Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ouch. Aroldis Chapman wins the Henry Cotto Injury Award, Zack Britton's butt is barking, and the Yankees just lost to the worst team in the AL

Once upon a time, a fellow named Henry Cotto - then a 25-year-old, up-and-coming Yankee OF - unwrapped a Q-Tip swab and became a sporting legend. The story goes that Cotto was sitting on the bench, coaxing Shrek-like wax from his auditory canal and eustachian tube, when Ken Griffey - the father, not the son - accidentally bumped into him, rupturing his eardrum. 

This was the mid-1980s, a time measured in Mike Pagliarulo HRs and Matt Nokes passed balls, back when George Steinbrenner was hailed for building the worst team money could buy. Ever since, Henry Cotto has been a generational touchstone for idiotic baseball injuries, and there have been some great ones. (My fave, after Cotto, is John Smoltz, who supposedly burned himself while ironing his shirt - while wearing it.)

So, yesterday, former Yankee closer Aroldis Chapman joined this elite Darwin Club. Amid a career existential crisis, El Chapo got himself a brand new tramp stamp, yet another tattoo in his continuing quest to become a Ray Bradbury character. What was it, you wonder? A Yankee logo? A drawing of mom? Or maybe Jose Altuve, being clubbed in a garbage pail? Actually, it doesn't matter. The problem is that the tattoo became infected, sending Chapman to the Mystery Injury List, to rub Mazola onto his boiling sores for the next two weeks. We won't see him again until mid-September, when he might get a chance to make the postseason roster, though that looks increasingly dim. Cue the "Oh, shucks" tapes. That's Chinatown, Jake. You can't predict skin care, Suzyn.

For Yankee fans, the loss of Chapman is not the hideous, awful, terrible news it used to be. That's because El Chapo isn't the pitcher he used to be. I believe his next appearance was going to be after Wipeout Weissert had been used up, which would happen after Luke Bard was done, following Albert Abreu's return, with Josh Donaldson warming in the pen. In other words, a blowout game with absolutely nothing on the line beyond curiosity, for people to see what will happen.  

This would be tough news, if it weren't so comical. As it is, we must laugh. The juju gods must think we aren't on to them. It happened on a day when another once-great bullpen hope - Zack Britton - tweaked something in his 34-year-old butt during a minor league rehab assignment in Tampa. Britton was already a longshot to pitch in 2022. Now, he looks like a practical joke, as did the entire Yankee team last night. 

Last night, we lost to the worst team in the AL, unable to coax two hits out of the A's waxen eardrums. Well, maybe it doesn't matter. Tampa lost, so we still picked up ground within the division. But be careful, you clean-ear enthusiasts out there: Bad news comes in threes, we have no closer, and Henry Cotto lives. 


  1. Amen, Duque! And I loved the Illustrated Man reference.

  2. 15 days just happens to be the quarantine period for monkey pox...


    Fuck this is getting tedious...



  4. Yes ditto on the Illustrated Man shout out.

    Maybe the tattoo was supposed to be of Home Plate and the tattoo artist kept missing it.

  5. It looks like German Munster is now the team ace. What a sad and lackluster team built by El Cheapo Steinbrenner!

  6. Dave Stewart was fighting back laughter yesterday when discussing the tattoo injury/infection during the pre-game coverage.

    Originally reported to be a tattoo of his sister on his foot/leg - perhaps the tattoo artist was instead tasked with creating the illusion of pools of glistening sweat that had collected on the tops of his feet and got a bit carried away.

    Today's game has a pre-game ceremony celebrating THE STREAK - so my posse has to arrive extra early.

    I'd post photos if I could but will try to live update anything interesting that might occur . . .

  7. Who knew he still had available canvas?

    And Schmutz has never been accused of being the brightest person in a two man elevator.

  8. What kind of narcissistic asshole gets a tattoo in the middle of a pennant race? I guess the same kind that beats women and gets away with it. DFA this vulpine POS!

  9. Is Chapman's tattoo that of a moron to suit him?

  10. @borntorun999, Really some arcane language on this site. I had to look up the definition of "vulpine". Says fox-like, clever, etc. A bit mystifying, is there some street slang meaning to vulpine that I'm missing? LOL Keep bringing them on everybody! It's more entertaining than the Yankees!

  11. Last night was an embarrassment in a month of embarrassments. Make that two months. How this team can score 13 runs, then 3, then 2 (and only on the ineptitude of the opponent) is beyond explanation. But that's this team. No consistency. And consistency (think Dodgers), I think, is the hallmark of teams that win the World Series. We ain't that.

  12. @JM, 13 runs but aided by Kiprelian's 6 BBs and 7 hits in 2+ innings. So if a pitcher doesn't self destruct, then it's a 3 run HR by Judge and nothing else in Game 2. Then absolutely nothing last night. What'll they do for an encore today? Perfect game? 27 strikeouts in 27 at-bats? Or will it be 18 runs in 4 innings?

  13. I've read from reliable sources that Chapman's tattoo was a picture of a garage riddled with shotgun holes. Hmm, what is that all about?

  14. Hammer, “vulpine” in general terms means of or relating to a fox. It can also be extended to mean sly and cunning, especially in a vicious way. Chapman has, well, outfoxed the team by being the highest paid relieve in the game with questionable results, viciously beat his ex without consequence, then slyly grins his evil grin when he loses the game. I’m not going so far as to say the tat in question was that of a grinning fox, but I won’t say it wasn’t.

  15. We got 4 hits today. And a run. So all is not lost.


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