Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sonny Montas.



  1. Cashman might want to rethink the notion that trading with Oakland is a good idea.

  2. He'll be on the DL by Wednesday.

  3. Such beautifully symmetrical karma--Monty's revenge in shutting out the Coops nine, and now the immediate nosedive of his replacement in the rotation. Here's to Brian Cashman, the wrong-way Corrigan of baseball GMs.

    1. To be fair Monty was fresh off his own 6 run meltdown pitching for us as well but....Montas first impression blows

  4. I think he is the 2022 version of Jeff Weaver. Because One of the pitchers they gave up will be Ted Lilly and in 2-3 years, they will wish they had him. Too bad they didn't get Chris Montez, "Call Me" was a great song, Sinatra's version was the best. But I digress.

  5. This team is just playing flat-out weird, now. DJ has been having a terrific year, he is NOT a problem. But why that curious run on his double, precluding any chance of getting to third? He slowed up approaching first, then slowed up approaching second, as the ball rolled to the wall.


  6. Kaye is not only a homer--he's an abject homer. "Donaldson JUST MISSED hitting a three-run homer!" on a ball that was foul by twenty feet.


  7. Whoa! Wait!

    Horace, somebody abducted you, hacked your account, and promised never to come back here ever again!

    Thank goodness you're safe!

  8. Hey, I didn't say I would NEVER come back...:)

    But what a day to do so!

    Nobody in the entire park seems to have any energy. Which is understandable, considering the heat. But yes, Montas: 3 whole innings!!!

    Yankee ERA: why, it shrunk from 27.00 to 18.00 in just 1 inning!!!

  9. I have to admit, I was morbidly fascinated to see if Donaldson could strike out 3 times in 4 innings against a 40-year-old pitcher. He could not. Because the ball almost hit him.

    But still.

    That sound your heard was Miggy sobbing, because he's not allowed to replace this boeboe.

  10. How the hell is Boone NOT out there on that call?

  11. Holy shit was that a bad call on carpenter

  12. I swear, this asshole has bet on the game.

  13. Hoss - maybe. it's the only thing that could justify sucking on this level.

  14. It's true: Kay is now calling every foul ball as a home run. Desperation seeps out of our very pores.

  15. And...yet another bad call. What a dick.

  16. MLB should take a look at it that's for sure.

  17. If I was Judge after this debacle of a 2nd.half of the year is be "Fuck you Hal I'm asking for 600 million"


  18. I can't believe Boooooone decided to use Abreu AGAIN!!!!!

    But wait, on second thought, it's Booooone, so after careful (and very brief) consideration, I do believe it.

    And if Benintendi isn't in the leadoff spot this coming week, that alleged manager ought to be fired. But knowing him, he'll rest Benny for a few days.

    Who the fuck hired that moron?

  19. I know I’m repeating myself, but - If only the Yankees had some live arms in Triple A they could bring up to keep the bullpen fresh for the stretch run. But what kind of team has the resources and savvy to plan for stuff like that?

  20. Hey, that Sears kid seemed pretty good. Maybe he—

    Oh, right.

  21. Hey at least we got Harrison Bader

  22. This game has gone an inordinate 3 hours and it’s only the sixth inning…

  23. I actually think this could really be a problem, considering how easy it is now to bet online, and on certain plays and batter. All you have to do is arrange for somebody at home to bet on one player—or even one inning—then make sure that happens.

    Not that difficult—and you don't have to leave any kind of betting trail, just a spoken understanding with someone you trust.

  24. HC 66 is once again reaching for the drawer that contains his resignation letter. . . .

  25. Hickox makes Angel Hernandez look like a flawless umpire.

    Great way to give back 3 runs when you've scored 2 to tie it up in the top of the inning.

    The Yankees have collapsed right in front of us. I hear Montefiore Hospital was changing it's name from Einstein-Montefiore to Cashman Montefiore .

  26. This game is on pace to break the record for the longest nine-inning game in MLB history, breaking the previous record, also set by the Yankees:

    From the Guinness Web site:
    30 SEPTEMBER 2020
    The longest 9-inning game (postseason or regular-season) by time in Major League Baseball history was the second game of the Wild-Card Series that lasted 4 hours 50 minutes played between the New York Yankees and the home team Cleveland Indians at Progressive Field, Cleveland, Ohio, (USA) on September 30, 2020. The Yankees were victorious, 10-9. The previous mark had been 4 hours 45 minutes between the Yankees and Boston Red Sox on August 18, 2006.

  27. That call on Benintendi was bullshit

  28. Hicks slightly choking up on bat…

  29. Marwin could easily have bunted for a hit down the third baseline and at the minimum score another run.

  30. Hickox is calling strikes balls and balls strikes against both teams. Is it the power of the union that prevents replacement of incompetents?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Zac Effron is under control for 4 more years!

  33. Wow did Brian fuck up the trade deadline. Trades are supposed to make the team better. (duh!)

    The lead is under ten. By the time they get home it could be in the 5-7 range.

    Epic fail!

  34. Thanks Brian for Fuckin up the Chemistry.... Please sit on your hands or rappell off a building with no rope next trade deadline

  35. At least the carmines are in last place. That's something to be happy about.

    (Looking for the silver lining, and the gin)

  36. There is a way to escape this inevitable collapse:

  37. This is more like the team I thought we’d have back in spring training. They might actually be even worse.

  38. Everybody sing: always look on the bri-ight side of life ....

  39. By the way, Hoss, if nobody has told you lately - we need you around here.

    Love from the whole gang.


  40. Thanks, Bitty! And I wouldn't leave for the world. If only because of you guys.

  41. Thanks, Rufus.

    And what a day today! Almost a clinic in how not to hit in the clutch. Except...the home plate umpiring was SO bad that it's hard to get on the hitters at all. Plus, 9 runs should always be a win.

    Which leaves...

  42. Despite my stick-in-the-mud tendencies when it comes to the traditions of the game - what they might call a "moldy fig" in the jazz world, except that I like free jazz and avant grade as much as I like swing - but when it comes to baseball, I like the traditions, almost as much as I like run-on sentences like this - but for real, I hate the new rules with the heat of a million suns, I hate the commissioner, all that shit - DESPITE THAT - nay, BECAUSE OF THAT - I am finally ready to embrace the robo ump at home plate.



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