Sunday, August 28, 2022

Hey Matt Blake...

Last night the Yankees only got one hit off of a mediocre pitcher. I understand that they only struck out five times but...

Instead of just "hitting strikes hard" maybe the Yankees should take a look at this. 

(Picture taken at the  Hall of Fame)


  1. What an epically disgusting boring affair that was last night - another well pitched game wasted - only one hit the entire 11 freaking innings! Wow, freaking disaster! No wonder they can't hit Verlander or anyone else who knows how to pitch. They only hit terrible pitchers who have terrible games. And when a terrible pitcher has a good game, fudgedaboutit!

    So if they hadn't brought up Oswaldo Cabrera, would that have been a no-hitter?

    Even if this team does somehow sneak into the playoffs, they're going to get no-hit, no-win swept right out of the playoffs.

    And it's games like that one last night that feed the negativity here. You'd have to be high on drugs to think that anything positive is possible this year. High on drugs or Aaron Boone.

  2. Rizzo, Torres, Higashioka, IK-ground ball to short-F all looked terrible last night. Imagine them against October’s superior pitching! The beknighted denizens of this blog, weary but determined, continue to speak the truth into the indifferent media void, like digital versions of Jimmy Stewart from “Mr Smith Goes To Washington “.

    Enjoy the next six weeks, with a reward of a playoff spot hanging like the autumn moon.

    Gonna be a cold October.

  3. Many .220 hitters equals less and less hits in a game. This lineup scores 13 runs and then nothing in the next two games. Cheapdom and the need to spend less has cost. Freddie Freeman is hitting 100 points higher than Rizzo. Rizzo has been good. However, .228 is .228.

  4. How exactly does one achieve a high off of Aaron Boone?

    Inquiring minds are somewhat curious to know.

  5. LOL, my apologies, AboveAverage! I should've specified that you have to be high on drugs or you must be Aaron Boone to think positively of this team.

  6. Do they still lead the league in runs scored? Amazing stat. Tells you all you need to know about stats. You won't find the truth in stats, no matter how hard you look.

  7. @EDB, Rizzo has got to start hitting more normally and stop trying to uppercut moonshots. .228 doesn't cut it. I remember Jason Giambi with his .220 average and 40 homers a year. Terrible. That won't do it in the playoffs.


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