Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Jordan Montgomery, gone? For a centerfielder with a bum foot, nicknamed "Tots?"

 I do not understand this. 

And then there is this nugget of statistical analysis.


  1. The Brain has once again outdone himself. Out-fucking done himself, I should say. And why for a lefty starter? I don't get that Montgomery doesn't make the playoff roster. If I was making out the playoff roster, he's on it. They do need pitching, and even though he didn't pitch particularly well during his Yankee career, he was certainly arguably better than Taillon.

  2. This was an incredibly stupid trade. Wasn't Damon's career derailed by the same injury?

    Monty for nothing (and his chicks for free)


  3. I do not understand this, not even one scintilla.

    If we had given Montgomery any kind of run support, he'd be compared to Andy Pettite.


  4. And even if they do trade Monty, this is what they get in return? Incredible.

  5. Monty for Bader was obviously a preparatory move, ahead of or perhaps even part of another deal to get a big time pitcher. But Cash didn't pull that part of it off. It bears repeating, Brian Cashman is a man with a 115 IQ in an industry full of guys with 130 IQs.

  6. It may be the most inexplicable trade that Cashman has ever made.

  7. Although Publius, you may have the explanation, right there. It DOES look like half a deal—with, say, Hicks to go somewhere else.

    But obviously, that didn't come off. OR—maybe Hicks is about to return to the DL.

    But still—Montgomery is too high a price.

  8. The first place Yankees, whose biggest weakness is the starting rotation, just lost a reliable if unspectacular left-handed starter in exchange for a glove first centerfielder, whose profile isn't much different than their AAA centerfielder (Locastro), and who isn't available until September (if ever). Baffling, until one realizes Cashman is simply and routinely outclassed.

  9. Pub -

    I agree. There was another piece to this that fell through perhaps Rondon or the guy from the Marlins and Brain pulled the trigger before he had the final piece in place.

  10. That's why he looked so sad and beat up at his conference.

  11. Inexplicable otherwise, Hoss and Doug. The latest in a loooong line of firing offenses. He'd resign if he had an ounce of pride.

  12. "He'd resign if he had an ounce of pride."


    Please make this the chyron. Until the intern does the right thing.

  13. Truly unfortunate - And we're playing really badly tonight as well.

  14. RufUS and Dookie - If you do make it the chyron (hehehe) please peg it to Cashman

  15. A minor note, but RailRiders radio booth saying Miggy barely got out of box on two ground outs tonight, and Scranton's faithful booed the lack of effort after the second.

  16. He's a broken man. The Yankees didn't trade him.

  17. Listen to Bitty! Listen to Bitty!


  18. I was positive that The Team would have done everything to gain another starter. But to trade one away, for a gimp, hard to fathom... Maybe we'll see some of these touted AAA pitchers.... haahahahahahahaha

  19. I LOVED Monty but Bader is the kind of player Yankee fans will fall in love with. Plays all out all the time, highlight reel catches in CF, great arm throwing out runners trying to advance. Steals bases, we NEED guys like this on the team. I think Schmidt has been great, has earned a shot and eventually will fill Monty's spot. I love having a LHP in Yankee stadium and we traded our top LHP prospects but we need a grinder like BADER on this team. All players get injured, don't judge him on that .. The Yankees didn't go in and offer Monty, I'm sure St Louis requested him ..

  20. What's it matter whether the Yanks shopped Monty or St. Louis requested him? Brain-less was dumb enough to trade for a guy who currently can't walk and most likely will have chronic foot problems. Wow, the Cardinals must be laughing all the way to the bank!

    Even if Bader eventually does play, this is not an even trade. The Cards should've been required to take on Stanton's contract, or at least half of it. To trade straight up, a healthy lefty starter for a guy with a broken foot, Wow.


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