Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Joey, We Hardly Knew Ye

So Joey is gone now, leaving behind all sorts of lamentations as to how he fared in New York, including what some read as a reasonable indictment of Yankees fans for all our booing.

(I haven't actually been to a Yankees game this year, but I booed lustily from home.)

What can we tell poor Joe, who really seemed at the end of his tether this past week? New York is a tough town. Mickey Mantle got booed here. So did Derek Jeter. So—unforgivably—did another Joe, DiMaggio.

Gallo claimed that, while living in Manhattan, he would not even leave his apartment, so intimidated was he by the prospect of running into a disgruntled fan. (I swear, I had no idea where he lived!)

There is, to be sure, no excuse for harassing a player off the field, and no excuse for the sort of language we fans fling at some players—along with actual objects.  

That sort of behavior is beyond the pale.

But Joey actually seems shocked that people booed at all. I guess they don't do that in Texas. 

He expressed his feeling that he couldn't get untracked because he was used to playing everyday, which is silly. He  did play everyday, until he absolutely played his way out of this job.

He pointed out that he had "always been" a "Three True Outcomes" sort of player, which is a somewhat more legitimate complaint. Gallo is a terrible reflection on the lords of baseball, people so enamored of statistics that they have ripped the heart out of the game, and reduced to the increasingly boring spectacle it has become.

No doubt, Joey was encouraged not to change a thing, even as his average kept plunging, and the strikeouts kept coming.

But the truth of the matter is still that Joey did nothing to help himself, while his game went into a death spiral—even by "Three True Outcomes" standards. In New York, his batting average dropped 62 points below his (already low, low) lifetime average, while his OPS fell by 173 points.  Nor did he look anything like the Gold Glove outfielder he has been in the past.

Trot out all the Sabremetrics you like.  He still stunk.

Of course, nobody likes to be booed. Or to be run out of a city in disgrace. (In one of his sadder complaints, Gallo lamented that his parents would now have to come and clean out his Manhattan apartment for him. Hey, Joey, there are people who will do that for you now—but like so many of these man-children orbiting our celebrity circuits, he's still clinging to Mom and Dad.)

But the fact is that Joey doesn't play for good ol' State, and we fans are not his teammates, pulling for him to do well no matter what.  

Ballplayers today are right-wingers almost to a man, products of a no-excuses culture that has little sympathy for failure. Well, fair enough. Except that they seem absolutely mystified when some expresses dissatisfaction with their own performance.

According to baseballreference, Joey Gallo has made nearly $23 million in major-league salary alone in his young life. At 28, he is among the very richest individuals ever to exist. I know the money doesn't make you good, but it should make you understand that today—in a society where people are routinely downsized even though they did their work diligently and well—there is limited sympathy in return.

We—even those of us who are not fans—are now forced to pay extortionate subsidies for our sports teams. And extortionate prices for tickets, concessions, souvenirs, and even television and streaming services. Forgive us, dear Joey, if we expect some kind of entertainment value in return, and are impatient when we don't get it.

But you took the money, and now you need to play the game.  




  1. Let's hope we take advantage of the ABs now that he's gone.

    Because at the end of the day - THAT - my friends is what its all about.

  2. If we keep pushing the racist narrative, maybe MLB will force Hal to sell or Cashman becomes the fall guy? Everyone needs a fall guy!

  3. Why is it that Benintendi is wearing a leg brace? Why is it that he can't run hard to first base? Why is it that he is now 1-14 as a Yankee?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  4. Trevino *was* a good pickup. Because the intern needed to correct his previous blunder.

  5. I have this feeling that the New York Yankees are going to lose tonight's game . . .

  6. Is it just me or does Benintendi suck. or perhaps he is doing the banjo hitter's imitation of Joey Gallo. He does not look comfortable, and he seems to have no clue about how to hit the ball hard.

  7. And...maybe he just stinks.

    My question on our acquiring him was, what happened to his power and his ability to run? We now have the answer. He's yet another pig in a poke, grabbed by our Brian.

  8. Benny tendy (can't be bothered to correct) is not a bad player. Certainly an upgrade from Joey Callo.

    I don't hate Callo, but the intern should have known.

  9. Not everyone can handle New York…

  10. The Yanks traded Gallo? Great trade! Who did we get?

  11. Love Effross' expression on that ball that almost went out.

    Yeah, I can see this guy in a Game 7...

  12. Smart move by the Mariners, bringing their closer in now, in the 7th, to pitch to the heart of our order.

  13. fingers are crossed here - Lets get that HR call, BENDY!

  14. John has called him Benny multiple times this inning. It’s a total set up for Molto Benny.

  15. BTW the rare bird sighting column in our local newspaper is only interesting because the are rare birds.

  16. I have zero confidence that Benintendi will ever amount to a hill of beans with the Yankees. His best years are already behind him.

  17. That’s said the “playing old team” excuse is over and I’m already worried that he suddenly sucks. Pinstripe suckiness syndrome. It’s an early onset disease. You can diagnose it thi early.

  18. Beau,

    Back to the old avatar?

    Oh, and the Yankees will lose.

    Because we have too much hope.

  19. Fuck. For your listening pleasure, go back to the comments on the previous post.

  20. To me, something seemed off with Benni from his very first AB. Perhaps he needs time to settle in. But right now the stench of failure is wafting around these deadline deals, topped off by the stench of the Bader deal. There is a very real chance Bader does not play at all this year. It just doesn’t make sense no matter how you slice it.

  21. Bottom of the order in the bottom of the 9th.

  22. I shouldn’t expect this on him… poor Aaron. I will be disappointed.

  23. aaaaand that’s your game as Torres whiffs to end it.

  24. Gallo is what is wrong with Baseball. GM's what the Homerun and nothing else. He sucks!

  25. Tonight was a preview of playoff baseball—and it did not go well.

    A good team, playing hard to win, with a smart manager making daring choices...

    We can't beat them in a playoff series, never mind Houston.

  26. If you want to blow your mind, find a copy of Neil Merryweather 's Space Rangers and listen to Eight Miles High.

    I'm spaced, man.

  27. We lost, but what a glorious day… someone actually took Gallo off our hands. How the hell did they pull that off?

  28. What time did it happen? I need to mark 24 hours Gallo-free. It’s like the first time I took Valtrex and realized it was really working.

    There’s a fucking cricket in my house so I could up all night celebrating Gallo’s exit.

  29. Channeling the Intern:

    The Gallo trade was easy.

    People in Southern California don't pay much attention to the toxic realities of life.

    So they they really weren't up to speed on Gallo's stats from the last 13 months.

    They still think of him as a productive three outcome player.

    So it was easy to move him.

    Ten months from now they may feel bad about the trade.

    But they'll find a way through it.

  30. No farm system can be so depleted as to warrant a trade for Joey Gallo. Is the Dodgers' GM someone's son-in-law or horse-breeding partner?

  31. And we get to lose to Castillo today.

  32. It has to be worse than horse breeding buddy. maybe someone was caught getting bred by a horse, aka Catherine the Grear.


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