boy, so glad I did NOT see that live.

    Incredible that they would not even try a bunt with a man on third, nobody out, and no hitters coming up. With a 2-0 lead.

    And again. One hit?

    Sorry, that's bullshit. That's "everybody got drunk last night." Or this afternoon. Or laid. Many, many times.

    You gotta keep the boys concentrating until they clinch something. If you can't, you're not a major-league manager. Which Boone, really, is not.

  49. Also, I agree on Rizzo. He's done. I thought that, with the right field gift porch, he might be a reasonable facsimile of Freddie Freeman.

    But he isn't, and he won't be. Rizzo on the road is a .211 hitter, with 10 HRs. Freeman is a .313 hitter at home—and .337 on the road. On the year, Freeman is leading the NL in doubles and hits, is a .326 hitter with a .919 OPS.

    Rizzo? 28 HRs, but just .224—less, after tonight—and .825.

    The difference?

    Rizzo has a $16 mill player's option for next year, which I guess he'll take, and then turn in another poor, injury-riddled year before retiring.

    Freeman is owed another $135 million over the next 5, and he'll probably start to deteriorate but maybe not too much, as the Dodgers continue to field an all-star team every year, the way we used to do.

    The Yanks will stick DJ at first for $15 million a year for the next 3 after Rizzo is gone, and HAL will dance a little jig, figuring that he's saved himself $74 million. Sadly, that's how this team operates now.

  50. Magic number to get eliminated in the Playoffs?

  51. Hoss, how grimly cynical your analysis is, I for one believe that you've nailed it...


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